
Does sub-HD resolution matter?

CVG: So does a sub-HD rendering resolution matter? In short: not exactly. The lower the resolution, the more you're going to notice it - but it really shouldn't be your first port of complaint.

However, if it's a sign of other game engine problems, then alarm bells might start a'ringing. It's definitely not a coincidence that Killzone 2, Uncharted 2 and God of War III are the best looking games on the PS3 - and all run at 720p.

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Blaze9295108d ago

It matter if you're on a big ass TV. Unacceptable. No idea why Microsoft dropped the 720p requirement for all games.

-Alpha5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

It's funny how this question is suddenly getting rethought after the PS3 version of RDR was proven to be Sub-HD. All of a sudden it doesn't matter?

Just look at the attitude shift when the PS3 gets Sub-HD quality:

http://n4g.com/news/478406/... 360 is last-gen, it's dead, it's for lower class gamers, looks like a Wii game. 12+ agrees, no disagrees.

http://n4g.com/news/525541/... It doesn't matter, no major difference, extra content on PS3 FTW! 25+ agrees.

Anyways, Sub-HD isn't a BIG problem for me. It'd be nice if it wasn't in sub-HD, but graphic whoring has gone way too far and it's become ridiculous that the level of scrutiny has gotten this pointless. It's not even about a big TV. Most people probably don't even notice the difference. I strongly doubt the majority of users have a big TV let alone HD. It's about bragging rights. If something is Sub-HD it automatically means it's inferior to people, which means all sorts of hell be let loose. Look at Alan Wake, and to a lesser extent MGSIV and Halo. If RDR was Sub-HD on 360 I doubt we'd see this article. It's evident from FF13 how badly Sub-HD was ragged on. Yet only after the PS3 version of RDR is known to be in Sub-HD people are downplaying it. Typical.

PiTCHBLaCK5108d ago

It's Ironic that you bring this up, I remember clearly that people saying Graphics and Texture don't matter it was all about gameplay, now Graphics and Textures matter?

5108d ago
sikbeta5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

OF course Resolution Matters.... I'm looking at you RDR and before some x-supporter come here to say "bla...bla... RDR on PS3 Badz, da døømedz", Sub-HD resolution Matters for Every Game, like FF13 576p...


No-1 was hyping The PS3 Version of RDR as the "Best Graphical Showcase ever on PS3", Do you want to see some comments about a Game That Was HYPED as the Freaking Second Coming of God in the Form of a Game?

tplarkin75108d ago

I'm getting tired of the delusional hypocrisy of Sony fanboys.

lowcarb5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

I get what your saying but lets not mix PS3 gamers up with PS3 fanboys. I would much rather prefer HD then SUB HD but in games like RDR and AW it's almost unnoticeable. Hopefully at E3 these haters lose internet connection and quit trying to ruin the fun for everybody.

edit greywulf: STFU...You guys have more heads turning then a hooker on Vegas strip. AW is a technical master piece which of course you would never understand because your stuck in fanboy land.

Ju5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

I don't know why you think it doesn't matter because the PS3 got a Sub-HD game.

I know it matters to me.

Even more so after the leaks of a KZ3. There is just no justification for sub-HD.

The only "reason" I see is multiplatform and not wanting to invest into technology which want's to push (either) platform - or one just can't be pushed - and the other has to live with the consequences.

Reality is, would R* invest into technology like Guerilla does with KZ3, RDR/PS3 would be a different game.

lowcarb5108d ago

You make the world of KZ3 the size of RDR and then try and keep it at 720p. There's obviously a difference in big games compared to smaller ones. Funny how there such a blind eye on this lol.

-Alpha5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

First of all Grey, thank you for being the only one to actually step forward and give a response to me. We may not agree but I appreciate your effort in having a discussion. For that I'll bubble you up. Now, I don't think you got my point:

This is not about RDR and hype, but the general attitude towards graphics.

"I find it funny that You and every other 360 fan on this site is pretending that Alan Wake didn't take 6 years to make, to show up subhd/bad texturing/tearing."

It's amazing how you only attack me and quickly label me as "one of those 360 guys" anytime I dare defend the 360. This "us or them" mentality is all part of what I'm talking about when it comes to graphics. And where have I EVER said AW didn't take 6 years to make? I'm completely disappointed in AW's linearity after hearing about it since even before the PS3 existed. Please stop assuming that JUST because I defend the 360 in this case that I'm some 360-only fan who hyped AW. This kind of mentality is JUST the problem I'm talking about. I do not care for the consoles one bit, but I do not like flip-flopping attitudes. If you have a principle about Sub-HD, stick to it instead of turning around and acting like it doesn't matter when it suits you. Why is it that every time something anti-PS3 is said people are quick to label me as a 360 fanboy? You people have such a fragile sensitivity to the PS3. Make fun of the 360 and you get bubbled up. Make fun of the PS3, and you get called a troll. I've see it countless times where people are absolutely close minded to any sort of PS3 criticism on this site. And I've seen people go to the point where they called the Sub-HD RDR graphics "more realistic" than the HD ones. Yeah, that's right. Doubt me, and I'll attempt to find the link for you. You will NEVER get this with the 360. There is zero tolerance for the 360 here.

This is exactly how the general attitude has been with RDR.

This has nothing to do with hype. There is an attitude that better graphics= be all and end all.

I cited to you EVIDENCE of people dissing the 360 SOLELY for graphics, yet, when RDR ALSO gets Sub-HD graphics all of a sudden that smug attitude about the 360 being "last gen" and being incapable of HD is traded for "oh, it's not a big deal".

There is an attitude with graphics that, if a game looks great, it's all that matters! It's a plague in this industry: Whatever happened to when graphics didn't matter but gameplay and quality were as important? Now we have these overly simplified mindless games, but god bless the industry for the graphics!

I understand that Alan Wake was hyped. But why this double standard where HD matters one minute and not the next? Why do people insist on battling fanboy logic with more fanboy logic? I understand 360 fans hyped AW, but approve of this "Sub-HD is worthless and makes game look last gen" attitude that was CLEARLY endorsed with FF13 (click the link I provided), and then turn around and say it doesn't matter when it happens to a PS3 game? Instead of attacking a console attack the reasoning behind the attitudes. If you looked at my message I used MGSIV and Halo as other examples. Sub-HD is blown out of proportion. Yes, HD is great, but people are so wound up in how a game looks that people forget about the other factors of a game. As I said to Blaze I sincerely doubt half of these people in care about HD as most don't own TV's big enough to even notice a difference. It's all a mindless battle over miniscule things.

SpinalRemains1385108d ago

The real issue isn't sub HD by itself. The issue people are discussing is when an exclusive title is sub HD. I think that's a big no no when speaking in terms of developing for this gen. You have a team dedicated to one console. Max that shit out.

piroh5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

if Naughty Dog take care about RDR it could be 1080p, but Microsoft can't do anything with Alan Wake, they have weak hardware

on topic: resolution is important, but more important is polygon count. i rather play 720p KillZone 2 where are millions of polygons, than Tetris in FullHD

bobcostus5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Are you serious man? I've never seen someone type so much idiocy. How the hell can you judge an entire consoles life cycle by one game?

Sure, Alan wake is sub-HD, but it's graphics definitely aren't bad. Just the same way that RDR's graphics on PS3 aren't bad. You try to pretend that you aren't a fan-boy, but you are the worst kind. You are a fan-boy AND a hypocrite. Grow up.

Edit: Seems everyone agrees, your post is now hidden for spam.

ColdFire5108d ago

Different websites.

Personally I do all my gaming at native 1050p, I'm so used to it I find anything below 1050p looks very strange. But I guess it also depends partly on what screen/TV you are using.

raztad5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

"It's funny how this question is suddenly getting rethought after the PS3 version of RDR was proven to be Sub-HD. All of a sudden it doesn't matter?"

That's not true. Even Digital Foundry tried to say resolution wasnt very important:


"... but in the context of Alan Wake's visual make-up, it's simply not as much of an issue as it would be on a vast range of other games. "


"You make the world of KZ3 the size of RDR and then try and keep it at 720p. There's obviously a difference in big games compared to smaller ones. Funny how there such a blind eye on this lol. "

Utterly nonsense. Do you remember pop-ins and the so called depth-of-field? Open world engines render only what they want the player to see at a given time.

BTW, I want to add that resolution is indeed important. I want my new games to look sharper and detailed, not softer and blurred.

IcarusOne5107d ago

It matters a whole lot less what you're shooting on than what you're actually shooting. There are many factors that contribute to a great photograph:

color palette
camera placement
movement within the frame
inner framing & composition
and on and on and on

You could give the greatest camera in the world to a complete idiot and you'd get complete garbage. Or you could give a Fisher Price camera to Roger Deakins and still get art.

Anon19745107d ago

A problem I find with many video games is that they're too sharp. I find when something stands out, or when a texture is particularly sharp compared to others it distracts. I'm all for detail but there's nothing wrong with softening the image and blurring the edges like is done all the time with movies, TV and photography. It makes for a much more natural effect. Sam House from Rockstar said he preferred the PS3's more muted color palette and softer look over the 360's because it more suited the type of game GTA4 was. Having played both of them, I agreed.
Like with movies, it all just depends of the effect you're going for.

Even Lens of Truth admitted that the PS3 version of RDR "blurred shadows better and give better depth of field" due to the slightly lower resolution. It's not always a bad thing. The last Tekken game was another example when the PS3's, lower resolution version looked better than the game running at a slightly higher resolution on the 360. It all depends on the effect you're going for.

cjflora5107d ago

But I don't get why people start blaming the consoles. It's CLEAR that the PS3's hardware is capable of handling more, so the developers are the only ones to blame. Are people trying to claim that the 360 is more powerful because it had higher res?

commodore645107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

You make an excellent point, alpha.

I have said the same thing before, many times and I'll have to say it again.

The double standard amongst the ps3 camp is scarcely a secret anymore.
You can bet money on the fact that when the 360 publishes in a sub HD resolution it is deemed irrefutable proof that it is inferior - even holding the ps3 back.

Ironically, when the ps3 exhibits inferior performance in any way, shape or form, the ps3 owners blame developers, and even make up stories to convince themselves that their subhd game somehow looks better or 'warmer' as a result of being sub HD.
Can you believe that?
Its simply a rather severe case of cognitive bias on their behalf.

It's absolutely crazy, we all know it, yet some of the worst offenders are up to their old cognitive bias and self-delusion in this very thread!
Have a look above.. it's simply laughable.

It's beyond a joke really, and I profess that i fear for the mental health of some people on here who exhibit this behaviour.
It's simply not healthy.
I ask myself whether a rational though process is still possible amidst the cult-like indoctrinated automatic defence of their ps3 god.

Here's hoping.
Better to remain positive.

Dance5107d ago

i hope the alan wake and ff13 sub hd bashers learn their lesson from this

Raf1k15107d ago

This is supposed to be the HD generation for cryin' out loud.

axerated5107d ago

it's mad that even though we found out at least a week ago, these stories about red dead being inferior or whatever on ps3 are still top billing on n4g. i mean, yea its a real blow in some respects, and i fuel the fire simply by clicking the links to these things, but, while i am a bit naffed off that we get yet another slightly inferior port, i can see past it and enjoy the hell out of what is most definately a landmark title. i've put some hours into this game over the last few days, and i think it's amazing, regardless of resolution, and while i think that this shizz does matter, i don't really give 2 shi7z anymore....and..relaaax

Christopher5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

Flip-flopping, talent #3 behind trolling and flaming in the fanboy handbook.

Seriously, though, graphics only really matter to those who are graphic whores and those who want to use them to belittle someone's choice in console. There are many people who discuss graphics all the time here, but when it comes to playing a game it doesn't really impact their decision on whether they'll buy a game or even the console for which the game is bought.

I'm very disappointed in the RDR results, but not because it doesn't fit my 'needs' for graphic quality. It's because I expected a lot more out of a dev team like R*. The gameplay hasn't changed and it's still very enjoyable, but it's just disappointing to see a company like R* put out something like this on one platform with all the same mistakes from their first game on this gen of consoles present.

davedagamer5107d ago

When a game is shipped to two competing platforms there's always going to be major gripes when the one you care for feels like its short changed. The fact that we are talking about the resolution of the game rather than if its fun and good shows you how far we've falling as gaming fans. Its a steep and hard decline.

If the XBOX version of RDR never existed and all we had to play was the PS3 version, people would be screaming from the Hills about how dominant the PS3 is and that a great game couldn't be done on the 360. Which is so far from the truth.

I believe that in order to stop the criticisms the devs should just decide to make their game for whatever platform they feel comfortable with. These publishers are just grasping for cash by throwing these games out on every system.

BigPenguin5107d ago

I have a 195" Sony bravia HD prejector. Resolution absolutely matters. It is why I love the PS3 compared to my 360(also I have a shitty launch 360 that does not have a HDMI port, so I have to use the 3-prong video 2-prong audio prong cables, so I may be extra biased, I admit it, at least it never RROD, just has a sticky disk tray).

It actually matters so much that RDR was the first non-exclusive game I got for my 360 in the past 2 years. Because when you game on a screen as large as I do, you can really tell.

Ju5106d ago

@lowcarb, if that would be true, there would be no reason for AW beeing 540p and inFamous running full 720p, without compromise. The first is not an open world game, the second is.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 5106d ago
Elven65108d ago

The limit really wasn't enforced that much when it was around, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, etc were all sub HD when the limit was in place. If Microsoft told a developer to go back and make their game HD, there would be no guarantee that the developer could do it or even come back.

Playing through Alan Wake I can say it really doesn't matter. The buffer was 540p but the textures were pretty high res and it becomes apparent when looking at signs, reading posters, etc.

BreakNeckSpeed5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Its not okay when Alan Wake or splinter cell is sub-hd but its fine for the PS3 version of RDR. What ever happened to gameplay > graphics. You will just get disagreed with if you said that around here.

Fanboys are a disgrace to gaming!

Biggest5107d ago

I do believe it matters. I started RDR and thought it wasn't so bad. But after playing it for a few hours, I can see the difference between it and many recent games I have played. While I do enjoy the game I catch myself saying "Well that sure is ugly."

If Uncharted 3, Killzone 3, InFamous 2, or any other high profile PS3 exclusive is released at sub-HD we can talk about Alan Wake and Splinter Cell. As it is now, those games are a black eye on a normally beautiful face. Gameplay is most important, but graphics are there for a reason. I expect more for my money.

Dance5107d ago

now they should do an article on alan wake being bashed for being sub hd

sid4gamerfreak5108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

yes it does matter. Next please

Edit: If the gameplay is engaging, then the sub hd graphics don't matter. Just like red dead redemption on the ps3, ill be getting it not because of its sub hd grphics but because the game is actually FUN. If the gameplay mechanics work, then graphics arent such a big deal

It does detract from the experience, however

Another One5108d ago

Did you just flip-flop on it mattering, three times?

First it matters, then it doesn't if game play is good, and then it detracts from the game.

sid4gamerfreak5107d ago

it detracts the overall experience Another One if graphics aren't great. Thats what I mean. Get it? No?


- Ghost of Sparta -5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

The Halo: Reach beta is sub-HD, as are Alan Wake, Halo 3, Forza 3, etc. Does it matter?

Arnon5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

Forza Motorsport 3's native resolution is 720p.

Aside from this, your comment has nothing to do with this subject. The issue at hand is that the PS3 version of RDR is in Sub-HD, and it's somehow fine that it is, when it's unacceptable that a 360 game runs below 720p, and yet, you wouldn't be able to even recognize this if it weren't for an analysis that someone posts on the internet.

Basically, this article is a textbook case of a double-standard.

Dude4205107d ago

The Halo: Reach beta's native res. is at 1152x720, that's pretty damn close to being full 720p

1152x720 = 829440
1280x720 = 921600

lol, it's not that far off.

IcarusOne5107d ago

Maybe the reason why Sony fanboys are so harsh on the 360's subHD resolutions is because they really want to see the xbox do well. Most people who own a 360 are perfectly content with how its games look. But secretly, people who claim to hate the 360 only hate it because they think it can do so much better.

Of course, I'm just being sarcastic.

Aquanox5107d ago

If it's decorated with inferior framerate, textures, quinqux AA (blur) and draw distance among others, then yeah it DOES matter.

Sarcasm5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

It matters to 360 people that RDR is Sub-HD on the PS3 and laughs at them! Then they go and play Alan Wake, Halo 3, FFXIII 360, Splinter Cell Conviction and say Sub-HD doesn't matter, it's about the gameplay!


kevnb5107d ago

but framerate issues like rdr has on ps3 take you right out of the game at times. Havent played it on 360, so I wont comment on that version.

Biggest5107d ago

I have not experienced one frame rate problem in RDR on the PS3. There are many other problems for me, but frame rate is not one of them.

Inside_out5107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

Resolution in the hands of the right developer doesn't matter...Their is bigger problems with the port other than the resolution....

What's sad to me is Playstation magazine giving the game 10/10 based on all those problems...That was disgusting...RDR may be a good game but far from perfect never mind the TERIBLE port...half the draw distance...huge drops in FPS as low as 10 in some places...PS2 type textures...many sites running comparisons...there is no denying it...it's pretty bad....

Resolution and FPS are technical aspects of game design. The developer has to weigh all his options at the begging of the project on a huge host of variables...platform, type of game( FPS vs TPS, open vs closed world...etc )and art style...Then decide what looks best....Rockstar are pro's...The cell processor was not up to the task to render a huge game like RDR...

PS3 games are 80% cut scenes for a reason...Except HR which is ALL cut scenes....I hope Agent isn't 540p...just saying....

BTW...AW is STUNNING to look at...every review points it out...GREAT game....540p 4xAA...

OpenGL5107d ago

If Microsoft hadn't dropped the requirement, Alan Wake would not be nearly as impressive as it is. The reason Alan Wake is only 960x540 is to fit the entire frame buffer within the 10MB of eDRAM, completely eliminating the need for tiling. In the 360's case, this gives you 2x the vertex performance possible at 720p with 2xAA, and leaves you with 100% of the Xenos' fill rate to be used elsewhere.

Hopefully this game gets ported to the PC soon so we can see the game in higher resolutions. As it currently stands though, Alan Wake is a damn impressive game regardless of the resolution. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't played it yet.

vhero5107d ago

I always said it wasn't important as long as the game looked good stop with the attention seeking cry baby act alpha-male22 as nobody cares about you and your fanboy rants. I agree there were a few ps3 fanboys slating 360 for those games being sub HD but there's always gonna be people being like that supporting any console. You don't have to be a douche about it and come out here like you been victimized or something. The fact is though MS had to drop 720p requirement to keep up with PS3 and to deny this would be silly. Halo 3 wouldn't have been possible at 720p native otherwise Bungie would have done it as lets be fair they are some of the best devs about and it they can't do Halo 3 at 720p nobody can.

OpenGL5106d ago (Edited 5106d ago )

Alan Wake wouldn't have been possible on the PS3, even at 960x540. The only reason it worked on the 360 comes from the fact that they fit the entire frame buffer within the 10MB of eDRAM which leaves you with 100% of the GPU's theoretical vertex performance, and leaves your fill rate completely free to be used elsewhere. Alan Wake uses A TON of transparencies, and had the resolution been higher this game wouldn't have been possible on ANY console.

On the flip side though, Uncharted 2 wouldn't have been possible on the 360, as the GPU's vertex performance, and pixel fill rate both take a hit when you have to use 2 or more tiles.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5106d ago
pansenbaer5108d ago

If you can make the game look good, it really doesn't matter. Call of Duty looks great for not being 720p. Not that I care (the game is still hella fun), but Red Dead Redemption looks good on PS3, but not breathtaking.

vhero5107d ago

To be fair it doesn't look breathtaking on 360 in fact you cannot tell the difference between the 2 versions without looking really hard. If it wasn't for actual technology looking at the resolutions you wouldn't even know it was a lower resolution so the whole argument is pointless.

rafael055108d ago

Yeah Blaze,i agree,its unacceptable.I bought a HD plasma to take advantage of the screens resolution,otherwise i could just have sticked to good old sd tv.

lh_swe5108d ago

So to me it does matter to some extent, it'll always be in the back of my mind that the one version I didn't pick looks better, luckily I picked the 360 version.

SKCShifty5108d ago

Yes to Sony fanboy's yes it does matter just take a look at Alan Wake thread. Even though the game isn't on ps3 they sure had alot to say about sub-HD.

lh_swe5108d ago

There are more beatiful games out there of course but it's not like that should take away from the greatness of this game even in term of graphics.

vhero5107d ago

@SKCShifty - You need to leave here and go back to wherever you crawled out from.

CobraKai5108d ago

I can tell when a game is sub-HD and it's always disappointing to see a sub-HD game on supposedly HD consoles. While there are games that look great despite sub-HD resolutions, I just end thinking about how much better they would look in True-HD.

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Rockstar Might Be Preparing For Red Dead Redemption 1 Release On PC

Rockstar Games may be preparing to release its open world action adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 1, on PC.

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Goodguy014d ago

I just want 4k/1440p and 60fps support. And with little glitches too ofc.

Snookies122d ago (Edited 2d ago )

This is about the PC version of RDR 1. The PC version of RDR 2 doesn't have a frame rate cap. Though I do agree, it is mind boggling that Rockstar still hasn't released a patch for consoles.

XiNatsuDragnel4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

It'll be great if true

LucasRuinedChildhood3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Hopefully 60fps on consoles for RDR2 is next then.

LucasRuinedChildhood3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Honestly, a PS5 Pro isn't even needed for 60fps in this case. But if they wanted to use it show a game running maxed out at a high resolution at 60fps, I wouldn't complain. Just give us 60fps. lol

I think the Series X might have an issue running the One X version at a locked 60fps as that version was a full native 4K but they could just lower the resolution a bit.

purple1013d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I wish to play both stellar blade, and rdr2, on the pro, maxed out like an expensive pc,

would be good, especially for the price, even if thats £499/ £549

last I checked, a rtx 4070super was £580 for just the card!

DaReapa3d ago

There aren't many games I'd double dip for, but having originally gotten this for PS3, I would happily get this if true.

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15 PS3 Games That Would Absolutely Shine as PS5 Remakes

GB: "With this feature, we talk about 15 games on the PS3 that should be remade for the PlayStation 5."

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kenpachi37d ago

You left out The Darkness games bring those back

fan_of_gaming36d ago

The head of Nightdive Studios has posted that The Darkness is on their list of games they want to do, so hopefully something comes from that

Yi-Long36d ago

Little Big Planet 1 and 2 deserve a mention, IMO.

Good call on Motorstorm, a game released 2 gens ago but still looks and feels so good. Motorstorm 2 and Motorstorm RC were gems as well. They followed up the Motorstorm games with the brilliant Driveclub, which still manages to put modern racing games to shame. Imagine closing down a studio as talented as that ... (!) Incredible.

A little 'arcade-gem' back then was The Last Guy, a top down 'follow the leader' snake-like game where you had to find and lead survivors to safety during an alien invasion, on terrible looking 'Google-earth' maps. Graphics were poor, even back then, but would love that same gameplay with modern maps and graphics.

Street Fighter 4, once it finally had a full roster, was quite good, but it was always an ugly game, sadly. Imagine bringing that back while using the current SF6 engine.

fan_of_gaming36d ago

Good suggestions, I'd be in for
LittleBigPlanet 2
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Motorstorm: RC

purple10135d ago

God damn I love motorstorm so much

At the time I had a low-mid range sony 40” tv, The latency to the controller was waaaay too high, would to play a modern version

In saying that later I got a 3d lg tv and playing the 3d motorstorm in my bedroom with the environment crumbling around the track, was something special, specially compared to what others were playing at the time, will always remember that

Skuletor36d ago

Some good choices here and Resistance: Fall of Man is my most wanted PS3 remaster/remake. Not sure about their claim it was Sony's answer to Gears of War though.

CrimsonWing6936d ago

I’d rather have sequels than remakes. Look at Dead Space 1 Remake. Would’ve been cooler if we got a new entry and it failed with sales sealing the fate of a sequel rather than just replay the same game and it fail in sales and we never get a new entry.

Remakes are great for things like PS2 and earlier games to really get a crazy new graphical coat, but I think we should ease up on all these remakes and actually do sequels.

fan_of_gaming36d ago

Yeah for sure, sequels would be ideal. But in the current market environment where many big publishers are risk-averse, I'd rather get a remaster or remake that a developer can do on a budget that will be approved, rather than nothing for an IP.

Inverno36d ago

I rather they remaster and port over to PC and current gen all the games permanently stuck on PS360. Those games don't need remakes, they need to be given a chance to live again outside of their confined consoles and then give a few proper sequels. Like Sleeping Dogs, Motor Storm, LA Noir, should get another entry.

fan_of_gaming36d ago

Yeah I'd be fine with remasters of PS3 games too, they don't have to be remakes.

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For just $6 you can play the Red Dead Redemption port on Xbox and PS5

Rockstar Games’ shiny new Red Dead Redemption port is now on GTA+, and you can play it while claiming some tasty GTA Online benefits.

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Profchaos50d ago

Rockstar still strying to make GTA plus work
Should be $6 for the rdr game on sale not 6 bucks for a months playtime

Exvalos50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

I hear ya, 49.99 or whatever the price on that game is, is a bit stiff seeing as it's just a port.

anast50d ago

Why would anyone rent this game?

jznrpg50d ago

One of my favorite games from PS3 generation. I have the remaster as there was a buy 2 get 1 free deal a while back but the price they are charging for the port is way too high although not surprising at all.

CobraKai49d ago

Still tryna milk a dried up cow