
Q & A with TERA Lead Writer Dave Noonan: The world of Tera

TERA is a richly developed MMORPG from En Masse Entertainment, a team full of talented industry professionals. Currently scheduled for release in winter, TERA will offer new innovations to the traditional MMORPG.

The team at TERA has offered Examiner an exclusive chance to ask questions of the development team. In the first Q&A session, Examiner speaks with Dave Noonan, Lead Writer at En Masse Entertainment, about the world and environments of TERA.

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killyourfm5134d ago

Didn't know much about TERA until reading this interview...I've typically avoided MMORPG's but this makes me much more interested...

Leupac5134d ago

I can't wait to try this game, though I have a habit of really getting into games like this, I'll just have to remember to set limits for myself.

StixRemix5134d ago

Agreed. And the screenshots look amazing.

N4GAddict5134d ago

TERA looks awesome for an MMO

sidion5134d ago

This game is looking great!


Tera Video Is a Moving Farewell Ahead of the MMORPG's Final Closure

Long-running MMORPG Tera will be closing on June 30 and Gameforge and Krafton have published a video that serves as a farewell.

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Long-Running MMO Tera Shutting Down In June

No fan wants to see Tera shutting down, but unfortunately, developer Bluehole is closing the game's servers (on PC, anyway) to work on other projects.

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Spenok781d ago

Good, this game was great when it launched, but it's been turned into a nightmare of a product since.


The Best MMORPGS That Aren’t World of Warcraft

Some WoW-like MMORPGs are better than others. Here's a curated list that offers a wide variety of games that let you play with other people but have something unique to offer.

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Jiub879d ago

WoW is a mess and it will continue to be a mess. Still, the less-developed MMOs are going to have trouble gaining a fan base because they lack content right now. Even if people do flock to FF14 or BDO, they'll go back to WoW if they fix enough features or give players a shred of hope.