
Neocrisis: New My Virtual Girlfriend Screens

Neocrisis: 6 new screenshots for My Virtual Girlfriend coming to the iPhone.

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20 Bizarre and Creepy Video Games

People love video games because it gives the normal, everyday Joe Schmoe to become an entirely different person for a short period of time. Joe Schmoe can be a villain, a hero, a sexy woman, a wolf, a dragon, a Pokemon, or an oddly shaped block trying to fit in snuggly amongst other oddly-shaped blocks.

The opportunity to temporarily transform brings out the creeps — fetishes and creepy fantasies abound. Creeps are usually socially inept nerds, and nerds tend to be smart, computer savvy individuals with odd ambitions. Inevitably, a slew of creepy and disturbing video games have been spawned both by and for these interesting creatures of the basement.

Here are 20 creepy video games developed solely for people who should be rounded up and forced to live in a giant house together — now that would make a great reality television show.

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sjeen664576d ago

??? no game names ?? just photos ?? so much information man.

Pozzle4576d ago

The info's to the right of the pictures, in a little box.

sjeen664576d ago

yeah ?? thanks for noting that but as i saw it just the first 2 pics have enough information .

Denethor_II4576d ago

Awful. Don't click on this website.


My Virtual Girlfriend saving Korean marriages

Humorous and insightful review of My Virtual Girlfriend for Iphone on Touchmyapps.com.

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RaymondM4856d ago

I'm both confused and intrigued at the same time. Good article, fellow

Warprincess1164855d ago

If anyone buys this,You are officially a weirdo.

DAS - My Virtual Girlfriend Review

DAS - My Virtual Girlfriend is a (not-so-serious) fun and flirty, dating simulation game. It boasts beautiful, 3D women that rival the beauty of a playboy model and loaded with humor that conveys their own unique personalities.

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