
Remedy: "Alan Wake has clearly been a critical success", Wants Alan Wake 2

TMC: Mikko Rautalahti and the team at Remedy studios are very happy with the reception Alan Wake has received. Mikko even adds that they'd have to be goddamn idiots to not be satisfied. The praise have been so positive that they will love to make a sequel to Alan Wake to top their first game if everything goes well.

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Carlton Banks5139d ago

Probably not as much of a critical success as it was supposed to be though, or at least hyped to be.

blitz06235139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

I'm sure they would have wanted a better reception, but hey, it's the first game of a new franchise and they already have something to build on. People will definitely be looking forward to the sequel which can really put the first game to shame. I could say the same for Uncharted, as the 2nd game clearly outdid the first game in probably every aspect of the game.

Reibooi5139d ago

The Uncharted comparison isn't exactly good. Considering the first Uncharted was a MUCH bigger critical success then Alan Wake has been so far.

That said critical success isn't what matters. What they need to see is how well the game sells. Reviews could trash the game it doesn't matter if it sells millions. Money speaks after all.

I personally am looking forward to checking out the game. It's been awhile since I played a good suspense game.

tatotiburon5139d ago Show
Official General5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

Do not try and play down the success of the first Uncharted - it clearly was generally regarded as a critical success. Uncharted got mostly 9s in its reviews, apart from a handful of sites. I remember following Uncharted very closely and reading most of it's reviews, as it was the second game that I bought for my PS3 and it had really sparked my initial interest. Uncharted gained some commercial success a few months after its release, reaching a million copies, which is relatively good for a game that was a brand new IP at the time (2007). Uncharted 2 was much better of course, but that STILL does not detract from the fact that Uncharted was still an incredible, amazing and really enjoyable game. In fact, after playing the first Uncharted, I said to myself, "just how are Naughty Dog gonna top this?". From what I remember seeing on here, many fans of Uncharted were pretty sure that U1 was gonna be hard to improve upon - just shows you how well-executed the first game must have been.

Alan wake simply did not live up to the hype and it's expectations and people just gotta deal with it. It dont mean you cant buy it, play it and enjoy it because you can, reviews arent always the definitive judgment. A better game to compare this to is GTA 4. GTA 4 was hyped up so bad and it failed to fully meet it's expectations.

EDIT: @ Alpha Male - I was actually gonna give a lot of respect to your comment, until you had to go and mention "this place is infested with PS3 fanboys". What was that for man? Why could'nt you just make a comment without having a dig at the PS3 crowd? This topic is about Alan Wake and NOT PS3 fanboys ya heard? Everybody on here sees you as the biggest hypocrite when you keep blaring on with your denouncing fanboyism crusade. With these silly comments of yours like this, it's no wonder why on here many guys always disagree with you and do not take you seriously.

Obama5139d ago

0.4???? Math failed lol.

blitz06235139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

You guys miss my point. I'm not downplaying Uncharted and saying it's in the same level as Alan Wake. All I'm saying is that both games did not FLOP, and that the sequel to Alan Wake may be better than the first game just like Uncharted 2.

FlipMode5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

Its 4 points not 0.4 points, why the hell did 5 people agree with him?

EDIT - Below - On Metacritic its counted from 0 - 100, so from 84 to 88 would be 4 not 0.4

Troll-without-Bridge5139d ago

Actually from 84 to 88 is 0.4, seeing how we are dealing with score, 8.4 plus 0.4 = 8.8.

HolyOrangeCows5139d ago

Well, for a game in development for over 5 years...

FlipMode5139d ago

Difference is HR wasn't hyped like AW was.

Homicide5139d ago Show
Biggest5139d ago

Yet somehow Heavy Rain has a higher total score. Go figure.

Tinted Eyes5139d ago

Lol Heavy Rain didn't have close to the hype AW had, people knew HR could be hit or miss, but as Carlton showed AW has been hyped like crazy.

HolyOrangeCows5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

Two of those reviews were by people completely unwilling to accept the genre and Gamecritic was already torn apart by fanboys for its 6.5 rating of Alan Wake (Talk about QQ right?).

EDIT: Ahh, and this is of course from themindchannel.blogspot, N4PS3G's ticket to submitting articles.

Inside_out5139d ago

Alan Amazing...look at the PS3 crowd falling over themselves...but, but, it's bad, I swear...listen to me...PS3 is da bestest console ever...if you start counting from the BOTTOM...lol...PS3 kids know more about AW than their own games....

Look at all the phantom hits....yep, be afraid kids...Check out the video review from Gamespot for a VISUAL peek at greatness...that guy ONLY gave it 8.5...lol...

Xbox 360...it only has the best games....

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FlipMode5139d ago

Hope it sells well, it can be like U2 and have an amazing sequel.

topdawg1225139d ago

I doubt it could be as good as U2, that game is one of the best games of all time. It has to be better than the original. Most sequels this generation have succeeded their predecessor (Assassins Creed 2, Gears 2, Resistance 2)

GAM3R7l5139d ago

Um, yeah.....ALL sequels succeed their predecessors. That's the DEFINITION of a sequel.

BkaY5139d ago

honestly what uncharted 2 has to do with alan wake.. plz someone?


"I doubt it could be as good as U2, that game is one of the best games of all time. It has to be better than the original. Most sequels this generation have succeeded their predecessor (Assassins Creed 2, Gears 2, Resistance 2)"

aaahhh yes and no ... AC2 yes R2 yes Geow 2 nope.. i still love the first one...


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5139d ago Replies(1)
Morgue5139d ago

Like I've said before. I watched a full play through and while the graphics were nice the story was horrible and there was some parts that annoyed me. And yes I do know there is a difference between watching and playing a game but I would've said the same thing but I won't due to spoilers. If I do buy this it'll be used. 3/5

Morgue5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

Like I said. If I bought it I'd say the same exact thing. And what's wrong with 3/5? It is any different than 8/10 unless some of you fools can't count because the only difference is a 3 instead of and 8 or do you read IGN too much? Maybe I would've gave it 5/5 if there was multiplayer...............

Should I tell you how it ends? I would but I quit watching it after part 51 because the first 50 seemed all the all same. N4G is like a room full of ego maniacs, everyone is wrong and your the only one that's right.

siyrobbo5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

3/5 is equivalent to 6/10 not 8

ive actually played the game through 100% to completion, i would recommend playing it over watching it, as the gameplay mechanics are quite fun. the worse thing in my opinion about the game would be the story, which doesnt make much sense at all and can be quite difficult to follow

BkaY5139d ago

i envy you mate... well what about the controls..?


siyrobbo5139d ago

i found the controls great, very intuitive. Imagine resident evil 5, but with the ability to actually move while shooting. The flashlight works really well.

They have built the foundations to what could be a great franchise. There is definitely room for improvement (some of the textures look ps1 level, like on signs and posters. For the most part this isnt a problem but during daytime scenes it can look a little rough.) I'm definitely looking forward to the DLC and potential sequels

BkaY5139d ago

OMG controls like RE5 ....i have plat in RE5 lol...

you sir just made my excitement level shoot to the stars....

graphics dont bother me .... as long as its fun to play :)

what about the element of surprise and level of scare?.. i wouldnt be able to reply you coz of the last stupid bub... :(

cheers n bub +


Morgue5139d ago

My math is horrible. I will play it but the story was all over the place and there were some parts that looked awesome but I just wasn't as floored as maybe everyone else is. Considering how long it was in development at least it didn't bomb like Haze or Too Human so hats to Remedy for that.

siyrobbo5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

its pretty suspenseful, builds a good atmosphere to begin with. You kind of get used to it as you play it, there are a few places that may make you jump. I played it at night, that helps build the atmosphere even more

@morgue, i wouldnt recommend it based off of the story, personal preference tho, some seem to think its great. Im hoping that the DLC improves on the ending

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5139d ago
Digitaldude5139d ago

Yeah, has been a critical success strictly, but with the hype and the development time along with high expectations, not sure if its a success.

PrimordialSoupBase5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

Math fail: It's 0.04 if we're talking in terms of percentage

Rhythmattic5139d ago

Actually, if we're talking in terms of percentage, lets make it easy.

4 %

bjornbear5139d ago

0.04 is decimal....not percentage

here's some help:


Greywulf5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

Alan Wake has taken 6 years to be created. Its an 3rd person adventure/mystery/combat system title. It has been hyped continually for 6 years as the AAA title from Remedy, because of Max Payne. Are you not remembering this? Checkout its Trailer with the narrator claiming how amazing of a game it is. Usually developers let the media decide this, not themselves. But yeah, its been going on this entire time. And you were all in the hype every single story.

Then you have Heavy Rain, which is a interactive movie. And you find a "LOL" in the fact that the gaming world has decided that an Interactive movie is rated higher than Remedy's best effort to make something on the Xbox360? Right, I'm lol`ing too, but not with you. At the sad concept that most of the people on this site can't just admit it when they were dead wrong about a game. AW was hyped beyond the moon. As was UC2, but you saw what delivered and what Didn't. Oh yeah GOW3 was hyped to all heaven as well. And again..

It was compared to Uncharted2, NOT UNCHARTED 1. No single story or site compared the two, Remember, you all thought the Cut-Scenes were in game? And thats what was used. UC raised the bar for game development & pipeline, which is why it didn't take 6 years to create. Alan Wake hasn't. As expected when Remedy couldn't run it in the Open World as the PC demo was. The graphics that were claimed by Remedy themselves to use the full power of the Xbox360, aren't HD.

1. AW was hyped to be AAA by everyone here.
2. AW was claimed to have better Visuals & Story than any PS3 AAA.

Im shocked by everyone trying to justify Alan Wakes failure to be a AAA title, with Heavy Rain. New Ip's sure, but not even the same type of games. Why not bring up Haze since its also not in the same genre?

nveenio5139d ago

I think they should wait and see what sales say...

...not that 360 owners have many other choices. I think that gamers will be spending their money on RDR instead.

4Sh0w5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

"Remedy studios are very happy with the reception Alan Wake has received.
Mikko even adds that they'd have to be goddamn idiots to not be satisfied. The praise have been so positive that they will love to make a sequel to Alan Wake to top their first game if everything goes well."

The game has indeed been well recieved overall, but of course all the fanboys on n4g with a clear history of pro ps3 and anti 360 comments will naturaly downplay Alan Wake in every way, with the bar always changing depending on whichever favors their agenda. lol much like Democrats and Republicans

Here, I believe these are all the reviews so far but not every site is counted by metacritic, either way AW has recieved tons of great scores so I can understand Remedy being very happy to see their hard work receive well deserved praise:

I'm betting Remedy are already taking all the positive and negative feedback in to make AW2 even more awesome. I feel like we have been truly spoiled this gen with so many great games to play.

syanara5139d ago

IMO what happened was a supposed horror game succeded as an action game. just like splinter cell. a supposed stealth game succeded as an action game. in other words alan wake isnt scary and splinter cell inst stealthy.

IdleLeeSiuLung5139d ago

In Remedy's defense, the expectations where so high that I think disappointment was a certainty. The fact that a lot of the scores came back as well as it is, I think the game will be great.

I'm keeping my pre-order of the Limited Edition.

Just like Splinter Cell: Conviction where some hated the changes, but I thoroughly enjoyed the game. I already got 1000 achievements on it after spending a lot of time with the game. Both games got very similar scores if not Alan Wake seemingly a little better.

kevnb5139d ago

I actually think it got the "we better review it highly" treatment. Reviews don't really indicate how good a game is.

MNicholas5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

when a developer has to come out and argue the point of whether it's game is a critical success.

The problem for Remedy was that Alan Wake was overhyped. The videos they showed at E3s past had an open-world, high res textures, draw-distance that wasn't just a prerendered backdrop, etc.... The xbox fanatics on various forums and blogs were going on about how this game would really show the 360's hidden "potential." (don't they do that about every exclusive? Forza 3, SCC, etc...)

The actual game fell considerably short of the original videos in just about every technical area. They've had access to the 360 dev-kit for 6 years yet the last minute decision to nix the sandbox and go with linearity resulted in a game that's considerably less impressive than it could have been.

This is what happens when you change your game design when the engine has already been built.

Alan Wake 2, if it's a similar type of game, will almost certainly be noticeably better looking. They will have redesigned the engine so that it doesn't waste memory loading areas that can't be visited. This, in turn, should free up some additional space and processing power for better textures and shaders.

If you're an Xbox fan, you should be looking forward to the sequel.

DatNJDom815139d ago

but it is a success. Can't deny a good game when it hits you in the face no matter what system its on.

vhero5139d ago

It's far from a critical success its lived on its own hype. It should have been a great game and it didn't live up to its hype. It's unfortunate but 360 has a lot more great games coming out and won't need this to keep it going like most people think. The devs are clearly losing there marbles by thinking those perfect scores by fanboy sites really mean there game is a critical success.. It's an average game lets move on people...I think this is fanboys trying there best to prove something with this article.. Though what i'm not sure..

avengers19785139d ago

Success comes from sales. It does not matter if everyone rated a perfect or if everyone gives it a 0; It's all about sales.

TheSadTruth5139d ago

This is the only site where you can read an article about a video game, and have the discussion be solely about how a particular PS3 game is better

Love it

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5139d ago
LordMarius5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

At least they love their product

NeoBasch5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

They're confidence is contagious. Especially after the critical disaster that was FFXIII. That game is so much better than what the media made it out to be. **** reviews!

RememberThe3575139d ago

I'm playing it right now and it's WAY better than the reviews said.

kevnb5139d ago

I gotta say that ffxiii is much worse than the review said, its the first fantasy that I just cant play all the way through.

RememberThe3575139d ago

Right now the game is sitting at 8.5 on N4G and that is damn good. It doesn't seem like a game for everyone so I can understand why some people wouldn't be too interested in it.

niceguywii605139d ago ShowReplies(10)
Godmars2905139d ago

Reviews are second priority to game devs. Literally. They're in it to make money, with reviews helping that along.

And I haven't hard anything about how its selling. Certainly nothing about a "critical success."

PandemicPrawn05139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

^ I don't think it's out yet.

I hope Remedy find huge sucess with Alan Wake.

You just don't see enough good single player games out there.

unknownhero11235139d ago

it's been leaked by a few stores. there are walkthroughs on youtube.

DavidMacDougall5139d ago

Red Dead for me! Alan can wait

GarandShooter5139d ago

RDR and AW for me on the 18th, thank you very much.

Droid Smasha5139d ago

how could it have "sales" if its not even out yet?

GarandShooter5139d ago

Retailers already have orders in, likely based on the amount of pre-orders they have. AW should do fine in sales.

Godmars2905139d ago

So, why am I reading an article about how its a "critical success?"


(Okay, glancing at the title.)

Elven65139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

Critical (root "critic") usually means review wise, commercial is sales.

kaveti66165139d ago

Damn, Godmars. I thought you would know the difference between critical success and commercial success.

Elven65139d ago

The game isn't out yet, it comes out on the 18th in North America and the 14th in Europe.

I'm sure Alan Wake can sell 1 million copies, it has the potential to sell more given the reviews but it seems like Microsoft is really dropping the ball marketing wise. Even George Brossaurd of 3D Realms and Duke Nukem fame went on a Twitter rant a few days ago about how Microsoft could be doing better.

GAM3R7l5139d ago

1.)Quick...name the last time you saw an ad....TV or otherwise....for a 3D Realms game.

2.)Quicker...name the last (and first) game that got a 6 episode, live-action, primetime worthy prequel...funded and produced by the publisher (MS).

Exactly. ;)

ANYONE who questions the marketing tactics of MICROSOFT...is a ****ing idiot.

zorglub5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

@gamer : MS marketing IS crappy considering they are one of the richest corp in the world. They can't even get past Sony and are far behind Nintendo.

Nearly everything MS failed except Windows and Office (Zune, Vista, Xbox 1...). MS success is definitely a myth. They just happen to have 2 cash cows (Office and Windows) which keep them afloat.

MS without Office / Windows = dead in a few years.

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PeptoBismol5139d ago

more like easily satisfied.

an 85% (AA) on metacritic is nothing to brag about

8thnightvolley5139d ago

and y cant hey be happy about it.. its a studio of freaking 40 ppl for crying out loud.. games with bigger studios have been floping all over the place.. lost planet2 and tekken to name a few.. 84 is a gaddamn great score and a well above average on any standard if they do sell 2mil 3 mil copies of that game its a hit which no one can dout ... and i am going to get it with Red dead when it comes out.. coz they sure did a might fine job for such a little studio.

JeffGUNZ5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

85% is excellent for a single player game. Some people loved the game and some people didn't feel it like they thought they would. If this game wasn't mentioned to being developed for 5 years, I think it would have scored a little higher. I will take an 85 any day of the week. Look at MAG and Heavy Rain, two awesome titles that didn't score AAA quality, but does that mean they are terrible games? Of course not, they are excellent, just like Alan Wake will be. Everyone assumes that any exclusive needs to be AAA quality or it's a flop or a bad game. It's not. Anything 80 or above is a game that is worth purchasing and has an great experience.

Hotel_Moscow5139d ago

i say we change the dam organization of games theres no need for aaa like seriously are we trying to make people feel better it should go

above 90 A

above 80 B

above 70 C

above 60 D

0-59 F

palaeomerus5139d ago (Edited 5139d ago )

AAA has nothing to do with scores or critical reception. An AAA title is a big expensive game intended to sell a lot (whether it actually does or not).

Some AAA titles suck or even flop but the huge expenditure of developer and advertising resources STILL makes it a AAA product.

Sometimes a budget title is a huge hit that gets great scores from critics but it's not a AAA title because it had a miniscule budget and modest market expectations before it launched.

AAA is like a blockbuster in the movie business. It's about what the publisher anticipates the sales potential to be and how they spend resources to try and exapand that sales potential.

kaveti66165139d ago

I think an 84 on Metacritic is something to be happy about. I read their quotes and they are certainly not "bragging" about it. Alan Wake could have been a much worse game than it was. Remedy were forced to make huge cuts to the game to put it on 360, not just in terms of scale and visuals, but also in terms of gameplay mechanics.

The game would have been more like Red Dead Redemption, with free roam gameplay, had it not been drastically changed halfway through development. I'm surprised that the game isn't broken. Look at Lost Planet 2.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers49d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran849d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto48d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia49d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger49d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie49d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

49d ago
Profchaos49d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie49d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh49d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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