
Penumbra Collection Update Released

Frictional Games has released a new update for its survival horror title Penumbra Collection, now available for download.

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sorceror1715147d ago

Creepy games, and as a bonus they work fine on Linux.


10 Horror Games to Play During Halloween 2018

Edgar writes - It's that time of the year once again; it's time to play some nerve-tingling horror games. Actually, it's always a good time to play horror games, but now there's a valid reason to scream off the top of your lungs, keep all of the lights in the house on, and check under the bed before sleep.

To celebrate the upcoming festivities, this Halloween list compiles 10 horror games from multiple generations and gaming platforms. Enjoy!

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The State of Horror Games: A Dark Future Ahead?

Sean of Gamer Euphoria writes:

''There are a number of things that a lot of modern ‘horror’ titles get wrong. For example, the player isn’t treated like a victim; they are the one in control of the situation. This is often a result of arming the player to the teeth and throwing waves of enemies at them. There’s nothing scary about out-gunning everything that comes after you.''

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ltachiUchiha4036d ago

I think they will be ok aslong as they go back to making them scary again instead of being more action based like resident evil has become. You kinda feel like a bad azz instead of a hopeless survivor trying to stay alive.

Linko644036d ago

I don't think we'll see that any time soon in a major release. Even in the latest Silent Hill games the player is more than capable of killing his/her enemies. Only title i can think of that was released by a major studio, that also makes the player feel weak, is Zombi U. I suppose you could add Dark Souls/ Demon Souls but they aren't really horror

ltachiUchiha4036d ago

True, there was another indie horror game i also seen for the pc that looked horrifying with the player only having a camera and running away from some scary looking creature. Just watching the video creeped me out lol. I like that kind of horror were u feel hopeless or just feel overwhelmed & have to think in order to survive.

Neonridr4036d ago

Amnesia is still one of the best games in that regard. The game was scary as hell, and definitely made you feel helpless because you couldn't actually fight the enemies, you always had to run away or create distractions.

There is a sequel coming to Amnesia soon.

PopRocks3594036d ago

Nah, I think the worst ended when Resident Evil 6 became so such a lowly received game. Sure it sold "okay-ish" for Capcom's standards, but do they honestly feel they can risk an RE game with such low scores a second time?

Besides, with the rise of games like Slender and Amnesia, gamers have other alternatives to turn to for a horror fix. The horror genre will survive; I don't think there's too much reason to worry right now.

yugovega4036d ago

we need another Friday the 13th game. one that actually makes sense.

Braid4036d ago

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs.

Wait for it.

Blacklash934036d ago

*Just looks at title*

So is a dark future for horror games a good thing or a bad thing?

GamerEuphoria4036d ago

It was a play on words while addressing the state of the genre ^^


Surviving the Horror of Modern Progress

Most agree that Resident Evil 4 killed survival horror, but was it a cold blooded murder or a merciful euthanising? LaserLemming looks into just why survival horror's condition appears, at the very best, terminal while also running the investigative magnifying glass over some of the modern games trying to move the genre in new directions while remaining true to its terrifying roots.

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Snookies124043d ago

Resident Evil 4 was the best of the series...

Bunce4043d ago

Agreed, but I do love the earlier RE games as well.

Snookies124043d ago

As do I, although going back to play them now. It's just plain awful control-wise.

isntchrisl4043d ago

The Wii version had fantastic controls. It was so satisfying to shoot an enemy in the knee and then pop him in the head.

Bunce4043d ago

Wasn't so flash at the time, either! :D