
Namco Bandai Releases New Clash of the Titans Screens

XXLGaming writes, "NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. today released new screenshots for Clash of the Titans. The latest batch of screens highlight characters from the movie as well various mythical creatures featured in the game."

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Haze, Afro Samurai and Armored Core V running in 4K resolution on the PC thanks to RPCS3

John GodGames Emus has released some new videos, showing Haze, Afro Samurai, Armored Core V and Clash of the Titans running in 4K on the PC thanks to the Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3.

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FallenAngel19842148d ago

Whatever happened to Afro Samurai 2? After they took it off the digital store I thought they’d come back with an improved product

annoyedgamer2148d ago

Afro Samurai! Oh boy that takes be back.

cj1pate1012147d ago


Fluke_Skywalker2147d ago

Haze was nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be. I actually really liked it.
It was just released at a bad time when Sony and the PS3 could do no right. The developers and Sony over hyped it and it fell on its own sword.

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IanTH2147d ago

The framerate and rending were more of the concern over resolution for me, and I can see they are making solid strides. Haze runs pretty well and doesn't seem to have many graphical or audio glitches (one cannot say the same for Ghost Recon lol). Given Sony hasn't provided any real backwards compatibility options, this is something I might consider. I still have my PS3 hooked up if I have a hankering for some last gen goodness, but I also wouldn't mind playing those games with either increased resolution or frame rate, whenever the emulator gets to that point :-)

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Games you don't want to wake up to on Christmas morning

GamerZines writes:

Christmas is a time for giving. So when you wake up on Christmas morning, you fully expect to be given a handful of the latest and greatest games you've asked for. But what happens when it all goes wrong? Mum's picked up last year's Call of Duty thinking it was Black Ops, Nan's bought you the Medal of Honor book rather than the game, and well, Dad's too busy getting merry in the armchair to really care.

If you wake up to these this Christmas, you're in for a big surprise.

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disparage4908d ago

I don't think I'd want to wake up to a CoD game at all...

AndrewRyan4908d ago

Me neither, but 7million other people would.

ATi_Elite4907d ago

Um I'm not gonna wake up to any games on Xmas morning, I'm gonna be gaming all night (LAN PARTY) so I most likely wont wake up till noon, then I'm a want some food.

If I don't see Half Life 2 ep3 downloading in my steam folder then in reality it wont be Xmas.

enjoy your Kinects, Moves, COD, socks, ugly sweaters and gift cards tomorrow.

Cevapi884907d ago

dont diss on socks man...you dont know how important those are until you get older

lordkemp0074908d ago

lordkemp007 from Scotland wishes all gamers from around the world a very happy and merry Christmas.

Here's hoping tomorrow you wake up on Crimble morning and Santa has delivered your gaming Christmas wishes.

Optical_Matrix4908d ago

Call of Duty or Crackdown 2. Crackdown 2 is one of the worst games I've played this generation.

divideby04908d ago

just be grateful for someone thinking enough to buy you a present...
nothing worse than an ungrateful kid

Janitor4908d ago

That comment just shut this article and entire comment section down. Well said.

jashmister4908d ago

COD: Black ops, I seriously hated the small time I borrowed that game.

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Game Revolution: Clash of The Titans Review

Game Revolution: Clash of the Titans: The Movie: The Video Game is the worst game I've played in years. Do not buy, rent, or borrow this game.

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