
Alan Wake: the sub-HD debate (Eurogamer)

DigitalFoundry writes:

"Remedy has responded to online claims that upcoming Xbox 360 exclusive Alan Wake runs with a sub-HD resolution, releasing a statement saying that "modern renderers don't work by rendering everything to a certain final on-screen resolution".

Despite a review version of Alan Wake being sent out by Microsoft to the games media with a strict embargo that expires in early May, some websites have run videos and taken screenshots from which pixel counters reckon that the game's native resolution is 960x540. This appears to be a somewhat different state of affairs when compared with early Wake footage we took a look at back in August last year, which was definitely a native 720p."

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DigitalAnalog5132d ago

"If, as the pixel counters say, Alan Wake is running at 960x540 with 4x multisampling anti-aliasing, we do have an existing example of how this looks. Sony's Siren Blood Curse remake on PS3 runs with exactly the same framebuffer set-up."

Interesting...... very interesting.....

-End statement

Rhythmattic5132d ago

I bought Siren Blood Curse ( never played the original) and love it.

As for AW,

PS3 users put it down, & 360 Users Put it up. Ah, the way of Singularity.

Tech wise, thats where this game will most likely suffer.. Frame- this and that, Res- This and that.. But as a game, no one knows yet.

I'm sure I'm getting this title. If it gets 6 - 6.5 scores, I'll Wait, but I'm sure its going to be a very decent game.

For me call it Alan Want.

5132d ago
Anon19745132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

I think Alan Wake looks great and I love the premise. There aren't enough of these types of games being made and I hope it does well. When I'm playing it the furthest thing from my mind is going to be "I wonder what resolution it's running at."
I've said it time and time again, are you here to play a game or count pixels?

The only people debating this are 360 fans who need to prove to the world that the 360 can match up to the PS3 graphically and PS3 fans who simply want to thumb their noses at 360 fans.

In the middle are actual gamers who are simply interested in playing the games and, thankfully, we're still the majority of gamers.

Varodor5132d ago

miracle, low resolution doesn't matter
but what if alan wake have sh*t gameplay when gameplay will dont mater?

AAACE55132d ago

I don't know... I like great graphics and all, but I have kind of got past all this and am just looking for games that look good and are fun to play! It seems petty to judge every game that comes out based on graphics alone. There have recently been some sh***y games out on both sides with great graphics, but no one cares because they look good!

If Ps3 is the only console with HD graphics then so be it. I just want fun games that look good enough to see clearly in. Alan Wake looks to have fun gameplay and good graphics so that's all that matters to me!

nix5132d ago

not when you play games like KZ2, UC2, Heavy Rain and God of War 3. 'real' gamers don't miss out on great games.

Inside_out5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

Wow, who are these clowns..."while we agree"...blah, blah, blah....Remedy is a class act...totally professional...listen to this idiot agree and disagree at the same time...lol...the game is in the review stages already...every person who has seen this game running have claimed this to be one of the best, if not the best looking game this gen...Remedy has bent over backwards, while most developers hide, to explain how this masterpiece was created, released a great in game trailer a couple wks back and blew everyone away....

Why Remedy waste there time with the haters who can't play this game anyways is beyond me...Remedy are amazing at what they do...make games that matter....He ends with, we will revisit AW when it releases....That what these morons should of said in the begging instead of trying to hurt the sales and reputation of Remedy BEFORE the game is even released....

Digitalfoundry caters to ignorant gamers out there...Remedy just schooled these losers on video gamming 101...Can't wait, big screen, big sound...one masterpiece...PS3 kids...back to your hole.....

AliTheBrit195132d ago

"real gamers dont miss on great games"

So I take it you have an Xbox 360 then to play its fantastic exclusives?

Method5132d ago

Still doesn't change the fact that if the game was developed on the PC or PS3 it wouldn't have these poor limitations.

Remedy sacrificed their integrity as developers and gimped their game just for Microsoft's low standards.

nix5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

nope Ali, i'm interested in the game but to buy a fault-ridden-hardware for one game... i don't think it's worth it. i have commonsense too, you see.

nycredude5132d ago

cez of rage

You need to either go back to school or something or lay of the sauce man. Also stop putting every Ps3 owners in one category. Only fools like you think that just because someone doesn't have both consoles that they CAN'T play some games. If someone wants to they can alway go and buy a 360. duh! You know there is no law against having both consoles. Only in your delusional fanboy world is it a sin to own both. I have both consoles and if Alan Wake is a decent game AND I have time for it then it's a definite buy.

I love how you fools come here and diss the "other side" thinking you are so smart and yet you are pretty much the same only on a "different" side. Next time do yourself a favor and just don't comment cause you sound like a fool.

While this doesn't really matter to me cause I can enjoy a good game no matter how it looks (hell MGS still is a great game to me), it's pretty clear that in order for the 360 to compete in the graphics department certain concessions are required. No biggie and the overall product still looks great. But let's not make Alan Wake out to be some kind of King of Graphics here, like alot of people are doing. It looks like a good game and let's leave it at that.

5132d ago
sid4gamerfreak5132d ago

half life 2 runs in 1080p while crysis runs in 720p. Hmmm, which one looks better??

raztad5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

It's funny how DF cant wait to do Damage Control. I cant imagine how their actual analysis of AW will be.

BTW, Siren looks good but it's not exactly pushing PS3 limits.


Interesting question coming from someone with a PC as a avatar. PC gamers are always trying to get games running at the higher possible resolution, because 720p looks "blurry". I do agree somehow, 1080p is much sharper, but a 720p game with high quality assets looks wonderful as well.

DeepInterludium5132d ago

Siren's a good game, graphics aren't it's strong suit. It's a PSN game that was a port of a PS2 game.

I don't remember anyone touting Siren's graphics, saying it's one of the best looking games or saying that it surpasses 360's graphics.

That is the problem with Alan Wake, they hyped up the graphics so much and failed so hard to match expectations. It's the same thing that happened to KZ2, it was the best looking game by far, but people still complained it didn't look as good as the 2005 trailer.

Alan Wake looks like a blurry mess and is far from taking the graphics crown on 360, let alone come close to the heavy hitters on PS3.

AnttiApina5132d ago

"This appears to be a somewhat different state of affairs when compared with early Wake footage we took a look at back in August last year, which was definitely a native 720p."

The E3 version was native 720p?!

sikbeta5132d ago

Sorry, but WTH Siren Blood Curse has to do with AW?


Survival Horror?, OK, so?

PSN Game vs Retail Game?

2 years old Game vs incoming (2010) Game?

Rhythmattic5132d ago

Actually sikbeta

It was available on BR. I bought It on BR.

As DigitalAnalog said , Its doing the same things "Tech Wise" as AW, Thats the only reason I reiterated.

I'm not Bashing AW, I'm buying it.

AliTheBrit195132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

So who else is picking up the very cheap (for its contents) special limited edition of the game?

AliTheBrit195132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

I'm not going to get into the Xbox 360 hardware right now

But by your logic, and only your logic

You are not a real gamer, because as YOU put it, real gamers dont miss out on great games, which is what you are doing.

And how did I come to this conclusion? well, I have common sense ;)

Fanb0y5132d ago

Resolution honestly does not matter too much during gameplay.

Heck, Halo 3 looks incredibly detailed running at 640p no AA.

Alan wake is 576p with 4xMSAA. That makes a huge difference. You won't see 'low quality' frames. The details will still be there.

sikbeta5132d ago


[1] The European version with Extra Content, making of and stuff? I Envy You lol

[2] I didn't think you were bashing AW, I thought people were going to compare AW vs S:BC, which is a game that didn't set any Graphic Bar [still So Damn Scary]...

Arnon5132d ago

You guys realize that the resolution of a game is not entirely indicative of it's overall appearance, right? MGS4 was gorgeous, and won many "Best looking game of 2008" awards, and the game ran below 720p.

We've all seen Alan Wake gameplay. The game is gorgeous, no matter what resolution or upscale it goes through. Who honestly cares what resolution it runs at?

The Lazy One5132d ago

I don't know why people think running at a lower resolution is that bad. The game looked fantastic in the gameplay videos. I'm sure remedy did plenty of experimentation on whether having a 50 buffer composite with a 540p opaque geometry map or a 20 buffer composite with a 720p opaque geometry map to see which looked best. I doubt they chose the worse looking one. If the game composites to 720p before any AA or post processing is applied (I'm guessing they do it this way as they said they output at 720p, and they could just output at 540 and let the 360 deal with it if they weren't doing something else), then I'd doubt anyone would realistically know the difference unless they were a pixel counter.

Xeoset5132d ago

Wow, what utter tools.

"All together the render targets take about 80 MB of memory, equivalent in size to over twenty 720p buffers."

"It isn't strictly 540p. But it isn't strictly 720p either."

"Alan Wake's renderer on the Xbox360 uses about 50 different intermediate render targets in different resolutions, color depths and anti-alias settings for different purposes."

""Modern renderers don't work by rendering everything to a certain final on-screen resolution, but use a combination of techniques and buffers to compose the final detail-rich frames, optimizing to improve the visual experience and game performance."


Anybody with a brain can see how this works, and why it makes for a better game. Think of it as the Xbox 360's RAM setup, 512MB it can throw into either the CPU or GPU, depending on the tasks, comapred to the PS3's 2x 256MB, which is dedicated, meaning that it has a cap. The prior is a better setup when considering demand/load.

With every Xbox 360 release we see this bull; thought those 3 shooters would keep the PS3 Fanboys at bay.

raztad5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

Please people stop acting like resolution doesnt matter. I dont know about you but I want my games to look as sharp as possible, otherwise I'd be playing PS2 games (in the best case) up to 480p.

Resolution matters big time, lower res means more blurrines. I was very disappointed when GoW3 was announced to be 720p instead of 1080p, and N4G exploded with fans arguing about it, if it was relevant to GoW3 how is not relevant to any other game.

What it's interesting is that probably Remedy decided to go lower res because it produces the best results in terms of overall image quality. Dont forget 4xMSAA is being applied and game is gonna be v-synced. As most of the game is under poor lightning blurriness is NOT big deal, fair trade off if you ask me.

nix5132d ago

wake me up when 360 gets great games i like. the only games i want from 360 are GeOW series and Alan Wake. so, don't tell me i'm missing out on ANY great games that i'm interested in.

Elwenil5132d ago

Honestly, who cares about the specs if it looks and plays great? How much to the specs really mean to the average gamer? Sure there are titles that have suffered graphically and should have been better considering the hype, but will any of this really matter when the game releases? Seriously, are you going to not buy this or any game because of it's specs even though it looks good regardless of the resolution and is fun to play? Admittedly I am not a 360 fan and I will not be buying Alan Wake or even a 360 in the near future but I seem to remember that same bellyaching about Uncharted 2's 720p resolution and 30 FPS and how that was such a raw deal. Did it matter? That was a fantastic game and looked stunning. In the end do specs really matter? Sure they do, but is it worth all of this constant debate for every game coming out in the near future? Probably not. Just my .02

xXRight3yeXx5132d ago

360 fanboys bash GOW3 for being 720p. PS3 fanboys bash AW for being 540p. Do you see the difference in mentality?

I used to play my PS3 games n 576p on my HD monitor and i thought that it was HD. Turned out, 576p is not even near HD(SUB-HD). Then i switched my display settings and i found out about it and quickly changed it and the difference was HUGE. If you don't believe me, then try it yourself. 576p sucks.

KiRBY30005132d ago

you are right except for one thing when you say

"It's the same thing that happened to KZ2, it was the best looking game by far, but people still complained it didn't look as good as the 2005 trailer"

KZ2 graphics ended up even better than the 2005 trailer. it was as impressive while much more polished. 1 year after its release, it's still the console king.

people who complained must be blind or something.

Triella5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

I remember this Alan Wake rip off vividly :

oh wait...

-Alpha5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

Kirby is right about K2's final product looking better than the trailer.

Resolution REALLY doesn't matter. Resolution plays a minimal role in graphics, and for the love of god, games are about gameplay!

Real gamers should be hoping this game does great not hoping it fails. People love to complain about shooters on the market and then a game that does something neat like Alan Wake or Heavy Rain comes out and all anyone can talk about is how it's too different or graphically inferior.

People act as if Alan Wake looks like a horrible game as if resolution totally destroys its quality. 360 fanboys shouldn't be acting as AW is king of graphics and PS3 fans shouldn't be judging it for it.

5132d ago
AliTheBrit195132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

Well now your getting illogical again

You've changed "great games" to "great games I'm interested in "

I am sure there is plenty of people who find the Xbox 360 has many great exclusives THEY'RE interested in, and that the PS3 has no great exclusives THEY'RE interested in.

So you went from defining a "real" gamer by one who doesn't miss out on great games, to making "great games" what one is interested in

So you can no longer say anyone is not a "real gamer" because they could just say they're not interested in those games.

Nix - You put forward an argument, and then knocked it down again with your own comment.

Elven65132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

Method: That makes no sense at all, the PS3 and Xbox 360 have games that run at 1080p and 720p, they also have games that run below 720p the article gives three examples (Tekken, parts of Killzone 2 and Siren).

More examples,





Why do you think Remedy sacrificed their standards in development solely because the game is on the Xbox 360? If you make such outrages statements it's good to give some sort of proof and simply saying "not everything is running at 720p" doesn't cut it.

If you're still going to argue Remedy sacrificed their integrity on resolution alone I guess developers like Free Radical (Haze), Factor 5 (Lair), Kojima Productions (Metal Gear), Rockstar (Midnight Club, GTA 4), Insomniac (Ratchet), IW/Treyarch (COD), etc have also sacrificed their integrity since they made games that didn't run natively at 720p too.

Resolution has little or nothing to do with what a developer is capable of or what they believe in. Some of those developers stated above have made some amazing games despite the resolution issues.

4Sh0w5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

No you're missing the point, what they are saying is that standard 720p with NO 4xMSAA would look worst than 540p WITH 4xMSAA. Now obviously 720p native WITH 4xMSAA would be the best of both worlds but these console do have limitations, I think its apparent this is what Remedy is getting at in their explanation, they want the best visuals and performance possible with this engine:

"a combination of techniques and buffers to compose the final detail-rich frames, optimising to improve the visual experience and game performance"

Looking at the game it seems they made the right choice to me, but of course I trust Remedy's knows better than the fanboys, which DF seems to agree with when they state:

"It's another example of how overall image quality still looks very good, and it's pretty impressive just how much the 4xMSAA contributes to reducing the scope of the edge-aliasing."

It's not surprising to me because theres plenty of 720p native games that look worst than some of lower resolution games, you simply can't say that game A is graphicaly superior to game B just because game A has a higher resolution, theres simply too many other factors that determines HOW THE GAME LOOKS VISUALLY ON SCREEN, in fact COD4 was is still well known for its superb visuals, was only 600p yet it looked better than every shooter releaed during the same timeframe which many of course were native 720p.

Again this whole issue is much to do about nothing, some people just hate to see anything on the other console recieve credit where credit is due, Alan Wake is visually damm impressive, I just hope the story and gameplay will be just as impressive, but I have faith that Remedy will deliver.

CrazzyMan5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

Because it`s clearly now(in 2010) that PS3 has superior graphics(KZ2,Un2,GoW3).

This should be NOT questioned ever again. We should end this here.

People are not against Alan Wake, they are against x360, which limits game resolution and space.

Anyway, enjoy GAMING, Alan Wake should be a great GAME, i would expect nothing less from Max Payne develeopers. BUT it`s just a FACT, x360 LIMITS today`s GAMING.

5132d ago
Greywulf5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

And thats the PS3's worst effort Res wise.

ThanatosDMC5132d ago

Funny thing is... Siren looks like crap guess that means AW is going to look like crap on our hdtvs...

Play Siren and turn off the grainy effect. It looks terrible... gotta love having a gun in the game though it's always short lived. Nothing like a bullet to the head to "fix" a freak of nature.

Sarcasm5132d ago

Who cares? The real news is "Conversely, some of the textures on Kratos in God of War III are 2048x2048 in size"

No wonder he looks so sharp and detailed without a single jaggy on him.

raztad5132d ago


No jaggies are due to the awesome AA tech SSM used (MLAA), but yeah Kratos looks sick. SSM incorporated a technique to reflect Kratos muscles stress.

Absolut_Turkey5132d ago (Edited 5131d ago )

You know why I love owning a PS3? I no longer have to worry about the whole "graphics vs. gameplay" issue, because PS3 exclusives do a good job providing BOTH (i.e. UC2, GOW3, LBP, MLB: The Show, MGS4, Killzone2). And the people that keep saying graphics and frame-rate don't matter are either lying to themselves or die-hard Xbox fans.

OT: Alan Wake is going to be a damn fine game that everyone (regardless of console preference) should experience. I personally can't wait to give Alan a spin on my friend's Xbox (if I can convince him to buy it, he doesn't seem too interested in AW). That being said, Alan Wake WILL NOT be the graphical masterpiece many people here were trying to hype it up to be, period!

EDIT: BTW when I'm trying to convince my friend to buy this for his Xbox, the LAST THING I'm going to talk about are it's graphics.

Elven65131d ago

Greywulf: Not true at all, Ghostbusters before it was patched was 540p (960x540), Guitar Hero titles have also been between 570-580p.


Tech doesn't matter much, it's all down to what the developer wanted to accomplish and how far they can get without sacrificing overall quality. Resolution is usually the first thing to go when attempting to keep framerate, screen tearing down, etc.

vhero5131d ago

Another article on this???? Can we please stop submitting these?? Do people really care enough for it to effect there purchase?

The_Zeitgeist5131d ago

For example:
Congress used this in the 1960's to end
the discrimination of African Americans
by southern resturants.

Imalwaysright5131d ago

@ Raztad I dont care about the resolution of games. If i did: the best game ive ever played wouldnt be MGS3, My favorite RPGs wouldnt be FFIX and Vagrant Story, I wouldnt bother buying Oddworld Abes oddyssey and MGS from the PSN and try to find great PS2 titles i hadnt the opportunity to play last generation like Okami, DMC and Resident Evil Code Veronica. I play all those games on my phat PS3 and guess what i have just as much fun playing those games as i have playing PS3 games. Just because you have more fun playing games in HD it doesnt mean that everybody has. Resolution and graphics, to me, will never make or break any game as long as i find it fun and has great gameplay.

raztad5131d ago (Edited 5131d ago )


Well if you are fine playing blocky games, all the power to you.

MGS3 > MGS4 for me, but I played it when all I had was a PS2 and a crappy 480i TV. Give me a HD MGS3 and I'll be all over it. See I dont like the hypocrite stance (not saying it's from you) that now gameplay is the only thing that matters when articles about graphics comparison are the hottest in this site.

It's clear AW traded off resolution (as NG2 did and some other games) for more effects, more polygons on screen?, 4xMSAA and v-sync. The game is gonna be a looker, not doubts about it, but not the best looking game ever as many here were hyping to be, nor the "proof" the xbox is on par with the PS3.

THE BIAS5131d ago

No Alan Wake not being in HD doesn't mean the game will be bad. All it simply means is that this is just another 360 game that isn't in HD. The xbox 360 is becoming a console that doesn't have HD games releasing on it anymore

pixelsword5131d ago (Edited 5131d ago )

1. The game ain't HD

2. I don't care as long as it's a good game.

Everything else can be forgotten.


I would like to say people are banging this game not because it is a 360 game, but because it was supposed to be touted as a game with killer graphics. Other than that, I think this game may be a hit.

HolyOrangeCows5131d ago

The display resolution is native 720p, but the textures and geometric res are sub-720p, which is why the game is blurry.

Ju5131d ago

Oh, wait, now I get it. And GoW1&2 "Collectors Editions" PS3 is the exact same as the PS2 version. Hm, yes, thought so. Must be idiots they made it 720p and 2xMSAA. Waste of time, huh ?

MNicholas5131d ago

As I stated in my blog post

960x540 with 4xMSAA and upscaling to 720P or 1080P

is the best resolution for this game. It provides the optimum balance of shader quality, anti-aliasing, and resolution.

720P would have meant more jaggies (2x rather than 4x MSAA) and simpler shading.

No doubt I'll get a ton of disagrees (as usual) from people who never tire of being wrong.

MNicholas5131d ago

As I stated in my N4G blog post

960x540 with 4xMSAA and upscaling to 720P or 1080P

is the best resolution for this game. It provides the optimum balance of shader quality, anti-aliasing, and resolution.

720P would have meant more jaggies (2x rather than 4x MSAA) and simpler shading.

No doubt I'll get a ton of disagrees (as usual) from people who never tire of being wrong.

5131d ago
HolyOrangeCows5131d ago

You know what would be even more optimal for the 720p TVs that the majority of HDTV owners have? A 720p resolution with 2xAA

MNicholas5131d ago

720P w/2xMSAA would have been ugly on any TV.

Read my blog post for more info on why it was correct for the developers to choose 540P for this game.

HolyOrangeCows5131d ago (Edited 5131d ago )

"1) Rendering fewer pixels(about 44% less) frees up significant computational and bandwidth resourceswhich can be used to make the pixels that are rendered look that much better"
The screens we've seen sure don't have 'prettier pixels' than what we've seen in games from earlier this year. With the bandwidth available at 720p, games have still managed to look great (And a lot better than AW).

"2) 4xMSAA is noticably better than 2xMSAA in preventing "jaggies" fromappearing and, in conjunction with the 360's excellent scaling chip, canprovide a smoother, if softer, image"
You call it "softer", I call it more blurry.
When you have such a low resolution, and add such an amount of AA, you're left with a blurry image. I'd take the clearer picture with a few jaggies any day.

"3) 960x540 divides perfectly into 1080P (1920x1080) so scaling to 1080P is simple and doesn't introduce new artifacts."
But we can ignore the odd scaling to the more widely used 720p?

So putting it at a lower resolution frees up more power and bandwidth (No ****, Sherlock), it gives it a chance to blur the picture to heck, and it benefits the least common 1080p resolution?
Those are some pretty weak arguments.

sid4gamerfreak5131d ago

lol i got so many disagrees yet one person has only responded to why they agree/disagree with me. If u disagree with me, why dont u tell me WHY?? Pathetic...

Lol, 576p and 720p are last gen according to pc gamers atleast....

captain-obvious5131d ago

sub-HD wont mean that the game wont look good in normal / SD TV's

but it DOSE mean that it WONT look good in HD / 1080P TV's

Chris_TC5131d ago

"I'm sorry, but for the aforementioned reasons, I cannot confirm the exact native resolution either. But, on the other hand, you can rest quite assured that the graphics quality is good. Even after so many hours of staring at the game, people I asked could just say that "it looks like 720p", even though some remember that there had been discussions whether to render in 720p or less."


They can't confirm the native resolution. If it were 720p you bet they'd confirm it.

+ Show (59) more repliesLast reply 5131d ago
PimpHandHappy5132d ago

MS removed the requirement that games run in HD on the 360 well over a year ago

IHateYouFanboys5131d ago

lets not use that as a point to criticize microsoft on, or as a reason why there have been more sub-720p games lately though. remember, Sony never even had a minimum resolution, meaning companies were always allowed to release sub-720p gams (ala ghostbusters, tekken, gta IV, MGS4, ratchet and clank, etc).

the 720p minimum was never something that microsoft enforced anyway, since as far back as first batch of games there were sub-720p ones.

Jamie Foxx5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

Doing that they just made it a bigger issue than need be in all honesty,to me still looks like a good game regardless

Convas5132d ago

They said it ran at 720p, not Native 720p. And before any Sony Zealots say that I'm just doing damage control. THINK AGAIN. Look through my Comment history. I wasn't one of the idiots praising AW as the Second Coming.

Jinxstar5132d ago

But they did lie... It's like a sales man saying "Yes this golf runs on diesel" then you buy the car and find out the one he showed you ran on diesel but the one he sold you didn't. It runs on normal fuel... I see no difference...

Alan wake looks great and it kinda makes me think though. I am curious to know how much of the DVD they took up and if maybe the lower rez added more space and if so how much? I am curious still to hear about the games length... There are too many questions that need to be answered so I feel waiting for actual breakdowns from lens of truth or digital foundry would be better then speculation. Waiting for actual reviews to hear what the game is really like instead of the 360 vs PS3 black and white sides of the coin.

As a PS3/PC fan I can say this is the first game so far that makes me consider buying a new 360. I wont because I can play it at a friends house but my point is it's impressive. Looks good but at the same time if it is lacking in certain areas like game length... we'll see...

nycredude5132d ago

At best it was misleading, which should be frowned upon.

The Lazy One5132d ago

the golf thing is completely ludicrous.

It would be like if the salesman sold you a golf that he said ran on diesel, and OMG IT RUNS ON DIESEL! except it only has a standard FM radio instead of a satellite radio.

Biggest5132d ago

Your analogy is even further off base. Remedy said their game runs at 720p. The truth is that there is something within the game that is 720p. But the game itself doesn't run at 720p. A thing within the game is 720p. They lied.

Elven65132d ago

They didn't state it was 720p persay, they simply said some elements of the game were being rendered at that resolution. It was also the Community Manager who said that and not a developer albeit the CM is usually supposed to act on behalf of the company.

Before this ordeal, I don't think they ever said anything about the resolution publicly?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5132d ago
Convas5132d ago (Edited 5132d ago )

From what I've seen in the gameplay, AW is a game that I will enjoy, and I'm still on target to purchase it. As I said before, I'm a bit disappointed that it isn't 720p Native, but ultimately, I'll have to wait and see if Remedy made a good decision with the resolution. Until then, I will bide my time, waiting excitedly for reviews and ultimately the game.

Edit: Wait, so I'm not going to enjoy Alan Wake? OH NO!!! How'd you find this out!?!?! Please tell me, I'm desperate to know!! LMAO.

William Gates5132d ago

Think this game looks good
It's Sub HD !!!!
Now get over it you Silly BABOON'S

caffman5132d ago

and got that down to one bubble as well! You really are a twat

meatnormous5132d ago

He made an account cause he was down to 1 bubble? Isn't like no one else has ever done the same.

Show all comments (222)

Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

Read Full Story >>
roadkillers22d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran822d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto21d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia22d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger22d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie22d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

22d ago
Profchaos22d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie22d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh22d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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