
Lens of Truth: Resonance of Fate Video Comparison

Lens of Truth writes, "Resonance of Fate is the newest RPG to be delivered by SEGA. With its anime style, Resonance tries to go for the Japanese RPG market long-coveted by Square Enix. The Lens of Truth, although spoiled with Square Enix's latest release of Final Fantasy XIII, decided to sit down with Resonance of Fate to see if the game was even a contender to the genre's prestige. Oh, and we also decided to analyze it as well. So sit back, but not so far back that you can't see the screen, and watch the video analysis of Resonance of Fate, provided by Play N Trade, Oveido."

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Kuzo5168d ago

Lens of Truth seems slow going lately, but I thought this was a good comparison. Might have to rent this game.

hatchimatchi5168d ago

their capture card broke & were waiting for a new one.

saraphina0175168d ago

I don't know. I feel like I'm cheating on FF just by watching this. I might play it if someone let me borrow it, but I wouldn't buy it myself.

evildeli5168d ago

I actually like the battle system. I might be complicated, but it feels more hands on than FFXIII.

saraphina0175168d ago

It's just too complicated for me.

hatchimatchi5168d ago

yea the battle system is extremely in depth and unforgiving.

I started playing this game after coming home from the bar last weekend and during the first battle I said to my brother & friend, "I have no idea what the hell is going on", I then turned the game off, lol.

I started it back up the next day and got the hang of things though, it's a really solid game and the music is freaking amazing. I really love the art style too, lots of reviews say everything blends into each other but the steam punk world is awesome imo.

It's a great game though but sadly it's inevitable that it'll be overlooked by most people.

evildeli5168d ago

The hometown has a steampunk feel, but from what I played, I didn't see a lot of steampunk to the point that if you didn't mention it, I would have overlooked it. I say add more steampunk in for the win!

GameOn5168d ago

Not really that into JRPGs, Only one I ever played was Lost Odyssey which was Pretty good. This Resonance of fate looks more to my tastes though.

hatchimatchi5168d ago

I would definitely rent it first, I bought it and i'm glad I did but i'm a huge fan of jrpg's. The game requires a lot of patience at first and can be extremely frustrating. Best of luck though!

Kuzo5168d ago

I got a feeling that if final fantasy didn't come out, this game would have gotten more attention. I'm always up for a good JRPG. I loved Lost Odessey too, but I haven't played a good JRPG since.


10 Most Overlooked RPGs That You Should Play Now

Many overlooked RPGs lie dormant in the catalogues of gaming, but players can pick up their swords and shields with these amazing JRPG hidden gems!

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8 Underrated JRPG Games That You Can Play in 2021

From Xfire: "The golden era of JRPGs has long since passed, with more traditional RPGs having planted themselves firmly under the spotlight for the better part of the past two decades. However, while there's not been as many JRPG games released in recent years, there's still enough of them being released that results in certain titles slipping under the proverbial radar."

jznrpg1193d ago

The only game I don’t own and never heard of is Fell Seal , I’ll look into it

NecrumOddBoy1193d ago

Highly recommended if you like FF Tactics. I believe it was Colin Moriarty's (Last Stand Media) GOTY last year.

Positivelypositive 1193d ago

Most of these are the weak story jrpgs which is why its an easy pass for myself. I don't have love to turn based or tactics battles systems but I enjoy the other aspects of jrpgs. The most important aspect to me is the story. I have put up with playing horrible battle systems and mini games that should never exist to enjoy the lengthy and amazing stories these games have. For some reason around the PS3 days they seemed to think, who cares about story just worry about battle system and crafting. So if those are the things you're looking for then this list is for you.

Zeldafan641192d ago

You must not have been playing RPGs for almost 30 years.

Unknown_Gamer57941193d ago

I’ve been trying to get back into playing JRPGs lately. With the recent release of Persona 5 Strikers, I finally decided to start playing Royal. I don’t know if I can make the time for just any JRPG though, and Persona games are always an experience and a half.


Resonance of Fate 4K/HD Edition getting a physical release in Asia

Arc System Works announced today that Resonance of Fate 4K/HD Edition will be getting a physical release in Asian territories starting this December.

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Father__Merrin1674d ago

very memorable game for me last generation. nothing will ever beat the ps360wii era for me

ScoreBunnie1674d ago

I just want a remaster of Infinite Undiscovery on Xbox Scarlett and PS5.

Father__Merrin1674d ago

Will never ever happen it sold like pants. But was an excellent jrpg imo

ScoreBunnie1673d ago

Indeed it was, it was better game that Resonance and Remnant imo. Square has struggled to make a AAA game of that caliber since. The IP needs to be sold, then again I can say that of any square franchise that isn't Romance Saga, Final Fantasy, or Dragon Quest.