
Japanese mangaka rips CNN a new one over Rapelay controversy

After the late-to-the-party coverage by CNN on the controversy related to the hentai game Rapelay, released for Windows in 2006, the Japanese mangaka Takeshi Nogami wrote an open letter to the network, expressing his disgust for that evident attack against Japanese society and culture.

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Foxgod5144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

Hes disgusted that we find rapeplay tasteless?
Whats next, fatty's get enraged because we dont like their homemade cheesepizza hamburgers?

If i where part of the japanese culture, i wouldnt feel too comfortable about his ranting that rape games are part of the culture.

TOO PAWNED5144d ago

Dude you are like most Americans a hypocrite. Do you realize that USA created porn industry? Do you know how perverted and disgusting porn industry is? Do you know how many sick and twisted porn movies are out there, that goes against every moral, religious and basic human value|?
I don't see how that makes you any better then guys that making stupid cartoon rape game. Yes believe it or not it is part of their culture, just how Hollywood porn industry is part of US culture at this point. Does that mean every one plays rape game in Japan or watched porn movies in USA? No!
Look i already said that i do not like or support idea of any rape game, move, or act, but if that is something that has green light in Japan, let them care about it. Americans have no business sticking their noses in it, something you are really good at. Thats all

El_Colombiano5144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

In b4 fauxgawd's "I'm not American" BS and misses the point.

SaiyanFury5144d ago

Hating on Japan's culture is normal for people who can't accept a different way of life. The human body and it's exposure has been normal in Japan for hundreds of years. Judging them by American standards is closed minded in and of itself. Hence the surplus of hentai coming from Japan; it's normal for them to make such things public and it's not a big hit among the community in America. You can't judge a foreign culture based on American ideals, that practise would make it racist. Japan is a different culture and is normal for them. So they have rape games. It's not just over here in America, but it's normal for them. If you don't approve of a game, fine, but don't judge it against the entire country/culture.

Eamon5144d ago

LOL, he's not directly hating on japan's culture. He's hating on this specific issue which is ironically a part of Japan's culture.

Why do people always say, "Oh you're a hypocrite american because the US created the porn industry" or "in US rapeplay is okay in porn."

Just because Foxgod is american, that doesn't mean he agrees with any of that.

I'm British, does that mean I support everything within the country I live in? Of course not. In fact I disagree with a huge number of policies and cultural morals they have.

Viper75144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

It's their f'n country, what are we to judge what kind of entertainment they allow. US or any other country or union should not have anything to do with this. Besides they are clearly made for adult audience.

There are countries where people are marrying 12 years olds and using religion as excuse. Yet people get angry for games with virtual rape?

Let Japan handle their own business, if they respect freedom of speech/expression/art/entertai nment more than US/EU/AU for example then let them do so. who knows, maybe we can learn from them. IF they however turn in to senseless mass murdering rapists within next few years we can always offer few pointers.

Ocelot5255144d ago

if you ban rape games you also have to ban GTA

it's that simple

Venatus-Deus5144d ago

The USA did not create the porn industry! That’s like saying the Greeks invented homosexually. It's been around longer than the USA has existed.


wicko5144d ago

Just add foxgod to your ignore list like I did, he has nothing useful to say, ever.

Abriael5144d ago

How comes I'm not surprised that Foxgod completely missed the point?

rockleex5144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

Yet no one says anything.

The moment a video game does the same thing, all hell breaks loose.

Just another typical day in a world where people believe video game (virtual) crimes affect people more than actual physical crimes.

f7897905144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

Who are we to judge? I'll judge anyone I see who makes any kind of media that has rape in it. Whether they are Japanese, American, or an f'ing extraterrestrial.

freeblue5144d ago

when it's in japanese video games..it's called fakerape.. but when it's in american GTA, heavy rain, God of War, it's "artistic" expression. i guess it's alright when a female char moah softly rather than high pitch voice (like most japanese culture depiction of sex).

Ravage275144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

i'm sure there are plenty of adult movies and films that glorifies rape, but of course it is easier to pick on games...and the fact that it's japanese makes it even more convenient

ShinRyuHadoken5144d ago

Guys, Its just a game. Just like GTA. Are you really go beat people in public with no reasons? No. Games are only for entertaining you in you're escape off the reality. It's like an Art paint. And if you don't like it then you don't have to play it. What about the culture in Japan? It's one off the most beautiful cultures in the world. And I can tell you this. It's better then the American culture. People there respect each other and working hard for a better economy. Young peaple respect the old. The old listen to the young. Something the USA needs too copy more.

TotalPS3Fanboy5143d ago (Edited 5143d ago )

U.S. does not have rape games.
U.S. rape statistic is 20 more times higher than Japan.
Japan has rape games.

CNN: Rape games cause people to go out and rape.
THE TRUTH: B*tchslapped CNN for not knowing what the f*ck it is talking about.


It would be funny if the Japanese media stick their nose in American's business and report on the news how digusting fat-ass Americans are because they eat nasty-ass junk food. And how Americans should be ashame to have such a fatty and digusting culture.

FoxGod, everybody knows you only hate the Japanese because the Japanese doesn't like your American 360.

Army_of_Darkness5143d ago

mangaka- "CNN is in no position to give lectures on the Japanese culture and gaming industry. Maybe it would be smarter and more coherent of them to give a good look in their own backyard instead."

"In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes ech month and 683,280 rapes each year.

The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan. "


bruddahmanmatt5143d ago

Wait until CNN finds out about Hentai. Oh man is the s**t gonna hit the fan when they make that discovery. Slow news day much? Sheesh.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5143d ago
SwiftArsonist5144d ago

the point being is that we, as rational human beings, we have to respect each others cultures plain and simple.

Ocelot5255144d ago

and what about the culture of nazi-germany?

no, I disagree, a superpower like america needs to interfere with other nations. But the problem is that the USA values are flawed. They really needs to instate separation of church and state for example

garos825144d ago

"no, I disagree, a superpower like america needs to interfere with other nations".
how about you get lost you pompous twat. who are you to say that a superpower like america should interfere with other countries? who are you to say that it shouldnt be china,russia or japan instead? yes believe it or not they too are superpowers.

no one should interfere with no body. its none of your business unless its a DIRECT threat to your own country and no Iraq doesnt count.

the only thing i agree on is separation of the state from the church- that dont mean the rest of the crap you spewed is worthwhile

Venatus-Deus5144d ago

Thank goodness you’re not a world leader. Some reading for you below…


To give you a more localized analogy I guess if I saw your sister being raped by a guy with a knife then I shouldn’t interfere because it’s not my business if she can’t protect herself.

Nothing when dealing with cultures and countries is black and white.

garos825144d ago

yeah nothing really is easy as black and white. we let superpowers intervene and then we get them thinking its ok to intervene elsewhere such as in Iraq where they have found all those WMDs right?

personally i believe there are other more pressing issues these "superpowers" should deal with first like maybe correct the wrongs of their own countries first? if they really want to play super heroes then they could try erradicate world hunger, cures for diseases and all those other cliche things we wish for when we were kids.

Venatus-Deus5144d ago

I think that most superpowers actually try to achieve these things (if curing disease was easy then the drug companies would have packaged it and sold it to you by now), However if they were concentrate all their resources on what you describe has pressing issues then they would probably lose the next election.

Truth is that the only real part of the world that has hunger is Africa and the average person on the street will just shrug their shoulders. People only really care what happens to them and not the person 3000 miles away.

But, you actually kind of got it. You can’t really say help me here, help them there and then say the problem with this country is that they get involved. I’m not a fan of America as a whole; however I can appreciate that I wouldn’t be alive today if they hadn’t got involved in the WWII.

garos825144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

not only africa
your right though, people only care about things happening to them and not people 3000 miles away. and it should be that way. problem is most people focus too much on that and not how their goverments are screwing things up abroad.

like you said it never is always black and white, if ww2 never happened
who knows how things would have turned out?

ps it is a good thing im not a politician, id blow all my budget on beer, porn, and video games :)

BannedForNineYears5143d ago

Separation from Church and State? As in Church should have nothing to do with State laws? Or State laws should have nothing to do with Church?

Rocket Sauce5143d ago (Edited 5143d ago )

All I want to know is, who gets a boner over rape?

"I assume that you are capable of distinguishing fiction from reality like we do. Are you not?"

Yeah, but dude...getting off on rape...seriously?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5143d ago
voice_of_ reason5144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

"Dude you are like most Americans a hypocrite". I don't appreciate the condescending statement towards Americans. If you want to call Foxgod a hypocrite, then just call him one. No need to stereotype over 300 million people to prove your--rather lame--point. Also, just a note of observation, your grammar is horrible. If you want to sound at least somewhat intelligent, you should try working on that!

Kerrby5144d ago

Too Pawned does have a point though and I don't think that picking up on his grammatical mistakes verifies your point.

TOO PAWNED5144d ago

Grammar thing is so early 2000, really it does not bother me one bit what you have to say about my grammar. English is my 3rd language and i am very happy at how good it is, thank you either way.
Anyways back on topic. If you read my comment again you can see i said that not everyone in USA watches Porn movies even if porn industry is big part of American culture, so i wasn't putting 300 million people in same group aka stereotype. But does USA have tendency to stick their nose in other nation business? You bet your a22 they do. Thats a fact whether you like it or not.
Next time try better to counter point my comment, generic comments about someones English don't work these days, you have to try better. Good luck with that ignorant brain

voice_of_ reason5144d ago

@kerrby It wasn't supposed to "verify" my point. I was simply commenting on it, as I stated by saying, "just a note of observation". Generally, the more well-spoken you are or the better you write, the more creditability your argument has.
@TOO Anyway, my point was you're going to say Americans should mind their own business and respect others' culture--then you should not stereotype Americans as hypocrites in the same argument. That is borderline hypocritical in itself!
And, furthermore, in response to your point about, "USA have tendency to stick their nose in other nation business? You bet your a22 they do. Thats a fact whether you like it or not."
Two things: First, you would be naive to think the worlds largest economic and military power would not 'stick it's nose' into other nations' business--especially a nation in which the US has so much invested in. Now, that doesn't mean it's "right"... I think we can agree on this much. Second, I was saying your argument was "lame" not in reference to your analogy of the porn industry--as that is a relatively good point--rather, it was geared more towards the, "calling Americans hypocrites and then being somewhat hypocritical yourself" part of your argument.

TOO PAWNED5144d ago

You are an idiot man, you prove my point. Live in your ignorant mini world, i am done with you.

evrfighter5144d ago

erm no

he presents a very good point. It's just you know he does also which is why you are "done with him"

mrv3215144d ago

Worlds largest economic power... not sticking it's nose in? Lassez Faire? Fordney McCucumber? WW2? America for a very long time didn't bother with the outside world, but now that's all they seem to do, is either invade or ask for change in a foreign country. America isn't the perfect country, nor is it the most offensive but your media is focused heavily on American society and mocking other countries, you have no offended I was after seeing the NHS reports.

Are all Americans hypocritical? No, is the media and government to an extent largely either biased or plain outragous? From what I can tell yes, again I'm not American, and to be honest with you I have no intention to move there. I do on the other hand dislike how America has written Britain out of our inventions, wars etc, the Jet engine(british) how many commercial airline makers are British? The Computer was either German or British... but now it's Microsoft and America. The telephone was Italian, the TV was Scottish.

voice_of_ reason5144d ago

Well before WWII, and during, America was very different. They had a policy of isolationism. It wasn't until the fall of the Soviet Union did America become the world's sole superpower. If you do you research, you'll find that no nation--ever--has known the economic wealth and military might the US had at the end of the Cold War. There has, ever since, been a lack of grand strategy for the US going forward... a result is misguided wars and bad foreign polices. I can link referrence if you'd like!
Anyway, I agree with your point on the US media. I don't really care for domestic politics--which is why I have a degree in International Politics! I disagree with you on the US government, though. And even if you never move to the States, you should visit! It's a great country, with great people and culture. Don't let the everything the govt and news say/do sway your opinion! Also, I have been to Britain many times, it's a wonderful place.

mrv3215144d ago

If I'm perfectly honest with you comparitively I'd say Britain, Mongolia and Napolian had equal military might for their time, let's not forget Rome either.

America is powerful and to say their isolationist beliefs ended with the cold war is frankly inconsiderably naive, America still is very isolationist, the media reflects this with large biased article and stories pro-American business and largely anti-World. Not only that but America has a firm belief still in isolation, not nationally but that of the people, where each man is responsible for his family, hence in part why the Medicare package received more criticism.

Again American is a country, with a good backbone of nationalism and good people with strong morales, but those same positives lead to negative out comes. Is America>World? No. Is any one country superior to America? No. But that does not give American media the right to criticize other countries, especially with the sheer amount of crime, corruption and aggression we can see in America, not all people are like that but you must admit America is very corrupt in places.

The population of Japan is roughly 130 million. While the population of America is 300 million. With that in mind consider the fact that 4,000 rapes happen in Japan while 100,000 in America. Let's not forget that shall we. According to what google brought up, it probably isn't too reliable so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Viper75144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

To correct the errors of some of the posts above:

Hes argument states that: "US has loads of similar entertainment in form of videos and magazines." Which is without doubt common knowledge and doesn't need any credibility to cover it up.

of course calling most Americans hypocrites is more of a insult not an argument. As he doesn't provide any facts why he has come up to this conclusion.

Credibility has nothing to do with grammar, except when maybe arguing about English language? You do not question persons credibility, you question the "facts" or "logic" that build the argument.

example racists says all black people are thief's, you don't question his background you question the facts(if there are any) backing up his claim. Argument without

Credibility comes to argument, some1 is using opinion of a respected person like a scientist as an example. As the scientists most likely has tons of facts to cover up his opinion.

garos825144d ago

your logic is very flawed. if you hang on peoples credibility based on their grammatical skills then you are nothing but a moron.just some information for you my ignorant friend, not everyone on the internet has a native english language. the clue is in www (WORLD wide web)

Abriael5144d ago

To be honest the US is just the tip of the iceberg. Having traveled around quite a bit, I've seen very biased anti-japanese TV reports in most of the countries i traveled to and lived in. The western media in general relishes in showing off the most obscure and niche areas of the Japanese culture in order to twist them and portray them as perverted. Some asian countries are no different. Korea and china are the major offenders. There's few days in which you can't see some old school Japan-hating on their TVs.

That's why I find it absolutely hilarious that the main correspondent for CNN in Japan is... Korean. Most Koreans have hatred for Japan imprinted in them since when they are kids. By their parents, by the media, even by history schoolbooks.
It's basically like sending a fan of a soccer team to report about their direct rival.

Mind you, stereotyping americans isn't right as well. The lady that gets interviewed in the second report (Cheryl Olson), is american, ans she tries to make some very logical points, too bad that the anchorman rudely interrupted her again and again and shut her up as soon as he noticed that she wasn't going in the direction he wanted.

freeblue5144d ago

@ Abriael. you wonder why Koreans and Chineses hate Japaneses a little bit more than the rest of the world. Maybe you should find out a little bit of "Rape of Nanking" and you might know why.

oh.. if you gonna use "it's a history" as an excuse that other Asians shouldn't hate no modern Japaneses. you should rethink that excuses, because Americans invaded another country, hatre toward "sand people" for excuses way silly than that.

nycredude5144d ago (Edited 5144d ago )

I just had to chime in here being that I am america chinese and have pretty much lived in NYC all my life. This is a sticky subject but Americans are view for the most part in a negative light around the world. There is a reason for this. We (not all) do tend to think America is the center of the world and we do but into a lot of other countries business. A lof times we think it is the best thing to do but it turns out to backfire (we were the ones who gave Bin Laden and Afghanistan the weapons to fight Russia because we didn't want communism to win, yet these are the same weapons now being used to kill out troops in the war in Afghanistan. International politics is a very complex thing and thus must be handled very carefully.

However this subject is purely a moral one, and is about the 1000s of year old culture of a different country, in which case we should really just STFU and mind our own business. There are plenty of REAL rapist and murderers in the states for us to be worrying about some boring as*, anti-erotic "rape" game. Seriously I tried the game and it is the most boring thing in the world. It's no different than hundreds of other similar type games that came before it in Japan. I don't know why all of a sudden all the fuss. Most groping and then a sex scene with the girls mildly putting up any resistance, if at all. They all start moaning eventually. It's just like many porn in American where you have rape fantasy with real live people. Seriously people enough is enough.

Abriael5144d ago

@freeblue: did I say that I wonder why the koreans hate the Japanese? I know history, thank you, probably better than most.

The fact that Koreans may have a reason that they think legitimate to hate Japan and the Japanese doesn't make sending a Korean to report on Japan a good idea. It's like sending a fan of Manchester United to report on Manchester City.

Also, your argument that such hate would be justified is pretty laughable. If we went by that, Italians should hate all Jugoslavians because of what their partisans did to us after the end of WW2. Germans should be hated by everyone around the world. Since we're at it, let's all hate the Romans, because of the ones they killed when they had an empire that went from Spain to India.

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gamemer5144d ago

I'm bout to play that game right now. what a coincidence :p

kraze075144d ago

The porn industry in general has my support so I'm all for these types of games even though I'm not into them myself. I'm tired of CNN and Fox News trying to tell people what's right and what's wrong. It's not up to them to decide what's socially acceptable in America or anywhere else in the world so really they should just keep their mouths shut when it come to things like this.

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