
In-depth Review: Dead or Alive: Paradise - Electronic Theatre

Dead or Alive: Paradise follows a similar pattern to it's Xbox and Xbox 360 predecessors, wherein players compete in a number of mini-games to earn money in order to purchase new swimsuits, costume accessories and other items. With a section of the infamous Dead or Alive girls to play as, the ultimate objective of the game is to become friends with all of the other girls by buying gifts and becoming partners with them. Each girl has different interests, hangouts and likes & dislikes, so players will have to study the included hints guide and their reactions to previous presents in order to encourage them to become partners. Each girl varies in difficulty, but there is always one character that will take a lot more work, and patience, than the rest, effectively presenting the greatest challenge available.

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kevco335176d ago

So who's actually bought this then? Come on, own up!

Baka-akaB5176d ago

Imo , I dont think the guys (or gals) buying it even cares about any reviews for it, and certainly not their scores .

But yeah it makes you wonder . The series always puzzled me , especially when there are quite a few better looking and more rewarding pc games of the kind ... and at least they features porn/hentai actions .

Hotel_Moscow5176d ago

i like hwo it got a 2 in originality

5176d ago
VINNIEPAZ5176d ago

This is really one of those "You love it or hate it" type games. Me and my girl are BIG fans of the 1st DOA BV on the 1st Xbox. It sucked we couldnt play co-op though. We then tried the 2nd one on Xbox 360 and HATED it, they totally screwed up the game play. On the 1st one the game play was pretty tight, the second one was just awful. You could be PERFECTLY lined up to revive the ball and I swear they would make you miss on purpose to keep the game score close. I have no idea why they made it like that.

I haven't played this PSP version yet but so far my girl is loving it so I guess they went back to the original play mechanics. Fun game, just a very niche title.

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Games and sex themes: getting things right

Digitally Downloaded writes: "The reality is though that, just in real life and in the other forms of art out there, sex plays a much greater role in games than many realise. The obvious games featuring bikinis, shirtless hulking men and interactive sex scenes are just the tip of the iceberg; underneath it is a host of games where sexuality is a metaphoric theme or artistic construct.

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Let's Take a Look: Portable Design

Writer: Thomas Williams

The standard platforms for game design are either PCs or home consoles, both of which normally exist within private, stable, and controlled conditions. Thus, given the design of home games, the environment in which they’re played is not given much thought. Portable games on the other hand are interesting, since they can be played in a multitude of places, all of which can have an effect on gameplay and design. How does one effectively design for a portable game? How can we make them better? What are the main principles behind portable games? Well, let’s take a look.

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Amazingmrbrock4404d ago

Very true it's an oft understated aspect of portable game development.

Metal gear solid peace walker managed that transition very well. Which is a good way to contrast the two ways of developing within the same genre.


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Tecmo Koei Europe has launched their special promotion, the “PSP Power Sale”, a new sale available on some of the top PlayStation Portable (PSP) titles from the publisher. Including the likes of Dynasty Warriors and Undead Knights, the promotion runs for two weeks from today.

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Inception4651d ago (Edited 4651d ago )

Yeah, i luv kasumi tits <3
but i never have the time for playing DoA tits...em i mean DoA Paradise
is it worth the time & money?