
Nintendo Life: Disney Fireworks Review

Disney Fireworks is somewhat like Big Bang Mini meets Elite Beat Agents, only without the crazy shooting action and visual brilliance of the former, the awesome music and fun of the latter, and the challenge of both. The music sets a slow, plodding tempo, a definite turn-off in terms of a good rhythm-based game, and the visuals are oddly plain. As for the difficulty, it's almost non-existent considering this game will put you to sleep long before it becomes any kind of a challenge

In fact, if you're on the market for a new sleep aid, this will probably pay for itself after the first couple of weeks. Other than that, suffice to say you won't get any kind of bang for your eight bucks here.

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IGN: Disney Fireworks Review

The overall presentation wrapping the whole package up is lacking, too, and oddly so -- Disney properties are usually given much more care and respect than this. Here, the scenery and characters from Aladdin, Peter Pan, Lilo & Stitch, Fantasia and Disney World's Magic Kingdom seem like nothing more than quick sprite swaps layered quickly on top of the design.

So while you may be a Disney aficionado, regular park-goer and fan of the elaborate sky shows this game's been based on, IGN's suggestion is to leave it up to your memory to help you recapture their grandeur. Eight dollars spent on this dismal download doesn't do it.