
Mass Effect sex scandal 'embarrassed' Fox News - Bioware

CVG: Bioware boss Ray Muzyka has observed that Fox News' reporting of the 'sex scandal' in the original Mass Effect "embarrassed" the station.

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DrRobotnik5148d ago

People are dying all over they world and they report on a sex scandle in a VIDEOGAME?!! This is why I watch the weather channel.

edhe5148d ago

Why talk about war in some other country when you could talk about TEH HOORORZ THAT HURTZ YUR CHILDEREN!?!?

That, people, is conservative mindshare in action. Thank god you voted Obama, it makes the world more comfortable.

HolyOrangeCows5148d ago (Edited 5148d ago )

Bah, he was just the mainstream choice. Our economy continues to suffer over his wasteful spending and negligence (Keeping dead companies alive, proposing bills with several programs with few outlines/restrictions, not addressing several issues). There are plenty of other persons that the world would have loved to have lead America. Like Ron Paul.

Anyway, this "Se"Xbox thing was nothing short of both sad and hilarious. Why both conservatives and Liberals can't accept that games have ESRB ratings and can be monitored with them is beyond me.

Mo0eY5148d ago (Edited 5148d ago )

News isn't a joke, Faux News is.

"Fair and balanced," my ass.

Edit: @Above Ron Paul 2012.

King_of _the_Casuals5148d ago (Edited 5148d ago )

I doubt this would have embarrassed FOXNEWS because the whole FOXNEWS channel is embarrassing.

They cater to people with lower IQ's with water downed content. They also practice HIPHOPGAMER type of journalism by using sensationalism journalism. There the worst Fear-mongers of all the American media....and that's saying a lot.

And I always laugh out loud everytime I see there tag...."Fair and Balanced!" LMFAO!!! For it to be honest it should read...."Fair and Balanced only to Right-wing conservatives who believe not everyone is born equal."

TheLog5148d ago

Hey its free advertising on Fox. It saved them about millions on advertising. Like they say there si no such think as a bad publicity. Any publicity is welcomed.

Kurylo3d5148d ago

People keep talkn about how the economy is still hurting... last i checked it was sky rocketing.

my stock has gone from $1 when i purchased it to... $6 now... and lots of stucks are doing that... and this is a bank stock no less!

i made back 6x my money and im gonna make a whole lot more.

HolyOrangeCows5148d ago

Some rising stock doesn't mean a replenished economy. Go take an economics class.

TooTall195148d ago (Edited 5148d ago )

Start watching @ 1:32. It's really funny.


jamesgtaiv5148d ago (Edited 5148d ago )

Ron Paul is the man. The media is just there to keep your small mind preoccupied. Many other countries laugh at us for it. More than half the nation is asleep. "Thank god you voted in Obama." No, dumbass, You voted in that murderous f*ck. My hands are clean.
And last I checked, the world isnt more comfortable, Its poor. Not to mention since Obamas first month in office, the "federal" reserve has been granted more and more power over the countries economy despite the laws they break on a daily basis, just by existing.

Arnon5148d ago

Seriously... if there's any news that's a joke, it's Fox News. Talk about conservative to the hardcore. I watched Fox last night and a man was interviewing a woman, and after tirades of him complaining about Obama, she finally said, "When are you going to get over this?" He basically said never, and that he would make a better president.

The entire broadcast is a joke.

Darkstorn5147d ago

I agree with you...only to the extent that we need more regulation of the financial sector. We should not have given taxpayer dollars to failing multinational corporations with no strings attached.

That being said, regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Reserve, have taken too much of a hands-off approach to manipulating interest rates. We need someone to head the Fed who will stop doing exactly what the banks want, someone who is not a Greenspan-inspired Republican like Bernanke.

Darkstorn5147d ago

The reason other countries laugh at us is because of reactionary ideologues like Ron Paul.
Let me remind you, this is the guy who wants to reinstitute the failed gold standard and bring back the Gilded Age. He's also the one who wants to do away with income tax, which would be disastrous, to say the least.

jamesgtaiv5147d ago (Edited 5147d ago )

The federal reserve is not a "Federal" institution, its a private bank. Its unconstitutional to begin with. A constitutional republic cannot exist if it has a central bank. The fed should be audited and later put to rest. They only added the word "federal" to fool the american people into thinking its part of our infrastructure. Dont be fooled. These people want nothing more than power. They could give less than a sh*t about the money. Its just a ladder they use to control the wealth of this country.
Doing away with the federal income tax would cause panic but not disaster. There is supposed to only be an income tax on corporations that employ over 50,000 people. There is no law supporting the income tax, period. I agree we shouldnt do away with it completely. We should however change the distribution of it. Right now 64% of it goes where? The federal Reserve. Its a crime. Im sick of seeing bankers run my country deeper and deeper into the grave. By the time my kids are my age, it seems there will be nothing but a police state within this hole we call our country.

Youre right about Greenspan. That assholes' got his name engraved on almost every politicians forehead. Obama, Bush jr and Bush sr., Regan both the Clintons...

Darkstorn5147d ago (Edited 5147d ago )

That's not entirely correct. A good analogy for the Federal Reserve would be the ESRB - it's essentially a regulatory agency headed by a government representative (Ben Bernanke, who is appointed by Congress), that features bank representatives on its panel of consultants. It can raise and lower interest rates as it sees fit.
The reason the federal reserve exists, as with the ESRB, is to regulate without the federal government creating its own agency.

Now, I would happily get rid of the federal reserve system if we replaced it with a new, more powerful regulatory agency that would answer to Congress. Greenspan kept interest rates low, encouraged risky lending, and brought the U.S. economy to its knees. Bernanke, unfortunately, is repeating those mistakes. I say jack up the interest rates to around 14% (as Paul Volcker did in the 1970s to great success) and watch the banks wince as they lose their grip on the Fed.

I suppose I should say that the problem is not the Federal Reserve system, but the man running it. If he would stop answering to banks, the Fed chair could bring us back to post-WW2 levels of prosperity, without the constant recessions and depressions that ailed us when we had a gold standard.

Raz5147d ago

Mainly because they're totally shameless. Embarrassment is just another PR band-aid.

sid4gamerfreak5147d ago

Isn't this news old? I absolutely HATE Fox news and other similar news channels who look down upon gaming...

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5147d ago
mrv3215148d ago

Fox news... and fair media. LOL


Watch that channel and lol.

Seriously fox news is about as accurate and unbiased as mass effect was close to be a sex sim or however they put it on that disgusting segment.

Saryk5148d ago

Hate to break it to you, all news organizations are like that now, it’s about the money, nothing else.

mrv3215148d ago

I'm not American, here I feel our news stations tend to be less biased, while morning show like GMTV are simplified I find BBC to be overall a better news outlet than fox, mind you I am not in the ideal position to rate other countries only watching a couple hours of American TV.

Theoneneo815148d ago

yes but atleast you dont have some one on CNN calling out people that are A. the Next Hitler or the next Communist leader *cough glen beck* cough.

nnotdead5148d ago

no, just all cable news channels, and every "news" blog on the internet. lets not forget about most newspapers and magazines.

never mind.

feelintheflow5148d ago

You have Fox News with their opinion shows like Hannity, Beck, etc. on the far right of the spectrum, and MSNBC with Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman that are on the far left. Its sad really. Its almost impossible to get any news now without some personal bias. When AP articles are comparing Obama to the messiah, and another article calling him hitler. So sad. Don't watch opinion shows, you only get one side of the story that way.

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Solidus187-SCMilk5148d ago

fox news has the dumbest people in the world on their station 24/7.

Austin_SJ5148d ago

Fox is rubbish except for its unbiased political affiliations.

UltimateSin5148d ago

Good, stupidity and made-up facts should be good cause for embarrassment.

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Thanks to their innovative approach to gaming, RPGs like Dark Souls, Final Fantasy VII, and Dragon Quest left a significant impact on the genre.

ApocalypseShadow341d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox340d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast340d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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512d ago

Mass Effect N7 Day Teaser Decoded, Features Liara and the Geth

The Mass Effect N7 Day teaser has already been decoded, and it features Liara T'Soni talking about The Council, and The Geth can be heard too.

LordoftheCritics541d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420540d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

539d ago
Fearmonkey539d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000539d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH539d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya539d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 539d ago
rlow1540d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol