
Halo 3 vs. Warhawk: Battle of the Betas

The prizefight between these two powerful works-in-progress pits Sony's big online-only affair against Microsoft's multiplayer addiction. Which sandbox game takes the prize in beta form? Matt Swider of Gaming Target judges the public betas of these system sellers in 12 rounds.

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bigmack6176d ago

you'd have to be an moron to say halo3 was better.....
warhawk beta was waaaaaaay better.

MoonDust6176d ago

Because if someone doesn't like what you like they are morons, guess what, i like Halo 3 more but you don't see me calling you a moron.

MikeMichaels6176d ago (Edited 6176d ago )

.....how Warhawk's rep has been transformed.

Just a few months ago it was getting slagged of as junk since they were dropping the single player and nobody figured the online could be any good.

Now, it's being trumpeted over what many consider one of the best and certainly is the most established online console fps ever.

Good job Incog!!!

Spartan156176d ago

Why would Halo steal the lobbying category after all the negatives it gave about halo's, and how effective warhawk was?

Daytona6176d ago (Edited 6176d ago )

Warhawk was a crap game that's been finished and then refinished several times, that wasn't a beta, it was a refinished game that was only going to be playstation online and not sold over the counter. When Halo 3 comes out compare them then, also, WH looks ps2ish, I mean how could you talk highly about that pOS. Seriously, I laughed when I first saw it, I only liked the ships controls, that was it. This game has no staying power, you'll tire of it in days. It wasn't and isn't worthy of a comparison or sales over the counter. Weak sales will show that soon enough too.

DrPirate6176d ago (Edited 6176d ago )


After it comes out, we'll be sure to tell you if you were wrong or right. Nice going jackass judging a game that has yet to come out. Is this how you watch all your movies and read all your books too?
Also, it looks PS2? Yet, according to this dude, it beat out Halo graphicly. GG.

Daxx6176d ago

But the real question is did you even play the Halo 3 beta? Or even touch a 360 controller?

And yes Wark Hawk is a good game BUT I'm Halo fan at heart.

Omegasyde6176d ago

..Take out the console freezing, Warhawk Beta won.

Halo beta only had 3 maps and required the purchase of a 60 dollar game.....

Warhawk was free, but invite only (unless you used the PS3proxy) and has about 20 maps (5 game worlds way larger than any of Halo 3's maps)
and lag free 32 player servers.

Halo 3 of coarse is a complete package with singleplayer, but the multiplayer isn't as good as warhawks. But if Warhawk starts at 30 as a PSN title with little loading...? Hmm.

Graphics wise=> Halo 3...to a degree. The Ambient effects like water and reflections of shiny objects are impressive.
Intensity,gameplay=>Warhaw k. What other game has it where:

Where you can fly in a jet, drop some bombs, and then snipe someone? OR
Jump in a tank, get out and then light people on fire, while running with a flag? The list goes on, pardon my advertising...But its true.

Halo 3 will be awesome, but you have to give credit where credit is due. If you are a Die hard Halo fan(like myself), you will absolutely need to try warhawk. Stop with the blind loyal MS arrogance, ignore the ps3 fanboys, and this August atleast find a friend who has a PS3. If you choose to not play this game simply because it's a Sony title, you are only starving yourself out of a great gaming experience.

MADGameR6175d ago

Look at 360 fans. They are the sad ones. They compare their BEST game ''Halo 3'' to PS3
s worst games when in reality. you are supposed to compare the best with the best. But I guess Halo 3 is'nt that good if its compared to PS3's not-that-big games. So I guess the best PS3 games OUTdo Halo 3.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 6175d ago
FreeMonk6176d ago (Edited 6176d ago )

I don't understand!

I've never played the Warhawk beta, but from what I have seen on trailers, screenshots and from what I been told it looks like a pretty nice MP game visually and looks great to play.

I did play Halo 3 Beta though, and throughly enjoyed it and can't wait until September to play the full game!

What I don't understand though is this. How can you compare 2 games that are completly different genres.

One is a First Person Shooter (Halo 3) and the other is a Third Person Flight Shooter (Warhawk). Yeah, there are small elements of FPS to Warhawk, but it's not a full FPS.

All because they both a Beta strapped to the end doesn't mean that it makes sense to compare them.

It's like comparing Warhawk Beta to Barbies Dream Shopping Beta.

The only point to this post is to start yet another flame war between Sony Fanboys and MS Fanboys!!

Thank god I'm neither!

*EDIT* - I'd love to hear from the 2 people that disagreed with my comment on why my comment is wrong?? Or is it because you only have one Bubble and can no longer reply to this thread!!

Sangheili856176d ago

Comparing a flight sim to a FPS? wow this has got really sad..

SwiderMan6176d ago (Edited 6176d ago )

Warhawk is just a flight sim? Shows you haven't played it. Not only can you go on foot, in a tank, in a jeep, and in a gun turret, those are an integral parts of the game. Halo 3 and Warhawk are both multiplayer addictions, simple and true and that's why I put this up there.

Daytona6176d ago

It's to ps2ish and not next gen. at all. IMO, and that's why I put this up.

hulk_bash19876176d ago

Umm i think they were comparing both multiplayer offerings. And i understand why they would compare these two games, cuz these games are shaping up to be the difinitive online multiplayer games on their respective consoles.

Blankman6176d ago

well i didnt play halo beta but i played warhawk beta and i honestly cannot imagine it being more fun than it was. Duking it out 4 player split screen capture the flag was the coolest. Fly to the other teams base snatch up the flag then you have to drive back in a jeep or walk back because you cant fly with a flag(would have been to easy. MAde it extra fun especially in large maps with many players. That long drive home was the real challenge. I really liked the death match, team deathmatch and loved the capture the flag but didnt really play the zone too much. Thought it was pretty lame.

Odion6176d ago

i can its called battlefield 2

hazeblaze6176d ago

Battlefield 2 was awesome... and future installments may be something to compare Warhawk with. But as it stands, Warhawk packs much more excitement and addictive gameplay! This was a good article... it'll be interesting to see how the final games stack up b/c me & my cousin were noting the same thing... the Warhawk beta was just more addictive than the Halo beta.

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Roundtable: Dead Game Franchises We Miss

With every big game now belonging to a big intellectual property, there are those that have become redundant. Here are the series' we miss.

RPGer1127d ago

I miss Dark Cloud I mean damn, Dark Cloud 2 is one of the best Action RPG game ever made. The game have: Rich Worlds, different setting, tons of contents, vareity in gameplay like never before (and even after), best buliding mechanics, crafting system like no one did and finally impressive graphics.

Most underrated game ever. It deserved the popularity and sales of Zelda and Final Fantasy. ut unfortunately, Level-5 and Sony didn't advertise it at all.

titans99991127d ago

My franchises I wish would make a come back, are Battlefront by pandemic studios - galactic conquest was the best, mercenaries 1 and 2, and prototype 1 and 2...great games!


Remembering Warhawk – one of the PS3’s first multiplayer must-haves

TSA writes: "For many PS3 owners and members of the TSA community, Warhawk was our first foray into the mesmerising world of online multiplayer. Now, after more than a decade of dogfights, the skies over Eucadia are clear, the game’s two warring factions having called an eternal ceasefire. To put it in less poetic terms, Sony finally pulled the plug on January 31st with the online servers no longer accessible."

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ArchangelMike1908d ago

I hope we do get a next-gen Warhawk, that would be awesome. Warhawk was so underrated for it's time.

SegaSaturn6691908d ago

This game...my god. What a masterpiece.

mkis0071908d ago

I really enjoyed warhawk on ps3. Hope it isn't dead because of Starhawks average reception.

Knushwood Butt1907d ago

Time just flew by when playing this, and I always had that, 'just one more game, then I quit for the day.' urge.

Spent entire days playing it. Not healthy, but endless fun.

PoSTedUP1908d ago

after a very long hard days work i would come home and drink a few coors light 24 ounces while playing this game on my vita through PSnow, for hours and hours. it made me happy. it is one of those experiences i will never forget.

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Sony Plays Nice, Renews Life of Servers for Warhawk and More Until January 2019

Back in September 2018 Sony broke the news that online servers for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sounds & Shapes, Warhawk, and Twisted Metal would be going offline on October 25th. Sony has now given them an extended lease on life.

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TheColbertinator2038d ago

Warhawk had a good run in the early PS3 days

jukins2037d ago

It's still very active considering its age. The primary reason I had and will reactivate my psnow subscription

tucidic2037d ago

Wyatt . if you think Benjamin `s rep0rt is unimaginable... on friday I got Mitsubishi Evo after I been earnin $8977 recently and-even more than, ten thousand this past munth . it's by-far the most-financialy rewarding I have ever done . I started this eight months/ago and straight away started making a nice minimum $72.. per/hr .
try here .......... http://tiny.cc/9ygp0y

bouzebbal2037d ago

I wish killzone was extended as well

2037d ago Replies(1)
Majin-vegeta2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

Guess I can now plat all stars😁

porkChop2037d ago

A Warhawk remaster or remake would be nice, but we know Sony isn't going to bother.


I only diagree because please dont say that. We have had zero games like this so far. No MAG, SOCOM, TWISTED METAL etc...

TheSaint2037d ago

I'd kill or die for a MAG 2 on PS4.

Babadook72037d ago

Yup. Remaster or better yet. A remake.

FunAndGun2037d ago

Please, for the love of all things gaming, make a Warhawk remaster. I logged on for Warhawk day last year, and promptly got destroyed by ground and air. Some hardcore players still playing today. Warhawk is my favorite MP game ever made, hands down!

Sevir2037d ago

Honestly, Warhawk and the original Resistance was pure multiplayer bliss on PS3 in it's first few years on the market. If they did a ground up remake of Warhawk for PS4 I'd be so happy. In similar to how they did Wipeout Omega collection on PS4

Concertoine2037d ago

I miss the simplicity of early 7th gen shooters.

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