
IGN: Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown Review

Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown doesn't exactly go belly up but it does feel quite stale, especially if you're playing it on your PS3 expecting some sort of evolution from the Xbox 360 iteration that came out more than two years ago. You're still roaming across the screen and munching on the lesser fish and none of the game's modes deviate from that formula. That'd be fine if there was some fresh content packed into the same gameplay, but there's none to be found. Feeding Frenzy 2 on PS3 isn't a bad game, but if you've played any other version you'll want to let this one swim on by.

Presentation - 7.0
Graphics - 6.0
Sound - 6.0
Gameplay - 6.0
Lasting Appeal - 5.5
Overall -


IMO (In My Opinion) Feeding Frenzy 2 – Xbox 360

TechRaptor | I’m a very frugal gamer right now. I love the blockbuster titles. I have my money saved up for Titanfall on the 360 when it launches later this month. But I just can’t move myself to jump next-gen yet, so I’m cheap-skating it for a while.

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Eurogamer.se: Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown Review

Eurogamer.se: I have previously argued that PopCap is a genius and perhaps the industry's most underrated developers of games, so it is with great curiosity that I may re-familiarize myself with Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown for the PlayStation Network. That's right, re-acquainted. This is because the game is already released for both PC and Xbox 360, but now it's time for PS3 owners to see what they have missed.

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BeefJack: Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown Review

BeefJack writes: "Who knew that eating two dimensional fish could be this addictive? Or frustrating?! PopCap's sequel to their internet hit is both a blessing and a curse on the unwitting gamer, with seemingly simple, child-friendly gameplay that will be sure to spark marine-foodchain related rage."

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