
GamePro: Metro 2033 Review

PROS: The world is interesting and has some fascinating ideas serving as building blocks; it definitely makes you want to read the novel.
CONS: It's a rather lackluster introduction to a universe that obviously has something worthwhile to say. Some obvious design flaws scuttle the gameplay as well.

jahcure5164d ago

how could people say this was as good as killzone 2? Like seriously asking here

Chubear5164d ago (Edited 5164d ago )

That's just how the 360fanbase roll. They'd take ANYTHING as long as they can pretend their exclusive experience can match or surpass what they see with the PS3 library.

Perfect example, they call Infamous crap, mediocre and repetitive.. but Crackdown 2 to them is from heaven. Have you seen Crackdown2?!? The thing looks and plays like a $14.99 downloadable game but to them it's uber gameplay.

The 360fanbase don't give a crap about quality, they just want MS to "win" by any means necessary and they'll support what ever rubbish MS vomits up for them to spend 60bucks on plus their monthly install payments for the other half of the console's price.

Gad they're the dumbest I've ever seen in any generation. Even the Gizmondo and Jaguar fans made more sense.

Comet5163d ago

You mean pirate it like most 360 "exclusives" such as Mass Effect 2? ;D

jahcure5164d ago

when people compared it to killzone..and being fortunate enough to have all the consoles i was going to look into it...but these scores are all pretty mediocre..

too many games out right now for wasting time on mediocre games. What's worse is that i haven't bought a game for my 360 since MW2 and before that...gears 2......

Greywulf5164d ago

Wouldn't have even been a hot story if no one did. But yeah, only way to get hits/notoriety this day is to call out the top dogs.

Bot Smasha5164d ago

Flop.. But i still get to download it for the pc.

Omegasyde5164d ago

This game reminds me of Section 8 and how it was going to be hyped as another great exclusive. Right along Ninja Blade.

Remember who backs the games people. T _ H _ Q.

I.e. any software from Activision or its subsidiaries will have DLC and glitches that are overpriced.

RadientFlux5164d ago

How does a game that is getting reviews that range from 7/10 to 9/10 considered mediocre? Sure the game has some issues but doesn't mean it's a low quality game.

Now if the game was getting reviews like 5/10 and/or had some game killing bugs then I can understand calling it mediocre.

Another One5164d ago

Overpriced glitches are a very bad thing. haha just kidding. I know what you meant.

Eh all the reviews kind of say the same thing and it's starting to get similar scores in the 7-8 range. Not a bad game, but not awesome either. Maybe they'll build onto a decent game with a sequel.

HolyOrangeCows5164d ago

I'm seeing a pattern in the reviews: Problematic gameplay, imersive environment. I'll wait for it to find its way to the bargain bins.

Omegasyde5164d ago

Personally I think all reviews should be a 5 star system
1- sucks
2- ok.
3- get it used/Rent
4- Great game
5- Epic, Pre-order

ReservoirDog3165164d ago

This looks like it would be a great game if you're the type of person who's forgiving with their games. I like those kinda games so I'm really considering picking this up. But I've held out buying so many games for months (finished the ones I had off before going onto new stuff). Now I have most of them done and still need ME2, HR and a few others. So I'm not sure where this would fit in all those.

This looks like it would have a great sequel though. If they improve the ideas they had and fix the problems.

DelbertGrady5164d ago

MAG got a lot of 7's as well (metacritic 75) and you guys had no problem hyping it like it's a Battlefield BC 2 killer. Many still do.

And as soon as someone points out its flaws you go "you haven't played it" or "they don't get the game" or "the reviewer is biased" or some other bs.

Now you sound like you are trying to persuade us into not enjoying Metro 2033 because it's getting 7 and 8's instead of 10's. What if it's at least as good as you say MAG is. Then we'd be missing out, wouldn't we? I've read enough good things about the game to give it a try so you won't fool me with your troll tactics.


People who don't play this game are missing out if you ask me. But I'm not talking to people who prefer hack/slash games or people tired of 1st person shooters...

aaronisbla5163d ago

soda why do you worry so much about MAG? stay on topic here, its about Metro 2033 and the its lackluster gameplay that keeps being brought up in reviews

sid4gamerfreak5163d ago

How is getting a 7/10 mediocre? Is that the new standards gamers have come to today? Most hyped games receiving 10/10 because they're perfect? Remember gta 4? Was that truly a perfect game? I think the whole foundation and core mechanics of reviewing must change or otherwise, I won't trust them any more.

No game is perfect. Period. Whether you like it or not. And 7/10 is NOT mediocre.

arny5163d ago

no game is perfect 7/10 is okay not mediocre or bad

Greywulf5163d ago (Edited 5163d ago )

Mag was hyped based on the gameplay alone and scale. Which the game has been praised for. It was nailed for not having single player. You guys always mix up fanboy nonsense whenever it suits you better.

People hyped Mag for its scale & Gameplay. It was praised for its scale & Gameplay...It would be different if the scale didn't work, unfortunately it does.

Now, for the case of Metro, just like Ninja Blade, and all the rest of the flops that are always THROWN against PS3 titles specifically. Then they fall short, just like every single one.

Wake me up when someone said Mag is going to be a Halo killer, a gears killer, or something else. Because it just plain hasn't.

As with Ninja Blade, Race Pro, Metro2033. Its always a gigantic failure and can't come close. Hell Frontlines was hyped to be better than Resistance2..

Remember? You guys are insecure about your titles, which is why they are always compared to Ps3 exclusives. Its never the other way around. KZ2 being a "halo killer" was made up by Kotaku and Gamesradar.

You along with 1/2 the 360 community on this site was cheering on Metro2033 as a game that was goign to show off the 360's hardware compared to Killzone2. Metro scoring the same as an online only game isn't much to brag about.

Fell on its face, as usual.

sluttytuna5163d ago

This is the best story telling I have seen on xbox 360! The only reason people say it average because there was no ads and no hype. Everyone thinks if a game has not ads or hype how good could it really be? The game looks great on 360 with hdmi in 1080p! Play at least two chapters and you won't put it down.

sluttytuna5163d ago

Metro 2033=Gameinformer 9.0 Don't listen to some BS mag like gamepro. Gamepro is stuck in the 90's

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5163d ago
Chubear5164d ago (Edited 5164d ago )

Regardless, I'm still looking forward to experiencing this game. With it's average reviews it's pretty much a lock for an appearance on the PS3 at some point but even if it doesn't, I'll still at least rent the 360 version.

I think this one was way too blatant for the gaming media to ignore (watch inserted GT vid below) had big gaming sites given this thing 9.5s it surely would have come back and bit them on the butt after gamers got their hands on it.

If it had just kept a decent polish on the overall presentation I think it may have gotten 9s across the board from NA gaming sites though. The game's universe just looks so interesting.

@ below
.. sure buddy, wtfe. If you can't see that exclusive 3rd party games for the 360 more often than not go multiplat to the PS3 at a later date then that's good for you. All kinds of games fall into this, weather it be games like Bioshock or games like Over Lord or games like Vampire Rain.

Al Bundy5164d ago

Bioshock got great reviews and won GOTY and it went to the PS3 so your logic is flawed.

Al Bundy5164d ago

Wasn't this game supposed to look and play better then Killzone 2? Oh well, another false alarm.

Letros5164d ago (Edited 5164d ago )

I'm playing it right now, it's incredible, some very cool mission design and the adrenaline is pumping during some more scary moments, and the graphics are amazing(playing on dx11 PC though).

@below, 5850 1.2V @950core/1200mem

El_Colombiano5164d ago

Ohhh DX11? What graphics card do you have? I just ordered my 5770!

Obama5164d ago

Letro I got the same video card as you :P, but I am not going to bother with this game. Seems pretty mediocre to me.

LordMarius5164d ago

look at this flop flop

poor bots, oh well back to GOW 3

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Metro 2033 mechanics that would adapt perfectly to VR, and the upcoming Metro Awakening by Vertigo Games this year.

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Metro Video Game Series: A Comprehensive History

The Metro video game series started with a humble b-list title, before building a strong fanbase and becoming a pioneer in the industry.

TheBrainZ88d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco3388d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast88d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.


Metro 2033 and STALKER Fans Should Give Chernobylite a Shot

If you're a fan of the Stalker or Metro 2033 games, Chernobylite is absolutely an experience that you don't want to miss out on.

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camel_toad1000d ago

Has anyone here played it? It looks interesting but I'm not sold on it yet.

jjb19811000d ago

It has an actual story tied to your actions. The environments are immersive and I believe they just added DLSS. The devs are VERY active in the Steam community. The game has been released past the 1.0 version. There are some crafting mechanics and base building similar to Fallout 4. I like the voice acting and world building. You run missions for supplies, recruiting characters and progressing the story.. I've been playing since early access and the game has come a LONG way. I can't make any recommendations for any console versions because I don't know how those run.

camel_toad999d ago

Ok thanks all for the info and sales pitch. I'm going to get it after hearing this. And it's also nice to hear it has DLSS. One of the best advancements to come along in quite a while.

MadLad1000d ago (Edited 1000d ago )

I supported it via Early Access, but just played a bit before to get a feel for it.
Just officially started it last night, and I'm having a great time with it.

JsonHenry999d ago

Its a fantastic game. The reviewer is right. If it you like those other two games you'll probably like this one too.

GhostScholar1000d ago

I'm sold on it big time. I love the metro games and to me this is very much in that wheelhouse. It was very impressive technically as well.

EvertonFC1000d ago

Looking fwd to it, I thinks it's November for ps5 release so gonna wait 😊

THEzRude1000d ago

Can whole heartedly recommend.