
Ubisoft Recalls Silent Hunter 5 CE In Germany

Ubisoft was forced to recall Collector's Edition copies of PC game Silent Hunter 5: Battle Of The Atlantic in Germany due to "World War II symbols" that were not edited out in accordance with German law.

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dreamtheater875177d ago

I think that's exactly the point, they want to let it go and forget it forever. It is a tad extreme though. I mean it's a game that's trying to be as historically acurate as possible, so attention to detail is everything.

ryuzu5177d ago

I suspect that what the Germans wish to avoid is people seeing the nazi symbology as a rallying point for neo-nazis and other undesirables.

So they try and keep the swastikas out of their popular culture. After all, when we on the "winning side" watch a war film, no minds if we take the lessons of that time and "apply" them today - you know, Mount Suirbachi, Dunquerque Spirit etc etc.

Imagine the outcry if Germans watched films of WW2 celebrating their actions and promoted them with as much gusto as the Western Allies have and do...

The thing with Silent Hunter (in fact, the thing with any submarine sim made after the 1980s) is that it's basically a playable Das Boot, in the same way as GTA is a playable Scar Face or Transformers is a playable... um well whatever.

So, given Das Boot had an anti-war message and downplayed the actions of the Nazi party, you can easily argue that sub sims based on that film (as this one most definitely is) is also essentially propagating an antiwar message.


ProjectVulcan5176d ago (Edited 5176d ago )

I have several german friends including several old enough who lived through the war- All will quite happily talk about their views and experiences, all balanced enough to realise that sometimes certain idealogies CANNOT be forgotten, history really is there to teach and impart knowledge to present and future generations, attempting to help them to avoid the mistakes of the past.

Banning of certain symbols however believe it or not i can actually understand, as there is little knowledge to be imparted. A symbol is a powerful thing, and certainly one so strongly associated with a group that could use such a symbol to rally and extreme cases practicallly worship. Asking said friends about this sort of ban in media, most agree that it makes sense for them as Germans aghast at past mistakes. Not trying to make the pain they actually feel go away, simply to bury any chance of history repeating itself, of seeing the symbol used by any group of people or individual.

Before you think of how ridiculous this situation may seem to people of countries other than Germany, understand how deep the scars still are for a generation of innocent Germans still alive

TheBand1t5177d ago

WWII didn't happen. Poland invited Germany over for tea.

Aphe5177d ago

And Hitler was a social worker helping the needy.

jjesso19935177d ago

We cant really expect them to change the law for game. dont you think ubisoft should check laws when dealing with such senstive matter and they could just removed for the germans.

Elven65177d ago

There going to have to draw a line somewhere given how movies like Das Boot, Stalingrad, etc (all amazing films btw) show the war uncensored. If the same "censorship" laws can apply to games that are historically accurate, portray the war realistically, etc that could be the way to go.

And I'm not talking about games like Call of Duty since those are far from realistic and they skip tons when it comes to historical accuracy. But then again, apparently Inglorious Basterds got by the censors. =/

On topic, Silent Hunter 5 is great! The bad voice acting so far is the only flaw I can find.

ryuzu5177d ago

I think German law allows nazi symobology if it is present in artistic works or historic documentation material.

Videogames aren't considered either of those so they get censored whereas films are considered works of art.


chak_5176d ago

too much busy on DRM eh?


Ubisoft to pull online from older games, which also takes away your DLC

From PC Gamer: "Ubisoft has announced that, effective September 1, it will be decommissioning the online features(opens in new tab) of a selection of older games. I've compiled a list of the PC games affected, their release dates, and what features will be removed.

"Ubisoft states that "Closing the online services for some older games allows us to focus our resources on delivering great experiences for players who are playing newer or more popular titles." I'm certainly sympathetic to that argument—I doubt there's a ton of gamers out there still playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist's online multiplayer. Additionally, the remastered versions of listed games will be retaining online features."

sourOG680d ago

I’m going to wait to buy the physical compete editions from Ubisoft now. Final patch on disc lol

banger88679d ago

Their physical "complete editions" have the extra content as voucher codes, which likely have an expiry date. And if you buy a used copy well....you're shit outta luck.

sourOG679d ago

Lmao really? The complete editions not the platinum editions or whatever at launch right?

shinoff2183678d ago

Yea thats whack. I was so mad when i bought fallot goty and it had voucher codes for the dlc. After fallout 3 and new vegas which came on disc i was fully expecting a real complete edition with fallout 4. Yes i prefer psychical over digital for this very reason(in reference to ubisoft )

680d ago
Murdability680d ago

Ubisoft keeps making wins. Make the same far cry several years in a row and a still make a profit. Bloated their games with microtransactions to the point that they would make ea envious. Speaking of bloated.. all of the ac games are full of boring content after a bit. Also is anyone else tired of live service? I just want to pay for the dlc with no microtransactions in the game. Less money more content and the developer still has a soul

littletad680d ago

It's nuts that people still buy their games, single-player, as they are indeed bloated with microtransactions and pay-to-gain-experience services. But honestly, the worse offender is that they killed Juno in a comic book. The main villain in the assassin's creed story they had set up for over a decade across more than 5 games was killed with no fanfare or reveal. All Creed games since have been nothing more than adventure games with no impact to overall story. Crazy.

isarai680d ago

Dat digital future sure looks sweet.

moriarty1889680d ago

That digital future is bullocks. Physical always.

awiseman680d ago (Edited 680d ago )

Remember when EA put a paper with a leaf in their games to gaslight people to supporting their push for digital releases?

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Ubisoft Releases Uplay PC, Offers Popular Titles for $1

Today at Gamescom 2012, Ubisoft officially launched Uplay PC, an application that serves as a digital distribution platform and central point for PC gamers to connect to Uplay’s community and consumer-centric services.

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From Dust, Driver San Francisco, H.A.W.X. 2 and Silent Hunter 5 are $1 this week for the PC

DSOGaming writes: "Now this is a clever way to promote your online DRM system. Ubisoft has announced that it is offering a number of its games for only 1 dollar this week. Clearly, this is a deal you cannot miss, however be warned that most of these games are plagued by UPLAY and its always-online DRM"

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PiccoloGR4289d ago

Great deals. Can't say no to that price

MurDocINC4289d ago

I can say No cause it's not on steam. I like all my games to be in one place.

dirthurts4289d ago

I'm a steam guy myself, but for a buck, I'm in. Driver and from Dust are on my list to buy anyway.

Cajun Chicken4289d ago

When Steam were holding the same sale, I noticed that Driver: San Fransico still had Ubi's DRM anyway. I've already got it planned to get this on Sunday, even if I have to be online all the time to play it anyway. Not making a habit of it though but one DRMs better than two.

chaos-lockheart4289d ago

you can some of these games activation keys on steam