
PlayStation Move: Sony rips off Nintendo Games

The new software line-up for the new PlayStation Move-Controller shows that Sony rips off the ideas from Nintendo games. Images that proves it after the link.

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Montrealien5167d ago

Well, I will not pass on all the hypocrisy going around on N4G with all the love for these Wii sports games on the PS3, it is quite hilarious.

/on topic

No matter what, MOVE looks cool imho, I will be getting it. I guess it is safe to say that Nintendo truly did revolutionize the industry now. When the Wii was announced, so many people said it would fail, and now the two companies that find themselves in 2nd and 3rd are pretty much doing what nintendo did...4 years ago.

N4g_null5167d ago

Wow man how disappointing it is almost like the wii sdk for the remotes. On top of this they failed to generate characters you want to play with. I hope these motion games fly off the selves for them though. Some thing needs to stop the slow bleeding of the hd side of the industry.

Another thing is Sony risks making nintendo look good. Why if people still enjoy the wii more for these games then Sony will fail. Now if Sony can some how make great core games then they may be ok. Grantorismo with MOVE. Would people buy it?

Another thing is people are for getting that natal can use nun chucks also it can actualy map the game pad to your body lol. Yet I think software is where the true magic is. Sony keeps proving this with me too products after blu Ray fualtered. Seriously it has yet to beat DVD in sales which is it's true competitor.

Motion control gaming is harder than controller based gaming from a devs perspetive. Lots will get better at it now yet will their hd games sell? We will see some thing tells me their hate for nintendo will cuase these control methods to fail. If they do not then next gen will clearly be nintendos gen.

vhero5167d ago

Oh dear they really gonna go here?? Well here is proof if you need it this site hates Sony and Playstation. This is like saying Halo ripped off Doom and Sonic Ripped Off Mario. Wii Sports ripped off Rockstar Tennis on 360.. Honestly they got nothing better to do?

Death24945167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

one can deny that this is a complete rip-off of Nintendo. But where they can take this a bit further is by allowing you to use your Home avatar instead. This would really beef up Home. But like it was mentioned before, it pretty freaking hilarious how much they jacked them.

Foliage5167d ago

So releasing games with a similar genre to other games on different platforms, despite being vastly different games is copying?

In that case, every game on the 360 is copying games on any Playstation.

edgeofblade5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

This is funny. Sony isn't ripping off Nintendo.

Sony is keeping the promises Nintendo made when they rolled out the Wiimote... and then re-promised when they rolled out MotionPlus. And, of course, failed to keep.

Anyone who knows me, I'm a huge Microsoft fan, but while I'm getting both Move and Natal, I still think Move will be the superior motion tech. Gotta go with Sony on this one.

Lifendz5167d ago

and reaffirm how uninterested I am in these sorts of uber casual games. Guess I'm old school, but I still would rather game using a traditional controller rather than some motion controller.

starvinbull5167d ago

Pretty scandalous that Sony are copying the Nintendo created sport of table tennis that in no way shape or form existed any earlier than 4 years ago.

raztad5167d ago


While Sony keeps pumping amazing games like GoW3, I dont care if the casuals get a PS3 to play some singstar, or table tennis. Or some get a PS3 to watch BD movies.

Socom 4 using the Move looked pretty accurate though. There is potential for motion controlled hardcore gaming.

Delive5167d ago

I'm one of the gamers that gets into the hard core, but has casual fun when friends come around. I'm also one of the ones that had minimal fun on the Wii, mostly because it looked childish to me. I thought that a motion control with a more adult, current gen look and feel was better suited for me. Solution found. And Sony ripped off Nintendo, Nintendo ripped off Sony (CD), MS ripped off Nintendo, Nintendo ripped off MS, MS ripped off Sony, Sony ripped off MS. So what. I get what I want, Rip them all off, more options for me.

5167d ago
rockleex5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

There were fighting/boxing games long before the Wii's existence. There were even fighting/boxing games made for the Eyetoy.

Sports games in general are a very basic and common genre in the video games industry.

There were exercising games on the PS2 Eyetoy before the Wii.

In fact when I first saw Wii Fit, all I could think of was "Wow! They're basically making all the games that were also on the Eyetoy!"

There were motion controllers demoed on the PS2 long before the Wii was even thought of. Sony even created tech demos with 3DV's Z Camera long before Microsoft even tried to buy that same company to create Natal.

Who's copying who?

Does Sony have to come up with a completely new genre of games or controller input in order to NOT be ripping off of anyone?

There will undoubtedly be sports games and exercising games for Natal too.

There are basic genres that have been in existence for so long that someone always has to remake those games whenever a new console or new controller input comes out.

People like to have selective memory in the video games industry. A little research would do these websites some good. -_-"

Oner5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

I posted in another article ~

The amount of shear misinformation is staggering in here! Sony/PlayStation has done what other Manufacturers are doing currently with the EyeToy LAST GEN with the PS2 over 8 years ago.


And my absolute favorite


The PlayStation Move/Eye & EyeToy does/did what EVERYBODY else is doing NOW. Deny it, lie about it & avoid it all you want...but it won't change the FACT that SONY innovated it from the get go! Your misinformed and biased BS is clear to all who have the tools and information to prove you wrong EVERY time.

edit @ below ~ Aquanox said

"It's the 2005's Sony's "Mee too" all over again!

Come on Sony, after 5 years couldn't you come up with something more innovative?"

LMFAO! Pwned.

edit 2 @ below ~ LMFAO! You have the audacity to call me "ignorant" yet you are the one spreading lies, false misinformation and are now switching to a different point (of which is still WRONG)! You just can't accept nor acknowledge that truthful fact that Sony STARTED what Ninty & MS are doing now can you!? Seriously, give it up. You got busted and you can't hide/change that now. My proof beats your biased "opinion" any day, all day.

Aquanox5167d ago

It's the 2005's Sony's "Mee too" all over again!

Come on Sony, after 5 years couldn't you come up with something more innovative?

Noble Spartan5167d ago

Holy crap, This is awful rip-off from Wii. Damn sony can't come up with anything new they copy others.

Damn even the game line up is looking similar. Hey Sony fans do yourself a favour go buy Nintendo Wii with wii motion plus. Owns this peice of trash Move.

Aquanox5167d ago

To the undocumented (aka Ignorant) guy above. Eye toy was unprecise, never had a compelling library and did NOT have a depth sensor which Natal does. Eye toy was simply a 2d camera that calculated proximity whereas Natal is the first home 3d motion device available and while it's already impressive in terms of hardware it's even more in terms of software, where Sony failed with Eye Toy.

The Maxx5167d ago

I consider myself a true gamer and this is a Day 1 buy for me. Looking forward to the fighting game. I will also be getting NATAL day 1 as well. I love technology and I don't care who took what from where, as long as I have a good time than that's all that matters.

5167d ago
rockleex5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

If Natal is allowed to improve camera based input into 3D, why can't Sony improve motion controls to 1:1?

Its not just 1:1 either, with the PS Eye, the game will be able to know the exact position of the controller in 3D space. While on the Wii, the game only knows how much the controller has moved or rotated.

Isn't Avatar a Mii ripoff by your standards then?

The most hilarious thing of all though is that Sony has tried their hands on motion controls AND 3D based cameras all on PS2 hardware years before Nintendo or Microsoft even went that route.

mint royale5167d ago

LOL! Sony could release a pile of dog crap with its logo in and ONER would still DEFEND it using 100% FACTUAL evidence that only the BLIND can't see. If they DISAGREE they are just talking BIASED bs etc etc etc.

JokesOnYou5167d ago

Sony is just further proving they are no different despite what the diehard sony loyalists think. Still this latest wii-move peripheral is like a straight wii-ripoff basicly it looks like sony didnt put much of their own stamp on when it comes to this motion control revolution started this gen nintendo, so far its just like they are trying to do a "wii-too". lol


jadenkorri5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

just because sony failed with the eyetoy, personally i never really cared about it myself, does not mean that natal is innovative. Sony did it first, thats its, MS is copying sony on Natal, NATAL=EYETOY, theirs no denying it, looking at all the descriptions about natal, you could change it to eyetoy and noone would be the wiser. Yes MS improved upon the eyetoy, but its 5 year old tech, they better improve upon it in the first place.

@Noble Spartan
well hope you put that same intuition towards MS with eyetoy...err i meant natal.

kingjoker345167d ago

Anything you can do I can do better.
Sony motto, and its not a bad one.

The Maxx5167d ago

You are WRONG.

Eye Toy =/= Natal.

Go do your research.

IdleLeeSiuLung5167d ago

Improving on a competitors product is good, but the key here is that it has to be better in some way and cost reasonably.

With that in mind, I'm surprised more people aren't outraged that the cost of adding wii like features to the PS3 will cost at least half of what the PS3 cost!

Less than a hundred $100 for the Move + Camera then anothor cost for the sub-controller (nunchuck) yields at least a $100! Wanna play two players? More $$$....

Want to know what the Move can do, play the Wii... I try to be excited, but Sony isn't showing me anything I haven't tried on the Wii.

CadDad5167d ago

+ Bubbles Starvin. A+ sarcasm!


Oner5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

Awww poor mint royale! I guess since he has nothing else really to say he has to resort to the only thing he can do (and usually does)...attack the poster instead of the post.

Hopefully you will grow out of your immaturity and be able to hold/make adult conversation & MAYBE have an open mind with proper valid information to back your point...instead of just anger, bitterness, bias & sadness (that everyone can see). Again no matter what you say or try, proof ALWAYS beats biased "opinion/conjecture" all day, any day. ;)

@ harrisk954 below ~ Exactly. Great post Agree + Bubble!

rockleex5167d ago

But to complain about Sony ripping off of Wii's games?

These are the generic games that every console is expected to have.

Of course developers will jump in and re-create these games for the Move.

Speaking of games that every console has, there should be Tetris for the Move. But using the Move to rotate and move the objects while they slowly fall.

harrisk9545167d ago

MS announces Natal with nothing other than a flashy presentation based upon smoke and mirrors. The Natal model shown at E3 is technologically different (some might say inferior) than the one that will be released later this year. When, in fact, Sony had the EyeToy for the PS2 and the PSEye for the PS3 years earlier. And MS is called "INNOVATIVE".

Sony introduces a motion control device that incorporates the PSEye technology with a similar (but MUCH more precise and streamlined)controller as the Wii. And the press and uninformed fanboys derides Sony for "ripping" off the Wii.

There is a double standard at work here. MS is innovative, Sony rips off the Wii.

Yet, any simple research (see all of the YouTube videos showing Natal and Wii-like technology on Sony systems) will show that Sony has been working on this type of motion control for YEARS.

People can disagree to this post, but Sony is not ripping Nintendo off... They may be riding the motion-control wave right now, but they have improved on the technology that the Wii has and it is easier to develop for than Natal for developers... in fact Jack Tretton said that it cost a nominal amount of money and not much work to incorporate the Move tech. It is always going to be an OPTION... unlike what the Wii offers and what Natal will offer.

na-no-nai5167d ago

how long is years? before nintendo? i dont know.... beside i remember that sony said that the wii is a gimmicky which is a double standard there, i wish they would at least admit that they were wrong about motion tech lol
im fine if they all going motion but hopefully they improve alot

also reason why the move superior is that the wii came out 4 years ago so of course sony have time to built on it to make it better.

mint royale5167d ago

Anger, bitterness, bias and sadness? LOL what? I am a casual viewer of a gaming website dude and you take things way too seriously. So no I am not angry, bitter, biased or sad and quite frankly having such strong feelings over what is essentially is a hobby is what I would call sad.

Don't take gaming seriously man, your aggression is really misplaced :) I'm off to the pub, have a nice time arguing agressively at people who may or may not want to hear that Sony invented this, that or whatever. I hope you enjoy how you spend your time.

ChickeyCantor5167d ago


Be honest now,
Why is sony actually promoting Move with games that Wii introduced with their Wii-mote?
Nintendo did NOT invent these sports/games, but hell yes it looks like Sony is trying to pull a Move-Sports.

I was actually hoping something grand from Sony, but this marketing plan is just pathetic.
Good luck to them though.

HolyOrangeCows5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

ZOMG teh demo titles are like teh wiiz! We gotz dem PSTREE fanbois right wjere we want em! OH NOES! TEY R COPYING NINTENDOES! Nintendo INVENTED tose sports!

Picture 3 and 6 are really stretching it and the Wii game in #5 is all waggle.

Oner5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

@ Mint ~ LMFAO! You are soooo full of contradiction, lies and misinformation that you can't even keep track of it. Your original post which is directed squarely at me shows EXACTLY how bitter, angry, upset and aggressive you REALLY are. No point in trying to cover it up now with some lame BS excuse, trying to AGAIN insult me (feigning that you are not or in some way clear of it). All you are doing is nothing more than further proving me right. TY! :)

mint royale5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

Oner I haven't given an opinion on anything to be spreading lies and misinformation. You clearly have issues with some people who seem to not completely agree with you and even some people that aren't even in the discussion! I'm not going to bother arguing with you because theres no point. Its a game website so talk about games for god's sake not all the 'BS' everyone seems to spread.

Karma man :)

Oner5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

Again LoL! You just won't admit it huh?!?! The contradiction, lies and misinformation is from you calling me out. THAT is 100% clear for all to see right here in your own words! Not for anything else that you are trying to divert to now.

"Mint ~ Its a game website so talk about games for god's sake not all the 'BS' everyone seems to spread"

Really because from where I see it I WAS talking about gaming while you were not! You MAY be able to fool some who don't know your past post history but it's not gonna work here with me; you got put in your place/set straight & are now trying to play it off by attempting to hide behind "I'm cool man, I'm not angry, blah, blah, blah"...and I just know it must be killing you inside that you had nothing else but a poorly attempted veiled insult to begin with!

LMFAO. You just don't get that you failed from the start because of what you said and are contradicting yourself more and more! You're trying too hard to cover up your initial mistake and it's not working very well.

mint royale5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )


Oh you ;)

Mahr5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

"There were exercising games on the PS2 Eyetoy before the Wii.

In fact when I first saw Wii Fit, all I could think of was "Wow! They're basically making all the games that were also on the Eyetoy!""

That doesn't really mean much to the market as a whole, though. Say that to the general public, and their response would have been and probably will continue to be 'What's an Eyetoy'?

"There were motion controllers demoed on the PS2 long before the Wii was even thought of. Sony even created tech demos with 3DV's Z Camera long before Microsoft even tried to buy that same company to create Natal."

Right, and Bandai's Power Pad, AGE's Power Glove, and Magnavox's light gun came out decades ago. Few people in the target audience really care about this, though.

"Who's copying who?"

Uh, technically, everyone's copying those defunct third parties I just mentioned -- or whoever those guys were copying way back when. But this kind of thing didn't hurt the Wii's marketing campaign because no one remembers any of them, or the Eyetoy, or any of the other attempts at motion control in the time Before Wii. The Wii, on the other hand, people remember.

"Does Sony have to come up with a completely new genre of games or controller input in order to NOT be ripping off of anyone?"

If they want to differentiate themselves from the competition, it would certainly behoove their performance to release genres that are not well-established and/or well-represented on a competing brand.

"There are basic genres that have been in existence for so long that someone always has to remake those games whenever a new console or new controller input comes out."

That may be true, but people who haven't been part of the gamer subculture until now don't know that, and if they're the ones who Sony is attempting to target, then this presents something of an obstacle.

"People like to have selective memory in the video games industry. A little research would do these websites some good. -_-"

Right, but here's the thing, consumers don't do research either. Image matters. Substance doesn't. The question is not "Is Sony ripping off Nintendo?", the question is "How well is Sony doing at setting itself apart from Nintendo?"

And from the *games shown so far*, that answer is currently 'Not very well'.

Oner5167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

You know Mint you actually made me chuckle so I gave you a bubble ~ fair enough? :P

I know I can be "overly passionate" but the past couple of years with the gaming media as a whole and misinformation in general kinda gets to ya after a while...

@ Above ~ "And from the *games shown so far*, that answer is currently 'Not very well'."

I actually do agree with that statement because as it stands right now (as I have said) I am not all that interested in the PS Move currently...it's not until the Ape Escape, Flower, Pain, LBP, RE, Ratchet/Jack/Crash style games that ARE from quality devs who have a track record of putting time and devotion into their games (and it shows) is when I will decide if it warrants a purchase. Hell I own a Wii so why wouldn't I want a more accurate and precise capable version anyway!?

mint royale5167d ago

No probs Oner

Bubbles back :)

+ Show (37) more repliesLast reply 5167d ago
NateNater5167d ago

PS3 = Wii 2

PS3 it only does everything.

meetajhu5167d ago

Yes History re-written by Sony

Varodor5167d ago

this just stupid
Now sony has stolen types of sport
thinking what news will be next, begin to scary me

na-no-nai5167d ago

does everything except other platform exclusives lol. too bad they never get nintendo and microsoft franchise ^_^

Samus HD5167d ago

everything?? you mean everything stealing from nintendo/ first the controller . second the games (wii sports/sports resort)[the beginning]

na-no-nai5167d ago

lol wat else can they do.
oh well that life there gonna be followers and there are leaders

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5167d ago
jamenees5167d ago

Stupid. So no one is allowed to make anything remotely close to the wii version.
Every game we play is a better, updated version of an older game. Move is gonna rock.

myothercar5167d ago

I had no idea Nintendo owned the exclusive rights to all sports games /sarcasm

As long as Sony can improve on the Wii Sports versions I'm happy. I have a Wii and I find its games lacking the depth and precision to give me a challenge- the only challenge is in enduring the zzz's.

vhero5167d ago

I agree honestly my fave game for wii is that bloody bowling on wii sports and not one game for the wii has expanded on it. If Sony beats it not only with better graphics but with more game modes then honestly its all win-win for me. The reason I own a wii is wii sports lol.

BannedForNineYears5167d ago

Holy crap!!!!!!!!! 2 ping pong games that use motion controllers!!!!!!!!!!!! RIP OFFF11111111111ONE2222222222@! !
Seriously, that's almost as bad as saying "Halo's a rip off of Wolfenstein".

Mini Mario5166d ago (Edited 5166d ago )

"This is very
Stupid. So no one is allowed to make anything remotely close to the wii version.
Every game we play is a better, updated version of an older game. Move is gonna rock. "

The point is that ALOT of people from the likes os sony and people on forums N4G had laughed at the wii calling it a gimmick and now...let's be honest...sony is making something VERY similar to what nintendo has...and now it's ok and awesome?...and a "must buy"

It just sounds very hypocritical to the sensible people on here. And please dont give me this crap about "HD" because a game is great based on the game itself and not the resoloution. Wii sports is very addicitive (tennis training modes especially) and now alot of you haters are going to realize this.

I really cant believe how people on here can still say nintendo isnt the cause of sony's "new" products.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5166d ago
nycredude5167d ago

Damn look at the wii graphcis!

2FootYard5167d ago

When playing video games starring a female lead I often become curious as to what they smell like after so many battles. Should I seek professional help?

cyborg69715167d ago (Edited 5167d ago )

Yeah they're like atari. Just blobs of color on top of blobs of color.

Edit:@ above. You should seek the help. It sounds to me like you have more than one order for protection out on you.

redsquad5167d ago

It's called "competition", not "ripping off"... *sigh*

Death24945167d ago

gave Nintendo credit during the press conference. Also i'd like to think of it as "inspired" Sports Gladiators. Just like God of War "inspired" Dante's Inferno gameplay. How the playstation eyetoy "inspired" Natal. I think you get my point.

Mr_Showtime15167d ago

I kind of agree with you Death. But there's a point where inspiration does just become sheer copying, and I think this time Sony have gone and done it. I would say more that the Wii inspired Sixaxis. But it sucked.

RedDragan5167d ago

Showtime can you please explain how exactly Sony copied this?

Abriael5167d ago

Actually the sixaxis was released one week before than the wii. Lots of people forget that the first motion controlled platform this generation is indeed the PS3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5167d ago
Show all comments (181)

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars - PlayStation Move's Best Kept Secret

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars debuted in 2011, and later updated for modern consoles. However, it's the PlayStation 3 edition that stands out.


Why the PlayStation Move Failed

Sony's PlayStation Move may not have been able to contend with Nintendo's Wii, but it paved the way for PlayStation VR's success story.

SullysCigar964d ago

I use them most days and have for years 🤷🏻‍♂️

They're definitely way past a needed update, but I've got a tonne of fun out of them, so they haven't failed me.

bouzebbal964d ago

The best motion control platform it's so intuitive.. Died due to lack of support from Sony.. It had some amazing games

thorstein964d ago

They are used constantly for PSVR games. So, no they haven't failed. Neither has PSVR (or VR in general.)

Bigman4k964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

The article was talking about why it ps move failed before psvr came along


It failed because it sucked plain and simple.


I feel that's a bit harsh. To this day, playing Killzone 3's campaign with PS Move/Sharpshooter gun combo is the most fun/immersive experience I've ever had with an FPS.

I think Move was simply not as profitable as Sony wanted it to be, but it didn't "suck".


It most definitely sucked. You people can act like it was something special all you want but it was horrible. The entire motion control fad was a waste of resources and time. Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming. It's ok to admit it...

Minute Man 721964d ago


The Move was better that the Wii mote. If the Wii was anywhere accurate as the Move was you could say the Wii was better. Sure it sold boatloads but was it really played consistently??

yeahokwhatever964d ago

I played it in 3D with the move gun on a 100 inch projector and it BLEW MY MIND. I was exhausted, but i finished the campaign standing there.

SullysCigar964d ago

"Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming"

Just no. Games release most weeks (for years now) that support Move controllers. Some ONLY use Move controllers.

Look, I get you're not a fan, but if you're going to rant, at least inform yourself in advance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 964d ago
LordoftheCritics964d ago

I would say both Move and Kinect weren't supported properly.

Sony and MS abandoned what could have been amazing.


Kinect sucked too. I would say Kinect may have been cool had it worked as intended but it was ahead of it's time. Both Kinect and Move are gimmicks nothing more. I honestly don't see why Sony still implements "motion controls" recent controllers. Who really uses that crap? And to play what?

Profchaos964d ago

I so t think Sony abandoned the move it's technically repurposed and still supported on the ps5 just for VR

RedDevils964d ago

Kinect should be kept as media interactive features.

LordoftheCritics964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Again if it was supported right.

Where even a fast click of my fingers could get an immediate in game response.

It feels trash because we have been shown or lived with bad versions of gesture based tech. Think Minority Report fast. That could be something.

''You people can act like it was something special all you want but it was horrible.''

No one is acting like it was special, I said it could be amazing.

''I think Move was simply not as profitable as Sony wanted it to be''

Like I said, it wasnt supported. Give us a AAA game with precision gestures well implemented into the game and then we can discuss profits.

964d ago

I don't deal in "what if". It wasn't supported right and even if it was it was still a gimmick.

thorstein964d ago

"Like I said, it wasnt supported. Give us a AAA game with precision gestures well implemented into the game"

You just described every AAA PSVR game. And even the indies have incredible integration. No Man's Sky VR is insanely good.

Silly gameAr964d ago

And, you can act like it was horrible, but I had a blast with my Move. I had the whole collection of House of the Dead, Dead Space Extraction, and RE Darkside Cronicles, The Fight, and Socom 4, and I would play the hell out of those games I even beat a playthrough of the Resistance 3 campaign with the Move. Getting drunk and playing with friends was a freaking blast.

You can pretend that you had a move and played it all you want SPeak the Truth, but it was accurate, and usually on point. I hate when people act like they've played something just to trash it, when they really just have a vendetta, and think the Move is easy prey for your hate.

Minute Man 721964d ago

Wait you can play Dead Space with the Move?? I need it

Orchard964d ago

“You can pretend that you had a move”

I love this crazy idea that if someone has something bad to say about hardware/software - they must be lying about owning it and clearly do not own it!

Because all hardware and software has a 100% approval rating from all purchasers…

P_Bomb964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Shoot I forgot about Dead Space Extraction and Umbrella Chronicles. Had those too. Still do (digital).


I have a vendetta against Move? Lmao that's the most ridiculous comment I've read today. I didn't buy it because like I said motion controls are gimmicks. I had a Wii and it was decent enough but a gimmick although successful. I had a Kinect and it too was trash. Don't act as if you know what I have and haven't owned. Move was nothing more than a Wiimote ripoff

yeahokwhatever964d ago

SO MANY really great experiences for the Move. The Fight was excellent!

Silly gameAr964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

@Minute Man

There was a game called Dead Space Extraction that you could play the Move with.

@Orchard. Please don't reply to me, because every time I say something to you, I magically end up restricted. So, just ignore me like I ignore you, so there will be no hurt feelings, please.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
Vanfernal964d ago

"Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming. It's ok to admit it..."

That is demostrably false.... Most VR games have motion controls and the PSVR uses the Move controllers.

SPEAKxTHExTRUTH964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

VR games have a controller most of the time not some magic wand. And VR is not the same as PS move or Kinect. I'm not a fan of VR either. A controller and a couch is all I need for my gaming needs.

Vanfernal964d ago


"And VR is not the same as PS move or Kinect."

PSVR LITERALLY uses the Move controllers. Now it's just obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. You're saying Move failed and nobody uses it anymore when it's an integral part of PSVR and is still being used in 2021.

ScootaKuH964d ago

It didn't suck. It worked but the games just weren't there, that's why it failed.

Father__Merrin964d ago

The move was excellent it was 1 to 1 precise time crisis was a joy to play aswell as sports champions it didn't hit mainstream as it was an addon unlike Nintendo wiimote

963d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 963d ago
Godmars290964d ago

Lack of games that proved the concept that 3rd parties could then copy en masse?

Silly Mammo963d ago

I wish that someone would have made a proper boxing game. I still have a blast with the Sports Champions boxing, but to have a boxing game that was more in-depth would have been awesome.

Dario_DC963d ago

Try Creed for PSVR, it's brilliant

OMGitzThatGuy964d ago

Because it was a uninspired ripoff of the Wii controller without the Nintendo library to back it and didn't try to put any real effort into development such as getting their top developers to make games for it and instead gave tech demos disguised as games to their least talented developers so the best can focus on single player only games.

Ryushaa964d ago

Except the Move was an idea roughly implemented in the PS2. Yes, I'm serious.
Just search on youtube: PlayStation 2 - Motion Controller (2004)

Nonetheless, just like the whole Wii, it was more of a gimmick than a proper input evolution in games.

jukins964d ago

Exactly. Its funny time and time again sony is the first innovate. Often at its own peril. Like your example the move started on ps2 taken advantage of by nintendo. Sony buys gakai for game streaming only for other companies to overtake them.

Profchaos964d ago

Are you talking about the gametrak on os2 which used strings to track your hand position I used to have this and a gold game it was awesome but the game itself sucked if it had integration with tiger woods or something it would be way better the tracking was excellent even back then as it wasn't using guesswork.
However the game was very forgiving and no way to turn it harder and no licensed players or courses hurt it.

964d ago Replies(2)
yeahokwhatever964d ago

99% of the Wii's games were "shovelware", in fact, I think thats what started that phrase..

EvertonFC964d ago

Socom, killzone, resistance and tiger wood 14 were great with the move but agree lacked more games.

yeahokwhatever964d ago

There were plenty of games and I'm glad that not every game became a Move game.

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These PS3 Games are Going to get Really Expensive

Could you get rich by investing in PS3 games? Almost definitely not. Can you make a few bucks by flipping PS3 games over the years? Yeah, sure! It wouldn’t even be that difficult. But let’s face it: Once these games are in your collection, you’re probably keeping them forever.

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CDbiggen967d ago

There's a reason I didn't buy most of these when they came out.

MadLad967d ago

After a game's multiple generations old, and can't be had new at a reasonable price, that's when I see nothing wrong with emulation.

What's the point of paying someone scalper prices when the dev/publisher isn't even benefiting from it?

mkis007966d ago

Emulation doesn't stop a games physical box from becoming collectible.

Knightofelemia967d ago

I paid $30 for SH Downpour on PS3 now it's around $70-$85 Canadian Lolipop Chainsaw I paid $15 and it has really gone up in price. I wonder if Transformers War and Fall of Cybertron will go up in price two of the best Transformers games every made.

neutralgamer1992967d ago

In 5 years time all those games will be worth at least $150 to $200 that you listed

967d ago
neutralgamer1992967d ago

Ever since Sony announced that they would shut down PS3 store these prices have skyrocketed and even though Sony backtracked now most gamers realize that it's a matter of time before the PlayStation 3 store is shut down. If you want these games get them while you can even if digital because once that story shut down the physical prices will just go crazy high we saw that already

And many of these games did not sell like crazy amounts so they are limited number of copies available for sale at any given time

MadLad967d ago

Folklore is a game I've always really wanted to play, but I got a PS3 late in the generation, and it was already really expensive to find, being it didn't exactly sell well, therefore was already kind of a collector's item.

Kept hoping I'd find a cheap copy randomly at stores and flea markets, but never happened.

franwex967d ago

I got mine for $5 at Walmart like 10 years ago. I have yet to play it.

neutralgamer1992967d ago

It was available at GameStop for a while for under $20. Don't know har happened but GameStop started to sell their used games based on ebay prices it seems

You can still find it for around $60-70 and which in my opinion is a good price for a game that will be worth double if not triple that in next 5 years

Mr Logic966d ago

Have you considered modding your PS3? Neither Sony or the dev would be getting money from that Folklore purchase. Kind of a victimless crime at that point.

MadLad966d ago (Edited 966d ago )


Honestly, I just want to actually give the experience a try. I'm not someone who would buy it at a premium just to potentially rip someone off down the road.
I mean, there are collectors out there and if paying a couple hundred dollars is worth it to them then more power to them, but I'm not one to be on either end of that exchange.

I know it's taboo, but I might dig in and see the state of PS3 emulation on PC. I have a good PC, so it might be able to power through the often times poor performance, being PS3 is known to be hard to emulate.

I've never emulated anything past the PS2/Dreamcast but, as I said in my first post, I don't see anything wrong with emulation if the game you want to play can only be had used, with no money going to the creators.

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