
Spelunky XBLA New Screenshots Released

DIYgamer.com writes: "If there's a more charming tomb-raiding/treasure hunting adventure game then I certainly don't know of it. Spelunky, which has been free on the PC for a couple years now, is also in the process of being ported to the Xbox Live Arcade in a sort of "HD remix".While that means the game will, invariably, cost money when it gets released, it also means that the game will be much more polished, work on "the big screen," and feature some new game modes which have yet to be announced."

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All Major Gaming Anniversaries in 2022

As we come to the end of 2021, let's take a look back as we celebrate many anniversaries that are up and coming next year.

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Video Chums Indie Game of the Month Awards September 2021

"With so many wonderful indies released in September, catch up on the very best with our awards in 12 distinct categories. Have fun!" - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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980d ago

The roguelike classic comes to Switch - Spelunky Review [Video Chums]

"Spelunky is considered a classic roguelike for good reason. Its hazard-filled structure will have you constantly learning new tricks as you continue to progress further and further. In fact, it even remains superior to its recent sequel so I highly recommend giving it a go." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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