
The Gamers Temple: Borderlands: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx Review

TGT writes: "OK, I admit it. I'm completely in love with Borderlands. The style, the loot-grab gameplay, the upgrades, the guns … I just can't get enough. Admittedly, Mass Effect 2 (and a replay of the first Mass Effect) stole my attention for a couple of weeks while Borderlands sat on the shelf, but now that Commander Shepard and I have saved the universe (twice, actually), I'm right back on Pandora, blasting everything in sight and searching for those elusive, more-powerful-than-most rare weapons of varying degrees of destruction. And wouldn't you know it, a third bit of downloadable content his just come down the pike - The Secret Armory of General Knoxx. As a Borderlands-aholic and too-serious gamer, I'm happy to announce that this $10 add-on is quite possibly the best DLC package ever offered for any console game in history."

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So you think you're hardcore? Try getting these! (Meodia)

Meodia takes a look at some of the hardest and more time consuming trophies out there that are driving completionists insane.

dc14471d ago

Yep. Vanquish made me pull my hair out.. and I don't have any.
and R2's 10,000 Multiplayer Kill requirement made me said because I new I wasn't pouring that much time into the match play.

I do have the Killzone 2 Platinum :)

Hanif-8764471d ago

Well, i'm really proud of my Grand Theft Auto IV platinum trophy as i thought that i was never ever gonna get it.

Rynx4470d ago

I wonder how come these list forget about Disgaea 3. I'm trying to platinum that game now and it's ridiculous how much grinding you have to do. I'm logged in at over 175hrs now and I'm still barely at the halfway point.

Doomguard4470d ago

You obviously didn't read the article, Disgaea is mentioned at the very end. This isn't a definitive list, it was stated that there are more out there and covering all of them would probably make the list up to 100 entries long.

4470d ago
faysal4471d ago

ahhh got kz2 platinum but i dont have the other games, i think he should have put cod world at war dam that game kicked my ass!!!! and it had this problem where when you dont play that game it would lose your save data. every time i finished the lvl it lost my data, so i had to do the lvls over and over again untill i got the platinum :D

Fylus4471d ago

WaW was only hard in the sense that Veteran difficulty lowered your health to basically 2-shot kills and made the enemies spam grenades. It was not at all true difficulty the way Demon's/Dark Souls is.

Kinda wondering why the hell this list would exclude those games...

Doomguard4470d ago

The article does say that this isn't a definitive list, but instead just some of the many out there, and obviously it tried to focus on some of the less popular and downloadable games without platinums. However I found Demons Souls to have a pretty easy platinum, I got it in just 80 hours, which was even less than what it took me for Yakuza 3. As for Dark Souls, I have yet to play that one. If you play with spells and bows, the game was pretty easy to beat.

Fylus4470d ago (Edited 4470d ago )

I agree that for people that are devote gamers who can soak up a ton of in game hours can beat a game like Demon's/Dark Souls, but can you honestly imagine an average joe gamer ever platnuming Demon's/Dark Souls? Let alone even finishing one of them. You make some great points though.

Wintersun6164471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

MGS2 wasn't easy either. Beating the game on extreme and some of the VR missions we're a major pain in the ass.

Also Shadow of the Colossus' Hard Time Attack mode is pure madness, especially Colossi #3.

jthamind4471d ago

mfw nothing from NG2/NGS2.

tehpees34471d ago (Edited 4471d ago )

Of those I have only played GTA IV and Killzone 2. I have neither of those trophies.

@ theeg I know what press the A button is but where is go through the first door from? lol

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The Top Ten Best Narrative DLC Of This Generation

Joystick Division looks at the ten best pieces of narrative downloadable content available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.

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potedude4798d ago

Both Mass effects, the Oblivion and the Fallout. Have Bioshock waiting but too much gaming goodness at the moment to be able to get near it.

On a side note, I was over GTA 4 pretty quickly, didn't even finish it. Thought it was a bit over-rated myself...

Lindsey4798d ago

Minerva's Den was so good. People say it was 4 hours long, but I remember getting at least 8 hours out of it. Minerva's Den almost feels like a fully fledged game.

SeraphimBlade4798d ago

I dunno, I thought "the writer" was better than "the signal" in both gameplay and story. Even if there was just sequel bait at the end


Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week heads to the Borderlands

"Borderlands from 2K Games and Gearbox Software was one of the surprise hits in the shooter genre last year. The game's success continued on through three DLC packs that added more missions, more weapons, more enemies and new level caps. Now all three are on sale for hall off this week as part of the Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week."

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Queasy5068d ago

Good deal for those that already own the game.

Yi-Long5068d ago

... where there were multiple XBLA games discounted.

Also, Borderlands is getting a GOTY-edition in a couple of months, so then you can get the complete game plus all DLC for 20-30 bucks or something, which seems like a much better deal.

Queasy5068d ago

I know. Which is why I said this is a good deal for those that *already own* the game. Heck even if they own one or two of the DLCs already but not the full set.

Better than going and spending 20-30 bucks on the GOTY edition.

Blaze9295068d ago

perfect timing - just got into this game.

Neco5125068d ago

me too! well, about a week or two ago now. But really looking forward to more time with it

CrAppleton5068d ago

Sweet! But not the deal of the week.. the deal of the week by far will be Hydro Thunder for only 1200 pts. :D

Neco5125068d ago

Well, that does sound like a good deal too

Queasy5068d ago

It's definitely one I will be picking up. Was a favorite on the Dreamcast.

lucifon5067d ago

IGN gave it 5.5 but alot of other sites are giving it pretty average reviews. Always thought it looked totally mediocre. Unimpressed looking deeper into Castlevania too being just 6 levels of 30 minute timelimits :( Lets hope Monday Night Combat is as good as it looks

VladimirK5067d ago

It's a good deal with the exception of Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot.
Wouldn't be worth the HDD space if it was free tbh.

There's no variation in waves, all the enemies are the same level as you, the "prizes" are worthless weapons and you get no XP.
It's even worse if you're into achievements. You have to grind through something like 75 rounds overall to get 100% in it. (It gets old by the 5th round. Trust me, I've 100%'ed it).