
Just Cause 2: PC vs. Xbox 360 vs. PS3 - A big graphic comparison

The Just Cause 2-Demo is out for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. But which version looks best? PC Games did a graphic comparison and the PC wins. No doubt. More through the link.

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Venatus-Deus5169d ago

Heres my comparison:

It's a sh*t game on all three platforms.

Lou-Cipher5169d ago

I loved it too.

I have it paid off already, and am excited to play the full retail copy later this month. (if im finished with GoW III that is)

The 360 version has a better character model, but the PS3 version has better everything else. PC version is the true winner here anyway.

Venatus-Deus5169d ago

Sorry that was a bit insensitive…

… but the demo literally gets right in your face and teabags you with how bad it is.

I'm glad you guys liked the game and will be supporting the developer. God knows their going to need it.

lociefer5169d ago

i dunno, theres this sexiness in the ps3 version http://translate.google.de/...

nix5169d ago

wow.. this game is out already. i tried playing the first one... couldn't play it beyond 10 mins. i hope this game is good for the devs' sake.

Akagi5169d ago

To each his own, but if you don't LIKE FUN then I don't know what you like.

gta28005169d ago

These screen shots arent accurate. I can confirm that. I just played the demo on the PS3 last night on my 42" HDTV and it looks nothing like that. It looks more like the 360 version.

WildArmed5169d ago

The first one was very well done, but this one is just amazing. Loved the demo.
Will be picking this up during summer or something.
It just has a really bad release date.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5169d ago
Hellsvacancy5169d ago

Who really cares 4 this game? its a rental at best and thatll only b 2 rack up afew trophies

Aphe5169d ago

People other than you I suppose. Because others have different tastes, just because you don't like it doesn't mean others won't.

Your opinion isn't that important, trust me.

5169d ago
Silverwolf5169d ago

I don't have to upgrade sh@t to play this game... consoles win!

Charmers5169d ago

Oddly enough I don't need to upgrade anything to play this game massively better than the consoles. So I guess that makes "PC's win".

Silverwolf5169d ago

But how many PC gamers can actually say that? That's the only reason why I quit PC gaming. Upgradetitis is addicting and very expensive. And PC games don't hold there value at all. While console games can fetch a good penny years after use.

Charmers5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Pretty much every PC gamer can say that. If you are a PC gamer then you will ensure that your PC is up to specs. The only people that ever struggle with PC gaming are people that buy £30 graphic cards and scream "oh I have to upgrade every 3 months" well duh Sherlock if you buy a low end card you get a low end short experience.

As for selling games ? erm I am a gamer I love my game collection why in gods name would I want to sell them ? You say console games "hold their value" I say "PC games are cheaper at launch and get cheaper a hell of a lot quicker than consoles". If it is a choice between being able to sell my game for $10 or being able to pick up new games for $10 I know what I would choose.

I will be playing Just Cause 2 on my 3 year old PC at superior frame rates, resolutions and with features NOT available on the console and as a bonus I will have paid £10 less than console gamers to do it too. So yeah "PC wins".

Yep I just looked Just Cause 2 Limited Edition for the PC is only £24.99. The Xbox 360/PS3 version is £39.99 that means I save myself £15 ($22) so yeah I will stick with the PC version I think.

Silverwolf5169d ago

"Pretty much every PC gamer can say that. If you are a PC gamer then you will ensure that your PC is up to specs"

Well, don't really know where you're getting your figures from. But according to http://store.steampowered.c... you're pretty much a minority.

ProjectVulcan5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

This game runs well on modest hardware. An 8800GT is enough to blow the consoles into the weeds with this game, and its two and half years old. Turn on all the nvidia gubbins and its really good looking. I will be playing this on a HDTV 1080p, with a wireless 360 controller and it still runs 60 frames a second on my machine. These screens dont translate how much better this game looks running like that against the consoles.

Really its a fallacy that Pc gamers have to constantly upgrade and the stats you link to silver click on the GPU stats, the top 7 there make up 40 percent of the cards on the service, and all of them would make this game look and run better than the console version of this game with a dual core CPU- Which if you click on the CPU link then 80 percent of the machines have two or more cores. Nice huh?

Charmers5169d ago

Hm that's funny last time I checked the steam survey it was showing at least 74% had a Dx10 card....... oh wait it does. At least 48% of the user base are on a FULL Dx10 system with a further 27% using a Dx10 card but just haven't made the switch up to a Dx10 operating system yet.

Yeah it looks like I am in a minority......... NOT. Just because you are out of touch with what is happening in the PC world doesn't mean the rest of us are Silverwolf. If you are a PC gamer then you will at least own a 8800gt/gts/gtx that is the minimum you should have in today's PC. Since a PC gamer will have at least a card of that power they don't need to upgrade to play this game better than the console so henceforth the "PC wins".

Letros5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

wow over 12 million steam users have a full DX10 system, that's pretty impressive.

champ215169d ago


judging from your comment id say you dont know the first thing about pc gaming.

3yr old pc with 8800gtx will easily outperform any console. Upgrades are not needed. Ps3 or the 360 dont magically gain more power every year to play new games. Same way 8800gtx just is superior to them hence it can play anything those consoles can play and better.

Silverwolf5169d ago

Apparently I can't have a decent conversation without running into a fanboy it seems. Nobody is taking a jab at PC's for f@cks sake everyone in the free world has one!!!

Hell I have 2 plus a laptop! Yes, I do know about PC gaming (started back in the TNT2 days). PC's have it's advantages like graphic's and game prices. But it also has it's dissadvantage's, which apparently many here refuse to see.

So I'll save myself the frustration of having to go back and forth with what seems like the typical N4G crowd.

And just admit you were all right I was wrong... how could I have had said something like that... blah, blah, blah.

Hope I just made your day now and leave my bubbles alone. Thanks

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5169d ago
maverick405169d ago

i agree with you.I was so underwhelmed by the demo...it sucked so bad.

DelbertGrady5169d ago

Another crappy comparison from videogameszone.de?

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Knushwood Butt487d ago

The Yakuza Games

Haha, yeah, currently over 100 hours into Yakuza 0. Considering going for 100% and well on the way but may not get there. Cat Fights are a real chore.

blackblades487d ago

I use to be a trophy hunter, was getting around 20 to 30 platinums a year. Had a saying of Play-Beat-Platinum, play and enjoy the game like there wasn't no trophies, beat it and at least get 50% then look at them and see if I'll platinum and platinum it. I think death star was a pain, the servers was ending so i had to rush and play that for awhile none stop. NGs2 was hard because of that online trophy but easy if you had the partner that can do it for you while you grab the enemy attention. Grinding idk, death was grinding last one I had to grind for platinum literally 1 trophy needed was dungeon travler or something vita gave up on it. After that I stop trophy hunting get like a 1 platinum a year or 0.

Knushwood Butt487d ago

Yeah, if I enjoy a game I usually go for the platinum unless there are some unreasonable trophies in there.

For Yakuza 0 I've invested too much time in it to give up just yet and most of the content is good fun, apart from Cat Fighting which is broken and dull after a couple of fights.

DarXyde487d ago

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 was literally the last platinum I got on PS3. After that, I went into PS4 kinda deflated and getting them where it felt appropriate.

I genuinely HATED that platinum, but it was a personal challenge I took upon myself. It was a lot of "get 1,000 kills with [insert weapon]" and it got to be a bit tedious. Master Ninja really pissed me off, but the WORST which you alluded to was that bloody Gold trophy for missions that you needed to do online because the AI was useless and got wrecked in moments. I jumped on the game a bit late so I struggled with finding a partner for at least 1.5 months. After that, I burned out hard with trophy hunting. I still came back for games I really enjoyed (Bloodborne, Dark Souls III, Nier: Automata, and a few others that escape me) and low hanging fruit that was just a bit time consuming and I didn't want to buy new games at the time (Final Fantasy XV). Total, it becomes clear where I taper off since I've only plat'ed 33 games since there inception of trophies which really isn't much.

Screw Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 lol. That game was pure nightmare fuel.

blackblades487d ago

I say never force getting a platinum, its not worth the trouble definitely if it costing you to waste time on chore like grind. Those brainless design trophies.

hotnickles487d ago

Dead rising was the worst one I’ve ever tried. I haven’t tried it with the modern console “rest mode” but the 360 didn’t have that.

Duke19487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

Was GTa4 the on where you had to collect a shit ton of pigeons around the map and there was no help in finding them?

roadkillers487d ago

Yep. I’d say GTASA was more difficult since there were so many collectibles

Profchaos486d ago

The saving grace was that there was only on average 50 collectables with the two exceptions being graffiti and oysters from memory horseshoes and photos were capped at 50 each.

But for me it was all the other grind that was way more painful in SA like the car export lists which even with guides took way longer than collecting stuff

iivGHOST486d ago

There was a guide book that came out with the game that had all the pigeons in it. I actually still have it

Chocoburger487d ago

One of the more recent games I got a Platinum in was Killzone: Mercenary for Vita. What a crap game, that requires so much terrible grinding.

Awful game, awful experience.

outsider1624486d ago

Oh man..wish i could get a vita. I've been trying to get a preowned too(in my country) but no luck.

CantThinkOfAUsername487d ago

I can vouch for Just Cause 2. It was the reason I quit achievement hunting. 86 hours in, the game bugged on me during one of the last side quests (it failed no matter what I did) and my save file got corrupted. Wiped it off my drive and never looked back.

SonyStyled486d ago

I downloaded the ‘complete edition’ or whatever it was called for $2 about 7yrs ago in hopes of trophy hunting it for a platinum. It always sounded fun and I would like to commit time to it but not enough for a platinum trophy

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