
Ubi Blames Assassin's Creed II DRM Woes On Server Attacks

Ubisoft has stated the Assassin's Creed II DRM problems preventing some users from playing the games were caused by "attacks" on its servers.

In a tweet, the publisher revealed the attack happened between 2.30pm and 9.00pm Paris time.

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Dorjan5207d ago

I hate single player DRM frazum frazum

Leord5207d ago

See, this just shows that if there's a server problem due to hacks or anything else, DRM customers are the ones who suffer.

There will always be black hats out there, that's not the issue! The issue is DRM.

Get rid of the sheit!

IdleLeeSiuLung5207d ago

For pirates, the vast majority of them have high speed internet.

The people that are practically forced to buy games without an alternative is the people that don't have internet access! Ooppps!!!

Maticus5207d ago

Wow, that's a score for the hackers isn't it? Bastards.

Cogo5207d ago

I can't believe it's that hard to DDoS a game server or three...

Malfurion5207d ago

What the hell do these people get out of it, ruining people's weekends. Well done, yeah, you're a hero.

Leord5207d ago

To be fair, it does show the weaknesses of the DRM system. As I said above, there will always be "bad" hackers.

People might understand now that the only ones who lose on having DRM are people BUYING the games.

You don't see pirates whining about this kind of stuff.

In fact, if you hacked your copy of the game, you wouldn't have had the trouble either.

I am not saying pirating or hacking is good at all, just that DRM is worse than all.

PrimordialSoupBase5207d ago

Sorry but the people who bought Assassin's Creed II and SH5, whether aware or not of the DRM, deserve this. It's a wake up call of what's to come when, on a rainy day their internet goes down, and they can't play the damn game.

Their purchase proves they don't realise how serious this is. Now they do.

STK0265207d ago

I wouldn't go as far as saying they deserve it though. They wanted to play AC2 on PC, and were willing to support Ubisoft despite the DRM they used, and the price tag they put. They didn't have to suffer because hackers wanted to show Ubisoft how wrong they were to use such restrictive methods to counter piracy. Ubisoft made a mistake (In my opinion), and Ubisoft alone should have to pay for it, not the honest customers who want to play a game they paid for. Comparing this to losing the internet is nonsense, considering one is caused by people with or without the intention to cause damage, while on the other hand you have a natural phenomenon. It would be like saying an earthquake and a war is the same, it kills people and devastates the land.

So, I'm not saying we should only blame the hackers responsible for this, but I don't think it's fair to say that honest customers got what they deserved.

PrimordialSoupBase5207d ago (Edited 5207d ago )

I didn't say they were the same thing. What they experienced over the weekend is an example of what's to come, be it weather or a hacker. The only way to prevent DRM like this is for people to keep away from it and not show their support by buying the games. It's the only leverage the paying customer has, and they are putting their own platform in a choke hold by buying into this.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5207d ago
AndyA5207d ago

Ironic that those playing a cracked version of the game are not experiencing issues.

thetamer5207d ago

If anything this means that cracked games are the way forward. If you're paying for something that doesn't work, what's the point? Somebody needs to hire those crackers to work on DRM.

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thorstein291d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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dumahim305d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos305d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill304d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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Chriswheeler22489d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87488d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight