
Mistwalker's Last Story may feature realtime play

Whether refering to the battle system, something in the overworld, or something else entirely, former Final Fantasy producer Hironobu Sakaguchi has said some interesting things on his company blog. Most noteably, "…I want you to understand how difficult it is to finish the last fixes and it is time consuming in RPG creation. There is an unknown territory for me because of the real time system exists in it. But I believe that the hurdle will invent something new."

(Note tinyurl was used because the link to Sakaguchi's blog was being turned away by the system. The main link is directly to his blog.)

GR8 15200d ago

Hironobu Sakaguchi how about stop wasting time making wii games and make a xbox360 game how long has it been since Lost Odyssey.......GOD is it to much to ask get a f*ckin move on.

Gr815200d ago

360 audience doesn't go for this sort of game. Its not a FPS/TPS game. Its an RPG. Besides Wii has twice the size of 360's userbase its just a more lucrative move..sorry you feel butt hurt..but tough. Deal with it.

JimboJones5200d ago

They just changed the words of final fantasy using a thesaurus and it still means the exact same thing, nice.

Shnazzyone5200d ago (Edited 5200d ago )

though does he mean real time like it utilities the systems clock or that battles will be in the world without random battles... i'm guess in the latter.

tunaks15200d ago

I think hes referring to the battle system,
not quite sure though

Shnazzyone5200d ago

damn you for catching me before the edit.

tunaks15200d ago

he a little vague though so it could mean anything :)

Bigpappy5200d ago

Real-time play and open world RGP's, will go a long way to put JRPG's back in favor in the west. They don't need to re-invent the wheel, they just need to put some tire on so the ride is more comfortable.

NMC20075199d ago

Come on man, I want Lost Odyssey 2, come ooooooon man.

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ZeekQuattro787d ago

I wish The Last Story would make a comeback.I played it years before I got around to Xenoblade. Mainly because of the scalping going on because of Xeno's limited run. It took me a few tries to get into it but once I did I couldn't put it down. A Wii hidden gem for sure.

pietro1212785d ago

As much as I love Xenoblade, Last Story was the better game IMO. I wish Nintendo would remaster or simply port the game onto the Switch.

porkChop787d ago

Xenoblade went on to be a really successful franchise too.

pietro1212786d ago

I wish the Last Story get a Switch remaster or remake. That game deserves a second chance

857d ago
Jiub856d ago

Legend of Dragoon was amazing


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