Trauma Team Video Walkthrough for First Response

Atlus USA has released the next video walkthrough for the upcoming Nintendo Wii game Trauma Team. This video covers the job of first response, what many EMTs and emergency room doctors have to do, things like put in I.V.s, stabilize patients, and intubate. The field of First Response will be played by Maria Torres, a doctor for Resurgam First Care, a fiery tempered quick thinking natural paramedic who seems to be having trouble getting along with her fellow paramedics, due to her impulsive nature. Here is the description of Maria from the Trauma Team website.

"Maria is a doctor for Resurgam First Care. Her skills in making snap decisions and her inner strength have made her a natural paramedic. She thrives in the high-pressure world of emergency response where her quick reflexes and judgment allow her to be an excellent ambulance drive and medic in disaster-stricken situations. Those same traits give her a fiery temper and a lack of patience that distance her from her fellow paramedics and fire crews of the city, who tend to view her as an impulsive, reckless girl who not only plays by her own rules but actively resists any attempts at teamwork. With the deepening feud between herself and her coworkers, and her own increasing isolation, will Maria ever be able to regain a feeling of camaraderie with them?"

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GameEnthus Podcast ep376: Jackson Cinematic Universe or Over The Top

This week Mike Mika (@MikeJMika) from Digital Eclipse and Other Ocean joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about video game development history, movies, video games, squat lobsters and more video games.

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Nintendo: 15 Forgotten Wii Games That Deserve Switch Sequels

If the Nintendo Switch wants to avoid becoming the next Wii U, they should make sequels to these underrated Wii games immediately.

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BadElf2609d ago

Zack and Wiki 2! Top notch game that NEEDS a sequel!

WickedLester2609d ago

I want a new Super Monkey Ball.


Top 10 Wii Exclusives That Deserve Sequels - A galaxy of modern classics

Nintendo's motion-controlled console was the home of countless fantastic gaming experiences. Here, I'll count down ten obvious and obscure choices that will suit the modern market perfectly.

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PhoenixUp2628d ago

This console has so many great games. I'd like to see a sequel to The Last Story.

There's not going to be a sequel to the structure of Super Mario Galaxy 2 though. The only reason we even got SMG2 was because they had plenty of leftover ideas from SMG1 that didn't make it into the game. It's better that we got other structures of 3D Mario later on

crazyaejay2628d ago

Agreed. Mario 3D World is one of the best so hopefully Odyssey lives up to it.

mikeslemonade2627d ago

Galaxy 1 and especially Galaxy 2 are two of the most overrated games ever made.

Deep-throat2627d ago

The console was pathetic to say the least, but the games were great!

Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Zelda Skyward Sword
Donkey Kong
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Zack & Wiki
Sonic Colours
Xenoblade Chronicles
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

-Foxtrot2627d ago

Super Mario Galaxy is getting a sequel though...Odyssey

Super Mario Galaxy 2 was a one off mainly because they apparently had content left over and instead of it wasting they made another game since they were still in the consoles life. Wouldn't make sense to have a sequel to Galaxy when each new system has brought us a different, brand new main Mario game. I'm glad we got Odyssey over it, it looks great and more open then Galaxy. Once you got to certain point in some levels of Galaxy (star cannon) you couldn't go back so back tracking was limited

darthv722627d ago

Technically it's not a sequel. SMG3 would be a sequel. Mario Odyssey is it's own game and possibly new spin specifically for the switch like Galaxy was for the Wii. If anything, Odyssey is more akin to Sunshine than Galaxy.

-Foxtrot2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Each ones are spiritual sequels

64, Sunshine, Galaxy and Odyssey

crazyaejay2627d ago

New Super Mario Bros. seems to always have sequels (2 on 3DS, one on Wii, and one on Wii U).
Also, Super Mario 3D World is a sequel to Super Mario 3D Land.

So, Galaxy 3 would be cool.

-Foxtrot2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Super Mario 64 didn't

Super Mario Sunshine didn't

Super Mario Galaxy was the only one

Super Mario Odyssey probably won't

Super Mario 3D World and New Super Mario Bros are not main line Mario games...just advanced versions of the handheld games

The 10th Rider2627d ago

Personally I want to see them revisit galaxy and sunshine in the same game. The water gameplay combined with the physics stuff could get pretty dang wacky.

-Foxtrot2627d ago

Super Mario Chronos

Time traveling to past games

You heard it here first :3

-Foxtrot2627d ago

Oh shit man SEE it's just waiting to happen

That and another game with a Dimension jumping element

2627d ago Replies(1)
The 10th Rider2627d ago

Missing a lot of games: Red Steel, Zack and Wiki, Little King's Story, Bloom Blox, De Blob, Muramasa, Excitebots/bikes/trucks, Sin and Punishment, Kloana, Battalion Wars, etc . . .

Rebel_Scum2627d ago

Super Mario Galaxy 2 doesn't need a sequel. You could see the ideas drying up when playing through it.

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