
Driver - Parallel Lines trailer

Here's a trailer for Driver: Parallel Lines from Ubisoft coming to the Wii.

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emptiness6183d ago

that looks good...i hope the controls fit well. looks like a GTA style game finally on the Wii...

ItsDubC6183d ago

What do you mean by "GTA style"? There are already a few sandbox-style games for the Wii as far as I know.


Steam Deal Of The Day- Driver Parallel Lines

Steam’s deal of the day for September 27th is Driver® Parallel Lines. Also the sale will end in 24 hours, hence the “deal of the day”, so you have until 1pm EST or 10am PST tomorrow to grab this deal. Below is a description on the game as well as some important information.

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chanmasta4630d ago (Edited 4630d ago )

I like the way these articles are approved only a few hours before the deal ends.

Better than no approval though, I guess.


Driver: San Francisco- Stop and Smell the Rubber

Booth from Fangwheel gives us the background on Driver, leading up to Driver: San Francisco.

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GameBosh Review: Driver: Parallel Lines

Like Grand Theft Auto, the Driver series of games have always embraced the fast cars/cops versus robbers dynamic to varying degrees of success. Previous outing Driv3r suffered from poor 'on foot' missions and the unfair speed advantage the cops had when it came to catching you.

Parallel Lines does take bits and pieces from Driv3r but mostly things have been improved, with the game concentrating more on the driving (makes sense seeing as that's what the series is called). This time there's no sign of undercover cop Tanner though, as you play a cocky young getaway driver called TK (The Kid).

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PS360WII5611d ago

hmm not bad actually and I never heard it was coming out to the Wii ><