
God of War 3 vs. Mass Effect 2 for GOTY

God of War 3 vs. Mass Effect 2 is the Uncharted 2 vs. MW2 of 2010. Last year, many gamers believed Infinity Ward would take all of the "Game of the Year" awards with its multiplatform FPS Modern Warfare 2. Instead, Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2 put all the MW2 vs. U2 talk to rest– by sweeping the GOTY awards, and still receiving more awards in 2010. This year with Mass Effect 2 already getting a huge buzz for GOTY and God of War 3 being just weeks away from what could be Sony's biggest release yet - the excitement feels much like it did when Uncharted 2 was weeks away from store shelves.

n4gn4gn4gn4g5195d ago

but with HALO:Reach coming out you know MS will be in full court press to get GOTY for it.

Gotta love free cash flow.

Chupa-Chupa5195d ago

Really, Halo Reach? I would love to see a great Halo game put out, but I think the Halo series is dead...well at least not GOTY contender. But I would like to be wrong, hopefully Reach is good. I loved H3 single player campaign.

Saaking5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

GOWIII for sure. Better story, Much better graphics, and personally I enjoy GOWIII's type of gameplay more.

Besides, it doesn't matter. If TLG releases this year then it'll be my GOTY. Team ICO FTW.

Bigpappy5195d ago

But I don't think that is enough to make it GOTY. We will see if it moves the genre forward enough when it is released. Or if the same formula remains. I will wait and see, but I am bias towards ME2 as I love WRPG's over button mash action games like (Conan, Dante, Bayonetta, Darksiders, Wolverine, GOW). They are fun for a while but get repetitive. Should be priced $40-50.

exnihilonihilfit5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

GOWIII isn't even out yet. Reach will also be a major contender, as will GT5. I still think that many companies of some games up their sleeves which may surprise us all. Honestly, if Uncharted weren't as good as it was, Batman might have been slated to take down some awards. Also, don't forget that Demon's Souls got a GOTY from at least one site. This year is likely to be more split. Problem is, games that come out at the start of the year are always a little less likely to make it. New Vegas may also be coming out this year, and you can't take away from that. Also, I'm inclined to believe Alpha Protocol will turn some heads, that's if it is good which it has a lot of potential to be. Then of course of TLG comes out, that has the potential to be a real upset. Alan Wake could also come up.

I just think that since there isn't really an official award that really counts as THE game of the year, we're going to see sites all over the place. 2009 was a good year in gaming, especially for the PS3, but Uncharted was just too clear a winner. This year so many games are soo good it's really hard to tell. Just look at how many triple A games are already out this year: ME2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain. And still to come: GOWIII, Halo Reach, Splinter Cell Conviction, Mod Nation Racers, The Last Guardian, Gran Turismo 5, Brink, Alpha Protocol, FFXIII, New Vegas, and the list goes on. It would be totally within reason for any site to pick any one of these games, especially since they're all so different.

But if I had to bet, I think it'll be GOWIII, only because it's more of technical feat, and Keighley said that there is a crazy awesome ending. The games graphics are just beyond amazing. People try to downgrade it because it has a fixed camera, but there just isn't anything I've seen of that graphical quality from any game I've seen with any perspective. If the end of GOWIII is just one of those all time greatest moments in gaming, then the race was over before it started.

ape0075195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

imo, mp is fantastic but the single player is a disappointment, it was solid but not legendary as halo 1

halo 3 is 8.5-9 in my book, halo 3 is one of those games that when you play you just realize how amazing could it have been,I knew that bungie gonna do it with reach and there it is, looking better badder than ever, powerful engine and good game design make dev vision come true(if tech was used right+ a talented developer)

now Reach look like a massive\true halo game, it looks mind blowing, im pretty sure that even the baddest fanboy want to play reach

and gow3, the game is gonna be a beast, I never I thought I see gfx look this good, gow 3 is something that you can only see in your dreams, it looks seee geeee CG!!, a dream come true for hardcore kratos fans

also alan wake gfx look out of this world

alan wake and gow3 gfx are like two amazingly delicious cakes, both look amazing and both got their own tastes, give up fanboys, both systems look amazing, however aside from the amazing looking gow3, the 360 games to me are better, I consider perfect dark xbla a giant of a release

sigh, fanboys ruin the videogame atmosphere, fanboy crap interrupt our daily game dosage

Rainstorm815195d ago

its far too early to say what is going to be overall GotY. Why? This is probably going to be the best year in gaming probably in gaming history. That makes it impossible to predict GotY in Feb-Mar.

GoW3 & ME2 will no doubt be on that list, as for Halo Reach finally MS has made a real next gen halo. it looks like they are going back to the Halo 1 roots but bigger better and darker. Reach may finally bring me back to the series because 3 and ODST just didnt cut it. but on the goty i dont know.

We'll see once all the contenders are released. Oh and Red Dead Redemption look like a contender as well, sleeper hit of 2010 maybe? not too many people have it on thier goty short list.

we won5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

Top contenders:

*Mass Effect 2(great story, mature art, unmatched 3rd person gameplay)

*Red Dead Redemption(great story, great gameplay, open world western that will probably work, first western probably done properly. ever)

Other contenders:

*Halo Reach(great story- done right for the first time in the franchise, unmatched co-op gameplay, overhauled visuals 3 times as immersing as past halos)

GowIII(pretty but over hyped graphics, huge scale, plenty of bloody action, average story, gameplay all though flashy not solid- something is off, like you're moves go right through enemies. The game has a lack of visual and force feedback. You can't feel the inflicted damage. Your moves mow right through enemies as if they were not there. I couldn't even tell if I was hurting the bad guys in the GOW3 demo based from the moves. No altered weapon animations/physics based on how something is hit. Your weapons do their canned animations right through the AI's solid mass until it's dead with no physics in the animations/moves. I've seen 10 year old Japanese slashers with more complex feedback.

*Mario(wacky gameplay)

*Zelda(Great story, reworked gameplay)


If you go through most of the 96+ reviews they do mention the gameplay being top notch. The gameplay is part(large part) of the reason the game has a 9.6 average.

CrazyOrange5195d ago

if you going to talk about overrated games,
uncharted 2 say hi.

ape0075195d ago

yeah man, Im spotting red dead redemption, game look unique

and to everyone don't let red dead slip off your radar

Rainstorm815195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )


Are u serious? Do you know the meaning of "unmatched"? Mass effect is an excellent game but unmatched 3rd person gameplay?

Yet GOW3 visuals are overhyped and it has an average story lolz.

Ape007 i agreed with your earlier comment because of people like this that wouldnt give much credit to games unless its on thier console of choice. We_won i guess thats the best we're going to get looking at your history. never mind we_won with your stealth edit. Name 1 10 yr old jpn slasher. Mass Effect gameplay IS terrific but as the TPS mechanics go its not better than U2 or Gears. But one of the best RPGs ive played in along time. comparing GOW3 to ANY 10 year old game is just asinine.

Udidntlistenpunk5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

PS3 exclusives score better on every front. Enough said.

I feel sorry for people who are stuck with bayobutta or dantes adventure.

As for Mass effect 2...lol the game cant even beat Fallout 3, a game which I regard as BORING.

Dont even compare it with GOW3. Mass Effect 2 should be compared with Dead Rising or Crackdown or Lost Planet.

Perjoss5195d ago

hahaha, we are still in the 2nd month of the year, silly people. There are still some crazy games coming out this year.

Imalwaysright5195d ago

Lol PS3 fanboys dismissing 360 exclusives and 360 fanboys dismissing PS3 exclusives. Thats N4g for you.

On topic every platform has strong contenders to GOTY but if i had to bet my money it would have to be on Starcraft 2 and TLG if comes this year.

Perjoss5195d ago

n4g would self destruct if a pc game (Starcraft 2) cleaned up the game of the year awards.

St05195d ago

There's way too many games coming out this year that could make GOTY, it's gonna be a hard choice

callahan095195d ago

My candidates right now are MAG, Bayonetta, Heavy Rain, Mass Effect 2, and Bioshock 2. Not sure about the order for those 5 right now, except that the first of them to get bumped from my top 5 and replaced by something else (likely God of War 3) is going to be Bioshock 2.

RedDragan5195d ago

I see Gran Turismo 5 getting it if it is released this year.

It will be very tightly contested by 3 different platforms, but the sheer scale of Gran Turismo and the extra features it is going to incorporate will push it into GOTY.

We all know that Sony will push the game in the media and the driving simulator is well known to even hardcore and casuals alike, alot of whom still only own a PS2 and are waiting for PD to release it.

Other contenders will likely be Heavy Rain, Mass Effect 2, God of War 3, Starcraft 2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2.

The only things going against Mass Effect 2, Heavy Rain and God of War 3 is that they are released early in the year.

MEsoJD5194d ago

but I think I'm going to love the fuçk out of God of War III

JokesOnYou5194d ago (Edited 5194d ago )

I'm sure just from all the early stuff we've seen and listening to Bungie talk about some of their goals with Reach that its going to be a helluva game. UC2 was a great game and probably would have been stiff competition for GOTY any year but lets be honest there wasn't a whole lot of huge blockbuster games released in 2009, especially for the 360....they weren't bad games, but really Halo Wars was a blast to play but not GOTY material being a RTS, ODST, L4D2 were both fun games but both were fan service games not looking to push things to a new level, Forza3 is the best racer out so far this gen, but its a racer so its not going to be GOTY by default almost....the best multiplat(only on n4g) was the much hated MW2, which even though most of its problems are blown out of porpotion its still up there with UC2 as the 2 best games in 2009.

The good news is that even though Halo Reach is going to be better than any game released last year on either console IMO, the year is packed with so many great games that it still may not be enough to win GOTY, ME2 was very good and will continue to be a strong contender all year, Alan Wake looks like it will be at least as good, SC Conviction looks like its going to be AAA but not GOTY great imo, Fable3, interesting game but no chance, Crackdown fun but no chance, but again thats 3 strong contenders on 360 that we know of right now, on ps3 side so far of course God of War 3 looks like it will be a contender, I personally dont think Heavy Rain will be in the conversation, definitely not MAG 256 players is nice but the game itself seems pretty avg and GT5 is going to be great but again its a racer, then thats just what's coming the first half of the year, who knows what other kickass games are in store for us the 2nd half of the year along with Reach but I think Reach definitely has a great shot to be GOTY even with so many quality titles.

Saaking as for your statement about God of War 3, yes it looks fantastic, but not as "OMG AMAZING CG GRAPHICS" as all the sonyfanboys scream, I think what alot of people are rightfully excited about is the art direction, I watch the gametrailer vid, the action is amazing, the environments are epic, and the game looks fantastic in every way, but close up when you look at the textures and what is being actually rendered on screen then its graphics imo don't even exceede UC2, and imo although all these games are very different Alan Wake graphically looks slightly better than UC2, but again what makes God of War3 look so badass in its own way is just the kickass art direction (Monsters, Mt Olympus, blood 'n guts, cool fight scenes) but when you look at the graphics istself great but not OMG the best I ever seen imo, i.e. up close charachter models, ground textures. Truthfully I think GoW3 biggest let down imo, is the gameplay, from watching the trailer and playing the demo, Bayonetta's gameplay is smoother and better executed than GOW3. Now don't take this nitpicking as hating on the game, I'm really only just trying to say GOW3 is kickass, I just dont think it is as good as some sonyloyalists swear it is thats all. I was actually surprised Bayonetta's gameplay was better than Ninja Gaiden when I actually played it, and still for all of God of War3's, huge scripted action sequences Bayonetta has the edge in that one key area= gameplay, but again thats just my impression so far, lol I know I'll get alot of hate for this but its just my opinion and obviously I haven't played the whole game yet so who knows for sure.

Its very hard to compare a realistic setting(AW) to a fantasy setting(GoW3) but just look at the details Alan Wake is showing off.
http://www.gameblog.fr/news... = I have no doubt if this was a ps3 game everyone on this site would be going nuts saying how Alan Wake shows some of the best graphics ever seen on a console. lol, Well at least it would be true.


StanLee5194d ago

Mario Galaxy 2 is going to win if it can and some original elements to the same formula of the first game. I don't know why Wii games are being overlooked in the conversation. Mario Galaxy was 2007's game of the year.

xTruthx5194d ago (Edited 5194d ago )

lol JokesOnYou saying an fps is going to be game of the year, and I'm not gonna even argue with you over that comment you made cus I know theres no arguing with you. You'll just see what you wanna see in games. lol people going crazy for Alan awake huh, how you even played alone in the dark ? because it looks a lot like it with improved graphics. The game looks good but nothing to get super exited about. "details of this game" Have you play many of the ps3 exclusives ? because we have seen graphics like that over a year ago. "fan boys going crazy about gow3 graphics" actually no, not just fan boys. Even gaming sites and are developers, this is what you wanna really see, when the fact is the game has really great graphics. But you can keep being blind. Ill just wait for the multiple accounts to click disagree to my comment.

Saaking5194d ago

1.won over 150 awards(about 20-30 of them are goty awards)
2.sold over 3.5mil copies
3.has a metacritic score of 96
4.has the best writing in any game
5.the best gameplay out of all tps
6.and has been called one of the best games ever made, the best game ever made, the closest game to perfection and the best single player ever.

halo hasn't won any goty awards this gen and it is getting worst scores with each game released yet people still act like it is good simply because it sells halo is nothing but hype. UC2 is the farthest thing from over hyped since no one thought it would be that good based off of how the 1st UC did also everyone thought mw2 would own everything but unlike halo UC2 improved everything and earned all the praise it got.

baum5194d ago

Mass effect 2 is so overrated... Like halo and gears. Reviewers give Xbox 360 all the free passes it can get

AntoineDcoolette5194d ago

I have my money on Starcraft 2. That's going to be a force to recon with considering the narrative, trademark Blizzard CG department, game mechanics, custom map editor & online adding infinite replay value, and of course Blizzard's overall finesse when it comes down to polishing games more blindingly than a gem stone.

GoW3 would be probably be my runner up.

FanboysWillHateMe5194d ago

to even think about that right now.

I enjoyed the crap out of Mass Effect 2, and I'm gonna do exactly the same for God of War III.

And if you do choose one game over the other, just state it as an opinion. It's not really cool when people prance around claiming a certain game is already gonna be the GOTY when we're only in the 2nd month of this year!

Microsoft Xbox 3605194d ago

BWAHAHA. Gow3 is competing with ME2 for GOTY? ME2 does nothing outstanding. It's just overhyped due to lack of games on the 360.

raztad5194d ago

At least ME2 is a good game. MW2 was mostly hype and name, it got nothing on UC2.

N4BmpS5194d ago (Edited 5194d ago )

@ we won You're an idiot nothing new there, I like how he listed things as if he already played the game and gave it backhanded complements.

@ 1.8 No it's not over hyped, it's hyped the way it should be. When you are able to say uncharted had it's own Soda can or something then say it's over hyped but for now shhhh.

Tony P5194d ago

I'd go for ME2 if I were judging on innovation. How many other games allow data from a previous game to influence its progress and decisions? Not many and none on the level of ME2. GoW3 is just a bigger, prettier GoW as far as I've seen.

But I say again, it's frickin' February going on March. There are many more games coming out this year. Just because they can't all afford god-hype doesn't mean they can't be contenders.

bpac1234567895194d ago

Did u guys read the comments on that website? I've never seen people so angry over games! It's not that serious guys damn!

FACTUAL evidence5194d ago (Edited 5194d ago )

I saw someone say TLG would probably get it if it was released this year....HELL NOO IT WOULDN'T. TLG will be a FANTASTIC game, but will be overlooked by the masses no doubt. But here are the contenders...i already know it.

God of war 3
Gran tourismo 5
Alan wake
Splinter cell: conviction/Mass effect 2

P.S-personally i think heavy glitches, ehem i mean rain should get GOTY.

5194d ago
Digitaldude5194d ago

ME2 got substance but no as its made out to be.
Same as GOW3 but it will be an overall better game than ME2.

DevastationEve5194d ago

God of War fails since the guy is not true to his ethnicity. He's not mediterranian, he's an Americanized blood soaked Rambo. I don't contribute to games that seek to measure the full weight of their significance in blood and gore. Mass Effect has more class, and a better cause. But that's my opinion, to each his own. Pick your poison, whatever floats your boat or finds your lost remote.

RAZORLAND5194d ago

now Im just playing ME2 and dissapointed so far...GOTY is STILL up in the air.

Digitaldude5194d ago

@ ApocalyPS3
Why don't you just say, ME2 cause I don't own a PS3.

DevastationEve5194d ago

Oh, yeah I could say that. But I'm saying this because it's healthier.

You know it's true.

Sully_Moustache5194d ago

What happens with Heavy Rain, the most original, emotive and tecnically sublime of 2010.

I think that the fight for GOTY is between Heavy Rain and GOWIII.

Mass Effect is a good game but i don´t like RPG reading dialog boxes all the time.

dredgewalker5194d ago

Can't we just wait for the year to be over before we go on announcing which game will be GOTY? Im really excited by GOW3, but i still want to expect that there are more good games coming out on all systems this year. Besided i don't really trust the media this generation so i will decide for myself which is GOTY because it will be the game i enjoy the most.

+ Show (36) more repliesLast reply 5194d ago
beavis4play5195d ago (Edited 5195d ago )

the visuals are jaw-dropping; but, it's the frenetic, viscerally violent; testosterone-fueled epic experience/story that GOW3 looks set to provide, is what makes me think it will be GotY.

nefertis5194d ago (Edited 5194d ago )

Im still trying get my brain function properly after seeing GOW3 trailer on GTTV.com lol. ME2 need to be more concern with will FFXIII stealing its thunder. Playb3yond

Cueil5194d ago

graphics are not going to get GoW3 the GotY... the story doesn't have the debth to keep lasting interest and there are to many games... graphics are only awesome for a little while after a while they fade and stop being amazing

edit: the correct way to say that is your awe fads rather then the graphics...

5195d ago Replies(1)
GiantEnemyCrab5195d ago

Not even 3 months into 2010 yet. If I had to call it now Mass Effect all the way.. After playing Bayonetta, DarkSiders and Dante's I am so burned on the Hack n Slash repetitive button mashers.. Oh and I also played GoW Collection..

But there is still a lot of potentially great titles coming in 2010 so it's dumb to call it now. However, ME2 is one of the better games I played all gen so it's surely a contender.

callahan095195d ago

I feel the same way about Mass Effect 2 as you do about God of War 3. I put over 100 hours into Dragon Age Origins, and just finished playing it right as ME 2 came out. ME2 came out and I moved right to that, and while I love the game, it's really something special and it's definitely better than Dragon Age, I just couldn't really shake the feeling that I was sick of the BioWare formula for the moment, that I'd just outdone it over the past 2 months since Dragon Age came out. So much of those games is just watching stand-still talking heads go on and on... and quite frankly the combat isn't anything special in either game. But I've played God of War Collection, Bayonetta, Darksiders, and Dante's Inferno all since November, and all they did was amp me up even more for God of War 3.

Biggest5194d ago

I giggle when I see people compare Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno, and Darksiders. All 3 are totally different types of game with a few similarities. Dante's Inferno is the closest thing to GOW. . . And by close I mean not even in the same galaxy.

Dev8 ing5194d ago

Those garbage hack n slash games you mentioned aren't even on the same level as GOW3.

N4BmpS5194d ago

It's funny how Hack N Slash games now try to compete with the GoW series but GoW series is competing with the DMC series. How I feel if all other Hack N Slash games fail you revert back to the Blueprint Titles of the HNS genre; DMC(Skip 2, cuz Eww)and GoW(wait for 3).

mastiffchild5194d ago

I never understand the "button masher" insult people stick on most H/S games. Crappy ones let you get by like that by over powering your character(case in point Dante's Inferno-when you get your cross powered up it's a spam fest most of the time!)but to beat and play DMC/Bayonetta(same thing really) and GOW on the hardest settings button mashing is just a route to defeat and frustration.

My mate came round once while I was playing through GOW2 on Titan and he thought it looked like a masher until he'd had a go and tried it(not knowing how to string things together properly or change from weapon to weapon meant he was royally screwed). Sure the Bayo/DMC gameplay models are different to GOW with seemingly more complex strings of commands for combos etc. However, while there's about 200(IIRC)different combos in Bayonetta you usually find you memorise, and stick with, the same five or six 90% of the time in a move which actually, imo, forces the game more into GOW territory where the devs have actually realised that "less is more".

They(SM)give you enough tools for any occasion and it's up to you to use them coolly in the heat of battle to rain down elegant and stabby death, juggling targets as you go and selecting carefully when to attack and when to go backwards. Easy difficulties, fair enough, mashing is a possibility but to get any real enjoyment out of these games playing them on as hard a level as you can and actually engaging your mind tactically is a must.

I'm not knocking GEC at all but I just think that a H/S can be just as deep as any FPS around if you play it correctly and in no way should playing D'siders and Dante have ANY bearing n you looking forwards to the first current gen game from Kratos and company. I don't really think of D'siders as that much of a H/S either as it feels more like an OTT comic book Zelda at most points along the story to me. Dante's similarities are blatant but the comparison falls down on the whole, the first time you look at any new GOW3 footage and realise just how muich attention they gave this game which starts from a better point than Dante's ends on!

It's no real masher, not for me, and most decent H/S games shouldn't, imo, be played that way in any case-and why would you want to? Honestly, not being funny, I just really do not get it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5194d ago
ClownBelt5195d ago

Sorry but Final Fantasy 13 will take it awa...oh wait..

Bereaver5195d ago

Hey waitaaa----..... ohhh, I see what you did rite dur.

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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave43d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan43d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



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