
Handheld Heroes - Review: Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance (PSP)

Newfie from Handheld Heroes writes: "I am a man who has a taste for everything in gaming, and when I first approached Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance, I had some excitement as it looked to have a old school feel to it, but with the battle style of the "Tales" series. What I got was a lackluster story, broken game mechanics, annoying controls, and tedious grind."

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knifefight5188d ago

"I am a man who has a taste for everything in gaming."
Heh, apparently not. ^^;


Package Wars: Fight of the Monster Hunter Clones

Andriasang: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd's packaging has been revealed. How does it compare to clones of itself?

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RPG Deals 5/9 – 5/15: Kingdom Hearts, Nier, Final Fantasy XIII, more

"We have a couple deals from last week, such as Final Fantasy XIII and Resonance of Fate, which will end tomorrow, and some new deals, like Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days." -Russ of RPG Land


GDN: Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance Review

GDN writes: "The opening cut scenes and story paint a vast picture of deep stories, interesting gameplay and stunning visuals. The game itself has none of those things. In fact, I was so disinterested that I could barely manage to put enough time into review it."

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