
CVG: Age Of Conan: Rise Of The Godslayer Interview

CVG writes: "Since its release in 2008, the title has has evolved to attract a dedicated fanbase - despite some trouble on the way - with developer Funcom receiving wide acclaim for pulling off a very ambitious project.

This year sees the release of expansion pack Rise Of The Godslayer. Set in the Eastern empire of Khitai - a mysterious setting within the world of Hyboria - ROTG promises a wealth of new features. The pack also introduces the Khitan - an all-new character race.

CVG caught up with Funcom Game Director Craig Morrison to get the full story..."

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Age of Conan House of Crom Update Released

Funcom’s freemium sword and sorcery MMORPG Age of Conan has received a large new update, available now automatically for those who have the game installed. The patch introduces the House of Crom, an ancient temple built by the Atlanteans and made up of two large dungeons. The largest indoor dungeons created to date the developers claim. There’s plenty of other good stuff in there including improvements, tweaks and bug fixes as well.

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Age of Conan Unchained review | GameShard

GameShard writes: "Do I need to recount Age of Conan's tumultuous history? There was a time when the action-packed adult MMO was the hottest game on the horizon, before it fell into disgrace after bug fixes and content patches failed to materialize. Ultimately, things improved a little for the beleaguered MMORPG, and now, with a new Conan film due next month, the game has adopted a new 'Freemium' model just after its third birthday, following the trend started by Turbine's Dungeons & Dragons Online and Lord of the Rings Online.

The big question is, of course, whether the game is worth playing after all this time."

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pennywhyz4713d ago

this game is awful sick fail only thing it has is awsome graphics

Spenok4712d ago

When was the last time you played it. Because since launch this game has improved drasticly. Pretty much everything has been improved.

The only grip I have with it currently is because of the update that went through several months ago, the one that integrated some of the graphics engine of DreamFall the longest journey, it needs more optimization. Other then that I would say its one of, if not, the, best free to play MMO on the market.

Which is fully my opinion.


Hyrkanian Insight: Rumors and Facts

Community updates and rumor about Age of Conan

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