
What the hell is Hellion: More doom and gloom?


"Have you heard about the upcoming game Hellion: The Mystery of the Inquisition by Polish game-maker Flying Fish Works and to be released sometime later this year? Probably not.

In fact I thought it was dead, like so many other independent studio games lately.

Apparently it is alive and well and the details we have of a medieval sword wielding Dominican Inquisitor battling in the 13th Century against the rising evil of heretics, possessed, witches, Templars, assassins, animals, demons (sigh) and zombies (double sigh) in a 'historical fiction' first person perspective hack 'n slash have me both interested but also confused...

I can't properly express how sick of games involving overly gory apocalyptic destruction, Hell, or Hades I am. There have been so many with their grotesque destroyed twisted flaming environments and demons that you'd think we were all suffering a deep rooted psychological fear of impending violent End of Days. Stories don't all have to about the end of the world!"

BadCircuit5191d ago

Actually this game sounds really good...I hadn't seen anything about it before.

I agree about the overly done demon/hell/apocalypse theme and don't need gore to have fun but most of the screenshots don't look too gloomy or gory yet. The concept art might though and it does sound like they want to go apocalyptic, so who knows.

XboxOZ3605191d ago

Personally I'm kind of hoping it proves to be a viable game, as the era and style of game, a mixture of RPG and FPP would suit me just fine, especially if it is based around some factual aspects of the time.

Belgavion5191d ago

It sounds like it is trying to be a little too ambitious, but I like details such as 'reconstructing historical sites based on plans etc'. I remember reading an article on this game well over a year ago and had forgotten all about it.

XboxOZ3605191d ago

Yes, we did something on it way-back-when, and even then it sounded promising.

I only hope that they don't mix history up with fantasy too much,and blur it's possible link with some form of reality.

Assassin's Creed pulled the mix off really well without using "Magic" - but it is included in Hellion, making me think it will use Magic as an out when things seem a little mundane??

gaminoz5191d ago (Edited 5191d ago )

It depends if the magic is just exorcisms or more stuff from fantasy genre.

I'd prefer more historical focus like AC with realistic possibilities (there were in fact little guns invented in Ezio's Renaissance period for example).

On the question of gore- I can understand some within context, but lately games seem to be trying to make their games more and more gory and violent just to show how 'realistic' and advanced their graphics and physics can be and because the industry is more 'adult' focused.

It's following the trend of shows like CSI and movies like Saw that show more gore because they can make it really look real with today's tech.

I remember when I first saw a girl who had cut her arm to try and commit suicide and when I saw another all blue and near death from overdose...both made me feel very sick. Why would I want to play games or watch things that are designed to try and up the disgusting scale, especially if they are entertainment?

I may sound like a wuss, but I have no problems with blood splatter when you shoot someone or stab them like in some games...just over the top stuff.

What do the rest of you think?

XboxOZ3605191d ago

I certainly do not think you're wuss, that's for sure. As many games these days do capitalise on the over-the-top gore factor. With some that is simply inappropriate for the game in question.

It's what makes a good movie a good movie. There is usually a limited amount of gore, but what there is is well done and impactive. Rather than always in-your-face . . .

With games becoming more and more like movies, ie Heavy Rain, )which is 80% interactive movie, and 20% game), they have used less gore but more suspense, and it works really really well.

Then there are those games that are pure gore-feast, and they are the norm for that genre. But games based around a sense of historical fact, need not be heavily drenched in gore to be 'realistic' . . .

Sure, the tourtures of old were horrific, by any standards, but as all great movies show, you don't need to show the limbs being torn off, to impart that sense of dread or terror that the scene is attempting to deliver.

So no, I don';t think you're a wuss, but some games do warrant it by their very nature, but others could benefit from less. The old saying, less is more often comes to mind in such situations.

gaminoz5191d ago (Edited 5191d ago )

This title could be really good if they get it right and the 13th Century period is fantastic if it goes for historic rather than fantasy and horror.

I am sick of games that go for the whole hell or completely destroyed look too. Oblivion had that element (which were my least liked environments) but also had towns that changed (destroyed and then fixed etc. as time went by). Most of it was vibrant and pleasantly intact medieval. The downloadable Shivering Isles expansion was too twisted imo.
This game doesn't seem to be going too RPG-sh though and is more action orientated, so could go the way of game locations like Darksiders, Dante's Infernal, war-torn shooter locations, or other demon infested games. It is getting a bit old...

Godem5191d ago

as long as there are no intestines I can put up with the gore.

gaminoz5191d ago (Edited 5191d ago )

@ Godem

So is it "put up with"? That sort of implies that it doesn't bother you but that you'd prefer they didn't?

The more they try to up the gore and violence, the more games get banned here in Oz and people use it as negative ammunition against gaming as a hobby too.

Not that I'm saying we should only have Mario and Pokemon...

Belgavion5191d ago

There's too much gore in new release games, but it doesn't bother me much. It is almost expected these days as gamers are probably thought of as the same people who relish torture-porn like Hostel.
I think there are much more disturbing instances in gaming where there's no gore shown at all - like harvesting a Little Sister in Bioshock. I thought it was bad in the first game, now in the sequel it makes me feel even worse! Things like that are much more effective rather than a game where every death is a splatter-fest

gaminoz5191d ago

So true! Gladiator the movie was considered highly gory- yet here in Oz it is rated M, not MA 15+ like others because most of the violence is implied.

Gory violence has become gratuitous lately. Mind you I remember that Cerebral Bore in Turok 2, but it wasn't as graphic and realistic. I don't think I'd like it now....ewww brains.

XboxOZ3605191d ago

But that's the point, we shouldn't just expect it, as it desensitises us all to the realities of real life.

While games can have a certain level of it, they do not NEED it for the game to have impact and draw the gamers in. In fact, a certain level is good, but if it is within a limit, depending on the game of course, then that only enhances a game, not makes it "like all the others" -

Again, look at Heavy Rain . . it could have a huge amount put in it, but it doesn't, yet it can get your heart racing and your stomach in your mouth from pure suspense, not gore, yet it has the possibility of it being there, yet it isn't. If that makes sense.

In fact, some TV series have a huge amount, but - it's done in a way that build suspense, and realism, like say in Bones, You see viseral shots of human remains, yet it's not done in a manner to offend nor shock, but to ad realism. Games could do the same, but many developers choose to go for the Gore-Factor rather than the suspense and reality.

We should not get to a stage where we think gore is the norm in order for a game to be good . . . it deminishes the actual quality of the game . .

gaminoz5191d ago

@ OZ

I watch Bones and Castle for the characters and stories rather than the bodies. I have to admit I sometimes cringe with some of their bodies...they can do such a realistic job these days. What I don't like is when they overdo it and do montages of practically fondling the disgusting corpses while trying to be scientific inquiry. We don't need to see that, they can tell us about it!

About Heavy Rain, if you've seen the (spoiler) father finger and saw scene that was leaked, I found it very disturbing but not bloody, so I get what you are saying, and it's done in context. Still 'disturbing' like the MW2 No Russian level is becoming the norm as if that's what makes 'adult' artistic gaming.

It can be humourous and adventurous too like Uncharted or AC and be adult artistic gaming too imo. Mature doesn't have to mean disturbing is all I'm saying.

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