
SFX-360: Invasion Defender Review

SFX-360 writes: "At one time I bashed tower defense games as a whole by calling them boring and pointless. Then I played games like Defense Grid: The Awakening, Sol Survivor, and South Park: Let's Go Tower Defense Play and my thoughts on the genre did a complete 180. Now I have a firm grasp on how to play tower defense games and an overall enjoyment of the genre in general. This leads me to the review of another noteworthy tower defense games called Invasion Defender on Xbox Live Indie Games."


Square-Go: Invasion Defender Review

Square-Go writes: "If you like desktop tower defence games, you could do a lot worse than Invasion Defender. At this point, however, that's a fairly big "If". Especially if you have either an iPhone or PS3 as well as your 360.

For the uninitiated, these sorts of games involve placing towers to destroy bad guys on their way from a point of origin to your base."

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Invasion Defender Releases On Xbox LIVE Indie Games

BeefJack writes: "Imagine for a moment that classic tower defense game that sucked you in for the first time. Your precious bit of land desperately needs to be kept safe, and via complex strategies and defensive building, it is your task to save the people. This classic formula has been adapted to countless settings and formulas over the years, but the basic premise is the same."

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