
GameDaily: The Nintendo Difference: WarioWare Twisted

GameDaily writes: "Today's game required a Game Boy Advance SP, thanks to the GBA unfriendly DSi, and I learned two things. First, its screen is vastly inferior to any form of DS; it had been a while since I fired one up. Second, it's without question the best device to play WarioWare: Twisted!, the second (and most brilliant) game in Nintendo's acclaimed series. Cozying up with it was like talking to a childhood buddy. Welcome back, old friend."

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What Happened to WarioWare?

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "During the heyday of the Nintendo DS and Wii, one of my favorite go to game series when throwing a party was the WarioWare set of games. These wacky, fast-paced mini-game collections were the perfect way to, not only have some hearty laughs with friends but to show off the more unique and underutilized side of Nintendo hardware. However, it’s been quiet on the WarioWare front for the better part of a decade now with the last ‘main’ game in the series released when the Wii launch in 2006 leading to the series becoming just one among many of seemingly forgotten Nintendo franchises and leads me to ask… what happened to WarioWare?"

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saladthieves2415d ago

I actually miss the Wario Land games.

O-D-C2414d ago

Same... Wario Land 3 and 4 are gems.


Was WarioWare: Touched! Secretly Introducing Children to the Occult?

Retrovolve's Josh Wirtanen writes: "Nintendo may put on a squeaky-clean, kid-friendly face these days, but it’s not a company without its controversies. For example, the Big N was once known for having Yakuza ties, running love hotels (essentially, places where executives can bring their mistresses without getting caught), and fighting off LEGO lawsuits. But one of the most bizarre accusations Nintendo faced was that their 2005 DS game WarioWare: Touched! had super-secret occult messages hidden in its English localization."

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WarioWare: Touched (Wii U) Review | NWR

It can be hard to overlook just how silly it is to be playing any DS game on a 1080p HD capable console on a huge TV, but WarioWare: Touched definitely emphasises the silliness in both good and bad ways. This is of course the classic ‘microgame’ formula that anyone who has played a WarioWare game in the past will be familiar with. Picking noses, tickling cats, and peeing on fires, within a 10-second limit are all the norm here. Touched looks similar to the earlier GBA games, but with intuitive (at the time) touch controls allowing you direct control of the craziness going on. Back then it was seen as a decent demonstration of the exciting new touch-controlled DS, but now most of that ingenuity is lost. In the era of capacitive touch screens, the sluggishness of using a stylus (or god forbid, your finger) these touch microgames can be frustrating.

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