
GamesRadar: STALKER: Call of Pripyat Review

GamesRadar writes: "Like the first two games, STALKER: Call of Pripyat is a game of contradictions. At times it's glorious and exciting, a further refinement of the now age-old STALKER template. Yet, as ever, most of the idiosyncrasies that define the series are still present and correct, making this pretty much the same game you've played twice before."

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ATi_Elite5235d ago

I'm a HUGE STALKER fan and have had loads of fun playing this series. my favorite series TIED with HALF LIFE that's how fun it is. I couldn't wait for Call of Pripyat and luckily I got friends in Germany. been playing Call of Pripyat for a while and it's VERY GOOD and No bugs this time around.

I totally agree with this review the editor was dead on. COP takes you back to the STALKER SHADOW of CHERNOBYL game play and emphasizes and rewards your exploration of the ZONE. No game has better atmosphere than walking around the Zone at night with only star light and your flashlight to guide you (Moonlight if your lucky if it isn't raining). There are all types of mutants running all around the zone but they are more determined to sneak up on you at night versus the flat out straight ahead assaults during the day.

Lots of weapons to find, fix, and upgrade. Don't forget to eat or you won't be able to out run that pseudo dog. Artifact hunting is an adventure all in itself but a way to make money to buy better armor. You'll need better armor because as you get deeper into the Zone, word travels fast that your there and you will make some mean enemies. Plus night vision is as valuable as your rifle when the sun goes down. Not to mention having the cold hard cash for Armor piercing bullets when dealing with an enemy wearing a full exoskeleton suit. Think of a Human walking Tank.

One of the best improvements i enjoyed besides not having to be in a 24/7 gun battle (Stalker Clear Sky) is that the NPC AI is AWEsome.
NPC's use artifact detectors and gather artifacts just like you. Mutants kill mutants and drag away dead bodies for food. Also NPC's will check the pockets and backpacks of the recently deceased for guns, medical supplies, artifacts, and Vodka just like you would after a gunfight. Not to mention during a BLOWOUT they run for cover or die out in the radioactive storm.

All in all Stalker Call of Pripyat is an excellent game with 3 HUGE highly detailed environments to explore plus the Zombie infested underground areas. Easily 30 to 40 hours of skin crawling, artifact hunting excitement. Not too mention having the proper equipment is a must to avoid having your body explode in a bloody mess by carelessly walking into an ANOMALY.

The Stalker series along with Call of Pripyat have a lot of areas to explore. Items to find and many Rpg elements such as your favorite gun breaking and needing it repaired. But first and foremost STALKER is a FPS best played on a mouse and keyboard for quick and fast access to many different menus and maps not to mention the need for a steady hand when holding a Dragunov Sniper Rifle while hunting BLOODSUCKERS (think Predator).

Enough rambling go pick it up you'll love it and enjoy the MODs from the earlier releases they are excellent like PRIBOI STORY.


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Jiub633d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad633d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp33d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


The Gameplay Influences of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Part II

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MadLad1457d ago

First purchase I made for my first gaming PC. Such an underrated series.