
GamingXP Preview: Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days

GamingXP: Exploding penguins, millions of dollars in damage, a complex system with tens Strategy characters, a captivating storyline and all beautifully packaged in turn-based battles? Are you ready for the next hammer from the "Disgaea" universe? Get in and read on!

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A beginner's guide to Disgaea

Since 2003, NIS has been giving people a way to help groups of antiheroes accomplish goals of varying degrees of morality. With new versions and iterations arriving every few years, someone might wonder how they could hop into these strategic scenarios. Well, if people check out this guide, they might find a way to make the Netherworld your new second home.

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15 best PSP games to download on your PS Vita at launch

The PS Vita has already had a soft launch in the US, and if you intend to pick up the system in the next week, it’s possible you never had owned a Sony portable before. And some PSP owners might have forgotten they owned the system, and missed some of the better games it had to offer. The Vita offers all those people a second chance.

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TheFirstClassic4492d ago

I would also recommend mgs portable ops and peace walker, both syphon filter games, and monster hunter freedom unite along with many games on this list. Especially since these games will benefit from dual analog sticks, jrpgs won't.

Knushwood Butt4492d ago

Peace Walker. Be sure to map the camera to the Vita's right analogue stick.

MaxXAttaxX4492d ago

I would also like to add Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow AND Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection to the list.

@people above,

The HD collection will be released on the Vita which includes Peace Walker. No need for mapping. Although it's still TBA.

Snookies124492d ago

Wish we could get Crisis Core and Birth by Sleep... But nooooo, Square have to be asses about it and not release them digitally. Those are only two of the best games in the PSP library, not being able to download them is a shame.

On a side note, if they ever DO release Crisis Core on the PSN, it better have a price tag close to its 10 buck retail version, if they try and charge like 30 bucks, I'm going to be pissed.

KeybladeMaster4492d ago (Edited 4492d ago )

Right?!?! It's ridiculous that those games aren't on the store. As a matter of fact I think someone started a petition online to get square to put those games on the PS Store.

Edit: Found it http://www.change.org/petit...

Looks like your not the only one that wants the games on the Store.

Snookies124492d ago (Edited 4492d ago )

Haha wow, it's for both of them... I went ahead and signed it, going to get a few friends to do the same as well. Definitely appreciate the link share, let's hope this comes through!

spacedelete4492d ago

umm were is GTA vice city stories, liberty city stories and chinatown wars ? these are the psp games you shoould play on your ps vita.

Half-Mafia4492d ago (Edited 4492d ago )

I dont no if these games are on the Store.

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Ratchet & Clank Size Matters
Loco Roco
Both GTA Stories+ Chinatown Wars
Killzone Liberation (WANT a new one)

There are more.

Xof4492d ago

And much as the case was (and to a large degree still is) with the 3DS, it appears the Vita will rely far more on the software of its predecessor than itself.

...And the PS3 was the same way.

Honestly, I think they'd have an easier time making a dent in the market if they held back release a few months to build up a solid volume of new titles. After all, how many potential Vita customers out there don't already own a PSP?

MaxXAttaxX4492d ago

And how many potential PS2 or SNES owners didn't already own a PS1 or NES?

A brand new PS2 didn't have a lot of titles when it launched and while its predecessor(the PS1) did.
Backwards compatibility is a great bonus, but come on....

No system ever releases with an entire library of games. Not the 3DS, not the 360, Wii or PS3.
They build up over time and sometimes quickly.
I could go on, but I think you get why that logic doesn't hold up.

Xof4491d ago

You're kind of missing the point. It's not the number of total titles available at launch, it's the number of GOOD titles available at launch--the games people want to play.

At launch, the 3DS and PS3 had -nothing- anyone really cared about. The PSP, too, lacked that system-defining launch title.

The Vita, however, has one: Uncharted. Great for handheld gamers without PS3s...

But, anyway, feel free to ignore my points. Feel free to paint me as some Vita-hating curmudgeon. The simple fact of the matter is that the Vita is in the exact same position as the 3DS--and those fanboys wouldn't believe the truth of THAT hardware's launch, either.

MaxXAttaxX4491d ago (Edited 4491d ago )

Sounds like someone needs to do more research or hit your local gaming store or PSN(on Vita).

Uncharted, Super Stardust, Lumines, Ultimate MVC3, BlazBlue, Escape Plan, Tales from Space, Rayman Origins + Sports games.
Are only some of the first games that are "GOOD".

LBP, Killzone, COD, Resistance, Gravity Rush, etc, among other games mentioned by the guy bellow.

So yes, that logic is wrong.

PS. None of the the Vita's best titles are remakes, unlike Ocarina of Time on 3DS.

Hicken4491d ago

You seem to be making the argument that the Vita doesn't have a strong enough library at launch or over its first year, and will be instead relying primarily on the digital PSP games.

But by year's end, the Vita is slated to have something like 40 games of its own. They may not all appeal to everyone, but that's far from having to "rely far more on the software of its predecessor than itself."

You mention only Uncharted as being something people will want to play. I don't care about Uncharted, though; I want Gravity Rush. Some people want Hot Shots Golf. Others want UMvC3 and BlazBlue. Lots of people will want LBP. EVERY sports game has a large fanbase. Killzone, Resistance, and COD for the FPS crowd. I want Persona 4: The Golden, too (forgot about that one). Final Fantasy X, Tales of Innocence R, Dragon's Crown, Disgaea 3.

Not all of these are launch titles, but there will be at least 25 VITA games available before month's end. At least one or two will appeal to most people who aren't blinded by their own ignorance, and the library of upcoming titles will keep them around and draw others in.

In short, your point is wrong.

Or rather, your point isn't a point, but an opinion, and you can't really argue for anyone other than yourself.


3djuegos Review: Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days

3djuegos: The memorable Cursed Memories come to life in a conversion to PSP that seeks to innovate and adapt to modern times. New characters, exclusive chapters playable premieres highlights of the third installment, much spirit Disgaea, a title that follows the successful wake of a series as ambitious as heir to the creative talent of Nippon Ichi.

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