xcroptic5212d ago

Sorry you are late... check for duplicate topics first.. but thanks to show them that its true and i wasn't lying

Guido5212d ago

The day I picked up inFAMOUS, a far better open world game that actually looked good and was fun to play.

Eamon5212d ago

Guido, come out of the closet, you're just sayin that cuz it's a ps3 exclusive, aren't you? lol

mrv3215212d ago

inFAMOUS isn't just a better open world game it includes 'fun' as a built in feature something that requires soo much work to do in GTA IV.

Guido5212d ago

I was going to say Prototype but that game sucked arse. In actuality, inFAMOUS was more fun and looked better than both but I would dare put Prototype a whisker ahead of GTA IV - IMHO of course. lol

gaffyh5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

@1.2 - inFAMOUS is the only sandbox game in the GTA style that I enjoyed all the way through. I haven't liked anything else in the same style, RFG was ok, but I got bored of that pretty quickly too.

inFAMOUS is one of my favourite games this gen, can't wait until the sequel. Personally couldn't care less about this (because I had the 360 version of this, I've lost it somewhere), but I can see a few people being happy about this.

Aaroncls75212d ago

... wasn't that great, barely decent.

sparta765212d ago

@EAmon what's wrong with guido comment?
Loved infamous!, u should play it!
U just hate that is coming to the ps3.
Stop being a fanboy!!
I feel that is a little too late now, hell they where late with the 360., took them a year after gtaIv..

Two-Face5212d ago

''inFAMOUS isn't just a better open world game it includes 'fun' as a built in feature something that requires soo much work to do in GTA IV''.


I thought that PS3 fanboys liked games which were realistic. For example, people hailed Killzone 2 for it graphics and gameplay. All of them were saying that they loved the realistic controls. I thought that it was a sluggish piece of garbage. I love smoother controls.

GTA IV is realistic also, so why don't they love it. hmm. Oh, yeah, because Rockstar gave out DLC to the Xbox 360 fanbase first.


DarkTower8055212d ago

Sorry Rock*, nobody on the PS3 wants to buy your timed exclusive crap. You're probably just going to end up losing money with this. You should have released it a long, long time ago when GTAIV was still somewhat popular.

Lifendz5212d ago

in this case, when it drops down to about 20 bucks or so. I'm in the miniority here in that I didn't think GTA4 was all that bad. It let me down but it wasn't horrific. I'll probably play the DLC at some point but with so many really really really good games out or coming out soon there's no sense spending money on this.

Here's to GTA5.

whoelse5212d ago

Not solid enough proof in my opinion.

raztad5212d ago

inFAMOUS is awesome. GTA 4 is boring as hell but I read The Episodes are much better and actually fun. I dont know, I might try them later down the line. No day one or day two of course.

gaffyh5212d ago

This is retarded, now it's a crime to like a game. inFAMOUS was awesome, I'd put it in my top 3 games this generation. All haters never played the game.

SuckerPunch are great devs, loved the sly games on PS2 and was a bit worried about inFAMOUS, but it turned out great. Only bad thing about it was that the graphics weren't up to par with other PS3 exclusives, but I'm sure that will be fixed in the sequel.

DaTruth5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

How could PS3 owners be butthurt about the DLC. We all bought the game, knowing the DLC was coming to the 360 and we pretty much guessed down the road it would be coming to PS3.

If we were butthurt, we wouldn't have bought GTA4 in the first place! DLC stories in the same city is just a bad idea! Story is the thing in GTA games you practically only play to unlock islands and that is why most people don't finish the game; The last island is opened long before the end!

Christopher5212d ago

Sorry, Guido, but from someone who owns a PS3 and both games, attempting to compare GTA4 to inFamous is just going to end in failure. The _only_ thing they have in common is that they are open world and played in the third-person perspective.

ReservoirDog3165212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

I wouldn't say it's the most solid evidence ever but that would suck. After I buy the PS3 version of GTA IV then buy the episodes on a disk for the 360, it's coming to the PS3.

You know what, oh well.

And to the guys above fighting over inFamous: Yeah, inFamous was good, really really good. But even though they're both sandbox games, I think it's still apples and oranges.

One's a gritty crime drama with a huge emphasis on story and characters. The other's a very good, fun super hero game. I'd give GTA IV a 10 (see my bio) and inFamous a 9. Just enjoy both.

But TL&D is very good and TBoGT is good but somewhat numbing though I think that might be their artistic point. Everyone should get the episodes now that they might be on both consoles, if only to wrap up the story. Which was one of my few gripes with GTA IV, the story left a few plot holes for the optional, and as of now, exclusive to the 360 version. So PS3 owners don't deserve to know what happened to Mr. Bulgarin.

mrv3215212d ago


I thought that PS3 fanboys liked games which were realistic. For example, people hailed Killzone 2 for it graphics and gameplay. All of them were saying that they loved the realistic controls. I thought that it was a sluggish piece of garbage. I love smoother controls.

GTA IV is realistic also, so why don't they love it. hmm. Oh, yeah, because Rockstar gave out DLC to the Xbox 360 fanbase first.

That's funny because I'm not a PS3 fanboy and own a 360 ;) Maybe and let's just say this hypothetically for the moment that I like fun games? Is that a poissibility or does the fact I have a different opinion to you make me a fanboy.

Rockstar gave out? And what was the 50 million for again?

Two-Face5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

When people come here and bash GTA IV, and say that Infamous is better. You know that they are PS3 fanboys trying to bash a game, that was superior on the 360, because of the DLC contet that came first to 360.

In other words, butthurt.

FamilyGuy5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

The two games are VERY different, PS3 gamers aren't "butthurt" over getting this DLC because
1. We knew this before launch and still bought the PS3 version.
2. it was late even to the 360 party.
3. We weren't happy with our version of GTA4 to begin with and many believed it was gimped because of the 360s dvd format + no HDD standard.

There aren't going to be many GTA4 buyers %wise that give a crap about this coming to the PS3 and to those that DO care, good for you.

On a side note: Why do people who NEVER played inFamous constantly doubt its credibility as a good game? Everyone who played it says it was "good" if not great so why argue against a popular opinion like that?

@below: You could say anything, I'm not expected to believe you am I? I doubt you even played the "french demo", do you speak french?

Two-Face5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

I tried the demo.

It was on french, I went ape sh*t and turned it off immediatly.

EDIT: Dude, I downloaded the demo from the european store. When I started to play. Everything was on french. I don't understand french, therefore I turned it off. I could not make myself finish it.

StanLee5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

Not very solid proof. If it were the case, the ESRB would have listed it. The ESRB are usually the first to oust games to be released. Here's a novel idea; just spam the customer service email which they incidently left for all to see with your own queries.

@ nycredude

Then, I must be a tool then. Funny how I don't give a fcuk what your opinion is though. I love how on the internet people think their opinion is that of the majority when it's the exact opposite.

Snoogins5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

The game was fun, consisting of good music, story, characters and a nice variety of upgradeable powers. I played through it 5 or more times (mostly to get platinum on two accounts), but having played through the game so many times, I became frustrated with its game-breaking glitches and lack of side-mission variety. Beyond the story, there were only a handful of mission types which were repeated in different locations, and other than doing the stunts and searching for the shards, very little incentive to keep playing. I finally traded it in to Amazon for an even exchange on Dead Space. I will definitely buy the sequel, just hope it offers more variety and replayability than the original.

Also, a thing of note, Sasha has such a sexy voice. I'd do anything she told me to. :D

DaTruth5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

It is the fact that graphics and technology wise, Infamous destroyed GTA4 and made it look like a PS2 game(seriously, My nephew played GTA4 and San Andreas when he was at my house and there wasn't much difference). It is part of the argument that multiplats are gimped(including GTA4), even when made by the best developer in the business with 100 mil budget!

They are both open world games so they can be compared from a graphics and technology viewpoint!

@Below: The combat alone was enough to put Infamous over GTA4. The combat in GTA4 was terrible! But I did have a lot of fun with GTA4! It was the little things that made the game good. Knocking the cellphone out of someone's hand and throwing it at their head and pushing people down stairs! I use to go to a corner where I know two gangs would frequent, start a gun battle, than call for backup from a police car and watch them all fight it out!

nycredude5212d ago

Anyone who thinks GTA4 was great is a tool. it was a decent game but lacked any of the things that made the gta franchise great, and damn where was the fun in the game? Infamous by far is more fun to play and the story was great. It was an open world game design so tight it didn't feel open world. Those who bash it never played it.

sikbeta5212d ago

whether you like it or not, there are lot of people that love the franchise and will buy it no matter what, so this is good news

mal_tez925212d ago

GTA IV was in my PS3 for about 5 hours before I got bored.

Games like Assassin's Creed and Infamous are just way better.

5212d ago
SilentNegotiator5212d ago

One of the few good exclusives on the 360 in 2009, and now it's going to be on the PS3. What an awful year 2009 was for the 360.

Redempteur5212d ago

i got 100% on gta4 and i platiniumed infamous

i enjoyed both game ...
GTA4 is still a next gen game .. it not the best of graphics when you see it but it's still good and they created a huge world that proved to be fun OVER 2 expansions ...
Some people disliked gta4 because it was calmer than san andreas but i liked that pace ..it fell more posed but stil unique IMO .i don't need crazy mission or jetpacks to have fun in a sand box game ... but i'll agree that there could have been more into the story and the game overall ( like more weapons )

Infamous was a great game it did not destroyed anything ..it was just different .. I think more people enjoyed infamous because you could do much more because your hero was a super-hero character (thunder droping a ennemy has never been less fun for me after 3 playthrougs )but even infamous had problems .. the story outside of the main path isn't that great for example ... but infamous succeeded because in the end ..you want to know the rest when you reach the ending ...

IMO Both games are great

Saaking5212d ago

Lmao, and the naysayers are once more OWNED. Like ive said before, the word exclusive means NOTHING when it comes to MS.

poindat5211d ago

...A few months ago I was talking about how lucky 360 owners were to get this and how I would kill to be able to play this.... Yeah, that was a few months ago. I couldn't care less about GTA 4 anymore, there are too many other games to remain occupied with.

Sorry Rockstar, if you hadn't been riding the money c*ck, you would have made an extra sale. I'm sure this same situation goes for many other gamers as well.

xTruthx5211d ago (Edited 5211d ago )

Who would buy this really? The game is old and there are so many great games coming on both platforms, so even if was releasing now on 360 and ps3 it would barely have sales. If this is true, I think Rockstar is just wasting time and effort on something that isn't going to sell.

Off topic: I usually never mute any one, but man.. two-face's comments are just so dam stupid(srry for the word, but dam did you guys read that?)that I just want to avoid comments with that level of damage control.

mikeslemonade5211d ago

HA to Microsoft because they payed 50 million for this it wasn't that successful on 360 and it's coming to PS3. For PS3 owners "The Ballad of Gay Tony" does a great job of the GTA4 engine(which is alright). The missions, weapons, and the story are better compared to GTA4, so i'd say it's worth it to go play it if there's no games in the summer.

Pistolero5211d ago

What are some of you talking about?...GTA4 is one of the highest rated games this generation...Infamous is not....if you like Infamous better that's fine but quit acting like it is a fact. I have both systems and have played through both games...and I really like GTA4 better than Infamous....also, what crack are some of you smoking...Infamous looks kind of crappy...I played the 360 version of GTA4 and I think it looks better in almost every way.

kwicksandz5211d ago

Im sorry infamous fans but i had to give up by the 3rd island. the combat in that game is down right annoying. 5 shocks to kill a regular grunt is just BS and they can shoot you accurately from a mile away, even when out of range of the zoom shock!

Trish was such a cow that i was glad when you get the option to kill her off and zeke who is sposed to be your friend was so annoying i smiled when he betrayed you. If anything i might go back to it just to kill of zeke too.

DatNJDom815211d ago

Kinda late to the party are we rock*........ Sorry but Infamous and Assassins Creed got me hooked this generation (so far). I really tried to like GTA4, but it wasnt fun for me. My opinion of course, because the game obviously has its fans. The magic of San Andreas and even Vice City was lost. Cant put my finger on it, but it just wasnt there.

So what ever happened to the "Liberty City stories isn't coming to PS3" stuff???? LOL!

Jamegohanssj55211d ago

Imma pick it up. I hope it's going to be like 30-40 bucks. I'm more interested in BOGT than LAD. I wonder did they add some new 80's music.


Lightsaber5211d ago (Edited 5211d ago )

its just another unheard of site looking for hits. If it does go to the ps3 one of the major gaming site be the ones to break the story 1st not some site no one has ever heard of. Plus IF its timed its probably a 1 year timed exclusive. When it come out agian oct ? and with GTA 5 likely to be announced at E3 this year what be the point of releasing GTA4 DLC when everyone is goin to be hyping up GTA 5.

Lets not forget the rumored 50 million MS supposely paid for the game. If thats true ther is no way in hell MS would ever let it go to the ps3

BTW it sucks anyways so ps3 fanboys are not missing out on anything

jwatt5211d ago

I have to Say Infamous was my Surprise game of 2009 I got all trophies in it. As a Sony guy though, I know that we were a little hurt by GTA going to the 360. It was actually pretty bad for us because, it was no way I was getting GTA for the 360 that's the game I associate the most with Playstation but yet I knew there was DLC coming out for the 360. I know the game was hyped like crazy but it was still a good game and it definitely looks better than infamous yet we bashed it more than we needed to because of what R* did to the Sony community. I know that's something we wont admit but I know that's what happen.

ThanatosDMC5211d ago (Edited 5211d ago )

But i dont have my GTA4 game anymore. I gave it to a friend...

"exclusive" dlc indeed.

Persistantthug5211d ago (Edited 5211d ago )

I liked the single player, but I LOVED the online even more. I still play it to this day and there are a group of hardcore GTA players on PSN that won't stop playing it as well.

GTA RACING totally reminds me of Road Rash from the Sega Genesis days

Eamon5211d ago


You idiot. I have both consoles and I played and finished infamous. It's a great game.

And why the hell would I feel bad for it coming to the PS3. I'm not like you or other selfish fools on this website who want everything exclusive to their console. I'm glad more people will be able to play it.

+ Show (40) more repliesLast reply 5211d ago

I thought gta4 was great, wish you could call me a tool in my face.

PhilipLarkin5212d ago

This is the better link, as it has a lnik to a proper website

xcroptic5212d ago

he is advertising his website... just for hits.. this news doesn't have any links but just email SG replied..

PhilipLarkin5212d ago

Wow - so an e-mail from a pretty big retailer doesn't confirming the release of PS3 GTA DLC isn't news worthy? What, d'you need Dan Houser to visit your house and tell you in person? =P

DaTruth5212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

Wish I had an alternate account called Dan Houser right now!

I'm tempted to make one, but I think only 360 fanboys are allowed to have multiple accounts! Notice Nasim only has one at a time!

Elven65212d ago (Edited 5212d ago )

Before this rumor I have never heard of SimplyGames and I'm sure others are in a similar position. Rockstar will be a better resource than a online retailer, I think we should wait.

irepbtown5212d ago

I've never heard of it, i live in England do you think thats the case?

I wouldn't play a sequel to a game that is the same place etc again.
The only game i would play again would be San Andreas. Just imagine a PS3 verson of San Andreas. That would be game of the year.

Elven65211d ago

According to their site, Simply Games is a British retailer! :P


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5211d ago
kevco335212d ago

Didn't we know this was going to happen anyway? It was only a "timed exclusive"...

mjolliffe5212d ago

Nope, they said it wasn't coming to PS3...

El_Colombiano5212d ago

Okay...okay...*gathers self*...okay...


DaTruth5212d ago

That is MS lucky number. All their timed crap is fifty million dollars. We have never heard another number for anything anytime, it is always 50 mil! And this is GTA4 DLC, if it was going to happen, this would be the game! I'm sure timed exclusive MW2 DLC was the same price or an ad campaign worth of it!

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