
Gamespot: Aliens vs. Predator Multiplayer Hands-On

One of the big calling cards of Aliens vs. Predator is that the single-player experience is split into three distinct campaigns. Rather than play as a colonial marine throughout the entire story who is dealing with the ominous threat of aliens crawling overhead or predators eager to separate your spine from your torso the whole time, you play as all three species over a trio of different stories. That buffet of options extends into the multiplayer side of the game as well. A number of modes pit all three races against one another at the same time, with each side using its wildly differing abilities to make sure the other side leaves this world in the grizzliest way possible.

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bruddahmanmatt5247d ago

Interesting vid. I'm not a big fan of uber twitch shooting mechanics but we'll see if they can make it work here. I supposed the twitch controls are necessary with the three classes playing so differently and so many close range attacks. The 1 vs. all Alien and Predator modes and the 4 player co-op survival modes look the most interesting to me. Still though, with Rebellion's recent track record, a demo is a must. That and this game doesn't look too great in terms of visuals.

rbluetank5247d ago

i will not even waste my game rental money on this game...


The History of Horror Video Games Part 2

In the first part of our series we took a look at the inception of horror games. Now we delve deeper and see how they evolved throughout the decades.

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Aliens vs. Predator, Kingdoms of Amalur, Sonic Unleashed join Xbox backward compatibility

"Ever since Xbox One backward compatibility was announced, gamers have been asking for a few high-profile games. While the majority of requests revolve around the Call of Duty franchise, the Aliens and Sonic franchises have been other hot series. Today, Microsoft announced that Aliens vs. Predator, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and Sonic Unleashed are now backward compatible."

FTLmaster2019d ago

Aw, man. Loved AvP back in the day.

XbladeTeddy2019d ago

Kingdoms of Amalur was brilliant. Never did get a sequel because all the crap that happened after with the IP.

AK912019d ago

Any 4K upgrades on any of the titles?

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Aliens vs Predator Might be Xbox Backwards Compatible Soon

It looks as though the 2010 first person shooter, Aliens vs Predator might become a Xbox Backwards Compatible title soon based on its revamped Xbox Store product page.

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FTLmaster2077d ago

Been playing the shit out of it on PS3. Hopefully this gives the game another lease of life. Such an underrated game imho.

Blastoise2077d ago

Infestation mode, so much fun

AK912077d ago

Hopefully that game is underrated

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