
PSFocus: SingStar Take That Review

PSFocus writes: "SingStar this year is six years and this franchise in that time has played a significant quantity produced. The first part was released on the PlayStation 2 and now have been a piece of 8 volumes appeared only on the PlayStation 3. The latest installment, which we now going to review, SingStar is Take That. A SingStar part based on the repertoire of the famous boy band Take That. The question is: is this one waiting?"

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SingStar ‘Sing for your Summer’ Tour Revealed

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) has revealed the ‘Sing for your Summer’ promotional tour for SingStar on PlayStation 3. As part of the promotion, visitors to HMV stores will get the opportunity to win tickets to one of the UK’s popular summer festivals, and attendees of those festivals will get the opportunity to get their party started with the help of SingStar.

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SingStar Adds Vibrato Support, PSP Remote Control

PushSquare: "SingStar's a bit like the gift that keeps giving. For years Sony's karaoke platform has evolved - delivering iteration upon iteration to its core, yet somewhat niche, fanbase. And Sony's showing no sign of stopping that support with the addition of Vibrato. The new feature will allow you to pull your best Leona Lewis and actually score points for fluctuating held notes, rather than being penalised - something which occurs in Rock Band and Guitar Hero should you stray from the predetermined note line."

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DigitalHorror815150d ago

My wife, daughter and I have four of them.

Volume One, Two, ABBA and Queen. Want to get Motown! :o)


Beta Applications for SingStar now being taken

The Lost Gamer writes:

It was earlier today that Sony revealed that karaoke classic SingStar was due to receive an Online Battle mode, due to be introduced in an update available in June.

However those that love to sing to their hearts content can gain access to the new mode prior to this, by applying to participate in the Beta.

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