
JIG: Crop Defenders Review

JIG writes: "Proving there is always something left for us to defend in the genre (and new ways to defend it), indie developer Robby Scherer offers Crop Defenders, a shooter/trap-oriented defense game. What are we defending this time? Well...crops. What's even stranger is how we're defending them; by using an assortment of birds mounted with heavy artillery, in addition to various traps like spikes, electric pads and explosive mines. Crop Defenders is inspired by several tower defense sub-genres; instead of protecting a goal via strategically-placed towers along a fixed path, you're tasked with guarding a small patch of crops from invading rabbits, deer and other hungry wildlife. The lunacy of using ammo-packing avians to fend off an assortment of woodland creatures is a testament to Crop Defender's kitschy charm, but its gameplay is pretty fun. There's a lot of entertainment to be had in raining down death-from-above with a variety of exotic, upgradeable birds and using gruesome traps to your tactical advantage."

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