
Can Bad Company 2 be the next Modern Warfare 2 in terms of sales and scores?

GB writes: "Modern Warfare 2 broke all records when it went on sale in November last year. In all proportions, it was easily one of the biggest launches in video games industry. Modern Warfare 2 has sold an estimated 4.7 million copies in it's first 24 hours of release just in North America and the UK alone. This breaks the previous fastest selling game record which was GTA: San Andreas. Activision has generated around $310 Million in revenue in the first day making it the fastest selling video games ever. If you think that was it, the entire franchise is now worth over three billion dollars."

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NateNater5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

I think this game will get relatively high scores. As for sales, its going to be pretty hard to catch up to MW2. But this game already looks a lot more promising than MW2 IMO. Its definitely a day one buy for me. DICE are good devs and they deserve credit for making the game look so good. Furthermore, DICE actually did a beta so it shouldn't be a glitch-fest like MW2. Lets hope it plays just as good as it looks.

jammy_705238d ago

maybe a better game, but it will not get close to the mw2 sales. everybody knows mw2 its just so popular...

Bnet3435238d ago

In terms of sales, no way. In terms of review scores, it'll come close.

Sunny_D5238d ago

In terms of gameplay? BC owns MW2.
In terms of sales? I wish BC had the sales of MW2.

Cold 20005238d ago

In terms of quality I hope so.

Kevin ButIer5238d ago

IWard need some competition to learn the importance of "improving" and "quality"... cough cough MW2

Saaking5238d ago

scores maybe, sales no. I hate to admit it but MW2's success is just insane. I doubt anything else on the 360/PS3 can even beat it.

Maddens Raiders5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

no, because Dice will not be paying off reviewers for scores to hype the sales. Instead it will sell on word of mouth due to the quality of the game itself, much like Demon's Souls (and to the chagrin of x360fb's) -- because the private (((beta))), that was only available on the PS3, was brilliant.

With the PS3 serving as the defacto lead platform for this game it is the x360fb's job now (and MS) to downplay this game as much as possible when compared to Infinity Ward's glitch/hackfest - which was rushed & marketed for the 360 fanbase.

"Can Bad Company 2 be the next Modern Warfare 2 in terms of sales and scores?" .....God, I hope not.

DelbertGrady5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

The only exceptions would have to be Halo: Reach and perhaps GT5.

@Maddens Raiders - Hmmm. So, if BC 2 fails to be a commercial success it's basically MS fault?

A Cupcake for Gabe5238d ago

I don't think it'll match sales, mostly because the hype and marketing for MW2 was redonkulously high. I like the beta a lot though. And think it looks to be a really good game. If it graphically comes close to Uncharted, like they say, then it'll have a big pull. MW2 is pretty ugly looking.

Me I have watched the Medal of Honor trailer in HD, and I think that's more exciting than every other shooter coming out. Looks to be the definitive MW-killer in visuals, gameplay, and art design. Sales I doubt, but who knows.

Saaking5238d ago


Halo Reach is probably not gonna reach at least what Halo 3. GT is probably going to sell 10 million+ as well. However, even though both of them are going to have exceptional sales, MW is multiplat. 2 consoles will sell a lot more than just 1.

randomwiz5238d ago

BC2 takes some skill.

I hate seeing when games get more sales, simply because they're easier(MW2).

The thing i like about modern warfare 2 is that although it is easier for noobs, you can become skilled at it and become really good, but there's always going to be that, how the **** did he kill me??? moment

Maddens Raiders5238d ago

guess that depends on what your definition of a commercial success is doesn't it? If you mean commercial success by basically putting out expansion-ware like IW did followed up by a marketing campaign to the world's largest n00bish following, then no it prob won't reach that level of (((commercial success)))...

Blaze9295238d ago

will be the next Bad Company. Plain and simple. Always with the "comparing"

RockmanII75238d ago

"With the PS3 serving as the defacto lead platform for this game it is the x360fb's job now (and MS) to downplay this game as much as possible when compared to Infinity Ward's glitch/hackfest - which was rushed & marketed for the 360 fanbase."

Why would the 360 fanbase downplay this? This game will be on both platforms, who cares where the beta was. The only way your comment could make sense is if the 360's version was shipped broken or something. The 360 fanbase will buy this if they want it.

PS you blaming the 360 fanbase for MW2's glitches is absurd. The PS3 version has already sold more than any other PS3 game this year.

Maddens Raiders5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

Why would the 360 fanbase downplay this? This game will be on both platforms, who cares where the beta was. The only way your comment could make sense is if the 360's version was shipped broken or something. The 360 fanbase will buy this if they want it.

PS you blaming the 360 fanbase for MW2's glitches is absurd

the 360 fanbase will downplay it simply for the facts that I stated above.

so lemme understand - you really don't know how this works do you? I'll try to catch you up to speed:

1. The private beta was only on the PS3 and no mention of it was ever for the 360 - this has already set the tone and I'm not going to go into the dynamics of what this means in the console/epeen wars, especially in relation to the N4G community and other copy-cat wannabe sites.

2. The game looks and plays terrific so far using the assets of the PS3 hardware, so let's say if things aren't so smooth running on the 2005 dvd based console - it's safe to assume we will see you in here downplaying that and talking up how well it runs on the PS3, right?

3. And lastly for the same reasons they [x360fbs] tried to make a big deal out of Madden '07, the same reasons they tried to ----> (((downplay))) Burnout Paradise & GTA4 (because they looked better on PS3), and why they still harp on Bayonetta - even going so far to say that it's better than GOWIII lululz..

If you still don't understand why x360fbs would downplay this game, and with only 1,700 comments, then maybe you're a little too new around here to understand how it might - and most likely will - happen.

PS - who's blaming the 360 fanbase for MW2's glitches? That doesn't even make any sense and would be absurd.

ColdFire5238d ago

I am a fan of both games, and was playing MW2 moments ago.

Firstly, MW2 story was very poor as a story, even IW say they just came up with loads of epic moments and threw them together.

Graphics, um ok, I have a gaming PC, I play MW2 maxed at FULL HD. The HD videos of BFBC 2 look way better, and they are from console, the PC version of BFBC 2 will be DX11, and blow MW2's graphics away.

Gameplay, is different between each game, but without playing how can you tell which will have the better, you can't.

Sales, is totally irrelevant to game quality, but of course MW2 will sell better.

Cold 20005238d ago


You sony fanboys are just taking too far. Just too freaking far.

Not only you're talking out of your ass but how the F did you manage to come to that conclusion ??!!

Jealous becausse of a BETA????????


DERKADER5238d ago

The only people who believe in this console war are poor fanboys who cant afford to be an all around gamer and need to justify their only gaming device. While noramal gamers get to enjoy Gears,U2,Halo,GoW,KZ2,Forza,GT 5P,and every other game that's out there. Instead fanboys come to N4G to try and bring each other down and try to compare apples to oranges till the cows come home. I've got my gaming PC, PS3, 360 , and a Wii that I Pii on every day because it's a wothless peice of crap that only plays gimiky shovelware.

Fanboys are pathetic and N4G is where they live. Grow Up.

Maddens Raiders5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

"....fanboys come to N4G to try and bring each other down and try to compare apples to oranges till the cows come home. I've got my gaming PC, PS3, 360 , and a Wii that I Pii on every day because it's a wothless peice of crap that only plays gimiky shovelware...blah, blah....Grow Up."

this is simply a bad case of insta-fail


I never mentioned the word jealousy. Not sure why you're all worked up really. As aforementioned, it's all about the dynamics of the lead platform and any implications that may present, coupled with the reception your side of the aisle may have. Something tells me that BFBC2 won't be one of your favs this year. Why is that?

edit1/: @ - are you able to answer the question - or are you still in a state of passive aggression? ahh nvmnd - you GAVE UP D:

Cold 20005238d ago

"Something tells me that BFBC2 won't be one of your favs this year. Why is that?"

So you're actually serious ??

I give up.

DERKADER5238d ago

Wars that don't matter:

1. Cereal War. Participants: Post, Kelloggs, and General Mills. Soldiers: None

2. Yogurt Wars. Participants: Yoplait and Dannon. Soldiers: None

3. Console war. Participants: Nintendo ,Microsoft, Sony. Soldiers: Ignorant Fanboys.

My point is all companies are at war, it's called business. It's just retarded fanboys who care about which side they're on.

bruddahmanmatt5238d ago

Once again, crap article with an obvious answer just for hits. But like others have already said, who gives a rip if BC2 doesn't match the sales of MW2? All I care about as a gamer is having the superior game on my shelf. If the idiots wanna go play a sub-HD game with twitch shooting mechanics by all means let 'em. BC2 is going to be an awesome game regardless of the platform you're playing it on.

evrfighter5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

Madden's Raider's

a perfect example of why not to do drugs

why would 360 fanboy's downplay this game? because the beta was/will be on ps3 and pc?

Take note ps3 fanboy's.

This is what you will evolve into if you keep the goggles on.

oh and btw
The pc version will demolish mw2's score...

which was a whopping 86 on meta,

badz1495238d ago

overblown review? I hope not!

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sundar1125238d ago

There is no way Bad Company 2 will better MW2. History cannot repeat itself.

Sunny_D5238d ago

I hope you aren't talking about quality wise...

Eiffel5238d ago (Edited 5238d ago )

If I do recall the year Call Of Duty 4 released Dice released no Battlefield that year. So...in turn you know how the popularity skyrocketed.

It took little to no competition to get popular, isn't that sad.

I've been a Battlefield fan from the start, In quality, combat, multiplayer, singleplayer, it's just plain better.

mfwahwah5238d ago

I don't quite get what you're saying. I fully expect BC2 to be better than MW2.

wicko5238d ago

BC2 will easily trounce MW2 in terms of quality. MW2 was super hyped, far more than it deserved. The campaign was incredibly short and it's story was derivative militaristic crap. The MP is hacked to hell, the PC version was dumbed down to make more money, and the game's balance was ruined thanks to killstreaks galore. And graphically? Please, all they did was add texture streaming.

People love crappy things, apparently. Just like so many people apparently love Twilight, many people like MW2, and I just can't comprehend why.

irepbtown5238d ago

Sales no,
everything else it will

KingKiff5238d ago

If buy better you mean sales you may be right...

but if better has any other meaning than $ then it will be better in every freaking way

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nouman19895238d ago

Sales? You gotta be joking.

pwarnock5238d ago

Yeah sure it does have a chance. Certainly the beta was very good and much better than MW2.

gameseveryday5238d ago

To be honest, i don't think they have a chance sales wise.

5238d ago Replies(1)
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A Matter Of Trust: What The Game Industry Should Do To Win Gamers Back

Skewed and Reviewed have written an Opinion Piece covering issues in the gaming industry, how current issues were issues years ago, and what can be done to help restore consumer trust.

anast4d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk3d ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast3d ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk3d ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac4d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk3d ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.


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