
Metro 2033 Arrives On The 360 2010 – We Were Right In 08


"Well we hate to say it, but we will anyway – told you so.

To all those naysayers who debunked OXCGN back in Dec 08 for dare saying that Metro 2033 would appear on the 360 (console platform) . . with many commenting on many forums that it would 'never become a console game' – well we're here to tell you that it is in fact on the console, and that it has been underway under the expert hands of the Russian developer, A4-Games from as early as 2006, while the PC version was started in 2005. Also known as Metro 2033: The Last Refuge."

gaminoz5227d ago

I personally don't mind other languages being in the game if:

1) the subtitles are large enough to read (often they aren't, even on a large HD tv) and
2) they don't speak so fast that I don't have time to read them, and
3) there isn't any action going on when I have to read

In Assassin's Creed 2 it was great that there was so much Italian to make it feel more authentic but at first I forgot to put on the subtitles so I could understand and then had trouble keeping up with some of the Italian translation.

Mind you, you don't want them speaking too slowly so that it seems artificial either....I guess it depends on how much dialogue is used: imagine all of Uncharted 2 in Nepalese or something....

XboxOZ3605227d ago

I've noticed many movies going down that route of late, which is great. Using the original language, having subtitles, and then english where needed. Makes for the entire movie/game experience being more authentic.

Some do it for a little while, then it slips into full english, no subtitles, which sort of breaks the mode.

I noticed that in Metro 2033, many of the art changed to reflect english after a few moments. Which was fine.

But the amount of rubbish coming from some gamers re this stuff is just wrong. Not everyone on the world speaks english, and one or two major countries (that shall remain nameless) needs to understand that, and that there's a world outside their own state or country.

The game looks great, and you can see the huge improvement since 2006 - 2008.

Saaking5226d ago

I've never even heard about this game except for one random article a while back.

moneybuyseverything5226d ago (Edited 5226d ago )

Jesus.... How in the hell did these developers do that?

gaffyh5226d ago

@Hisiru - Woah that looks awesome, I remember seeing a very old trailer, and this definitely looks better than that. Obviously this is the PC version, because it looks too good, but there seem to be some frame skipping issues when the person is playing.

Other than that, the game looks like Fallout but with better graphics, which means it has potential to be a great game imo.

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XboxOZ3605227d ago

2010 is shaping up to be a steller year, and with games like this, it's certainly looking like it. It's great to also see a developer honouring their own heritage and using their own voice overs for characters, rather than going the "English/American" route.

Plus it's nice being right every now and then re a game . . .

BadCircuit5227d ago

It is good to see that a different language is used the majority of the game rather than just used by a few NPC's.

mrv3215226d ago

WOAH, WHAT A NON-GENERIC GAME. After reading about this game it doesn't seem as generic as

armoured guy x, fight alien y for survival on planet z.

Master Chef, Covenant, Earth(?)
GOGS, Stone worm, not earth(?)
Hale, Chrimera, Earth
The list goes on.

I am very VERY excited for this game.

P.S i LOVED Halo, Gears and Resistance, just they where a tad generic but a lot awsome.

gaminoz5226d ago

I'm soooo sick of space marines and modern warfighters.

mrv3215226d ago

I want a remake of the ur-quan masters that will restore my faith no only in gaming but in humanity.

I am not sick of MW games or space marines I just see not point in them.

Minimox165226d ago

Chimera was a virus.. O.O, o.O?

Gunandthewink5226d ago

This games looks fantastic... Lets just hope its done well

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TheBrainZ84d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco3384d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast83d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.


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camel_toad995d ago

Has anyone here played it? It looks interesting but I'm not sold on it yet.

jjb1981995d ago

It has an actual story tied to your actions. The environments are immersive and I believe they just added DLSS. The devs are VERY active in the Steam community. The game has been released past the 1.0 version. There are some crafting mechanics and base building similar to Fallout 4. I like the voice acting and world building. You run missions for supplies, recruiting characters and progressing the story.. I've been playing since early access and the game has come a LONG way. I can't make any recommendations for any console versions because I don't know how those run.

camel_toad995d ago

Ok thanks all for the info and sales pitch. I'm going to get it after hearing this. And it's also nice to hear it has DLSS. One of the best advancements to come along in quite a while.

MadLad995d ago (Edited 995d ago )

I supported it via Early Access, but just played a bit before to get a feel for it.
Just officially started it last night, and I'm having a great time with it.

JsonHenry995d ago

Its a fantastic game. The reviewer is right. If it you like those other two games you'll probably like this one too.

GhostScholar995d ago

I'm sold on it big time. I love the metro games and to me this is very much in that wheelhouse. It was very impressive technically as well.

EvertonFC995d ago

Looking fwd to it, I thinks it's November for ps5 release so gonna wait 😊

THEzRude995d ago

Can whole heartedly recommend.