
Why 3-D Television will flop

"Hey, Paul, glad you can make it. Pumped for the game? Yeah, us, too. Hey, did you bring your 3-D glasses? No? Ah, well, we don't have any extras. Listen, do you mind just manning the snacks and drinks for the next three hours? Appreciate it, Paulie."

Expect to hear many variants of that conversation starting in June and lasting until corporate execs come to their senses.

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Chris3995269d ago (Edited 5269d ago )

Er, wait.


Some things flop, some don't. I think people will take to this. Especially with all the marketing and companies backing it.

I am curious however, as to what solution is available for people (like me) who occasionally wear glasses. There's an auto-stereo display option, which I believe works with no glasses; but it's tricky at certain distances. That's all I know about though. Even that is kinda neat though, 3D without the headgear in the comfort of your living room.

Unlike HD tvs, I won't be an early adopter on this tech. Gonna wait a bit for all the kinks to get worked out on the display end.

thorstein5268d ago

If anyone has seen recent 3D movies, we KNOW that it isn't the same as the lame jump out at you stuff of decades ago.

3D>HD>SD.... and if they play their cards right, they will start with gamers as we tend to be more tech savvy, have deeper pockets for gadgets and electronics, and we tend to be early adopters.

IdleLeeSiuLung5267d ago

I think the article raises some valid points. I guess razor thin profits margins in a recession isn't profiting high end TV sellers enough so they go and create a new market.

We will see, we will see.

kneon5267d ago

I think we'll be using the glasses for a while yet. The non-glasses solutions usually include some sort of head tracking to adjust the image so that each eye only sees what it is supposed to see. Very cool tech, but I don't see how it can be made to work for more than one person. That's fine for a PC display but a show stopper for TVs.

There are also the systems that project a fully 3D image in space that you can actually walk around and see from all sides, but this seems impractical for a TV display and so far I've only ever seen them in quite small sizes.

morganfell5267d ago

An MSN article attacking what Sony promoted in Vegas? No mystery there.

Lightsaber5267d ago

This will be a huge flop. The masses just went out and got HD TV. Hell a lot of people havent even jump to HD yet. Now in a decession you want people to go out and spend 1-2k on a new TV when they just did that a few months ago ? People are just not willing to buy a new tv every 6 months. Must people I know havent their tv for at least 10 years. Even the ones that are really into new tech wont buy this cause they just got HD tv's.

Genesis55267d ago

I don't know how much regular TV I would watch with in 3D. But I sure would like to game in it.

Eddie201015267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Why Microsoft and its loyal fanboys want anything that is not backed by Microsoft to fail.

The Yahoo article and this one are the same article, slight flaw in N4G's approval process, maybe.

Anon19745266d ago

The article complains about the price. We already know the sets aren't really going to be any more expensive then regular sets, so that's not really a factor.

They complain about lack of content, but then they defeat their own point. That's just a matter of time. When HD first rolled out there wasn't much content back then either, but update the PS3 to 3D and suddenly you've got a potential audience of 30 million people with 3D machines.

Don't like the glasses? Then don't watch 3D. Having to don a pair of glasses is a small trade off for the increased experience of watching movies in 3D. Doesn't the fact that something like 75% of Avatar's 1 billion dollars so far go a long way to prove there is an appetite for 3D? People could just as easily see it in the regular theaters, but they simply aren't. What does that tell you?

The cost of producing 3D content may be more, but that's just supply and demand. If people want it, companies will spend money to make sure they satisfy that need and make a tidy profit in the process.

I don't know what you guys think, but all these points seem pretty easy to shoot down. Is this article just trying to play devil's advocate or do they really believe, even in the face of Avatar's success, that there's really no appetite out there for 3D?

ChozenWoan5266d ago (Edited 5266d ago )

Somebody better alert ESPN, Discovery Channel, Imax, Panasonic, JVC, Comcast, Vizio, Samsung, LG, Disney, Direct Tv, and several other companies that they are all DOOOOOOMED!

ohh and here is a nice list of movies in 3D that will make their way into your home this year.


Ohh and just a heads up...
I remember when TV was still only in Black and white. Look where we are today just 25-30years later.

beardpapa5266d ago

probably not too bad, with a month's pay after taxes you can afford about 10 low end hdtvs and 1-2 high end ones. Most families I know nowadays have an hdtv or plan to fill up their bedrooms with one. Other people nowadays are more inclined to "donate" or throw away their hdtvs in favor of upgrading. It's not like back in the day where people bought one huge CRT and never thought of getting another tv after that PITA move thru the front doors.

Nowadays, it's black friday, lay tv flat in back seat of suv, drive home, set up new baby, love new wife.

Narutone665266d ago

I can choose the design of my 3D glasses. I want mine to look like ones designed by Oakley.

morganfell5266d ago

Anyone know what a decession is? And for the record most people do not own a HDTV ...yet.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5266d ago
Opie2115269d ago

Look at how long it took HDTV to gain mainstream appeal, and not even half the market has one yet. Hell, Homer Simpson was referencing HDTV more than 10 years ago in some episodes. That being said, I belive TV manaufacturers realize they don't want people to take 10-15 years to adopt this technology and will price the 3-D Capable TV more reasonably than the original HDTV's.

I find it pretty fishy that MSN.COM runs this article the day after Sony makes a big splash on the news about 3-D. Seems like someone is a little nervous about this being successful.

orakga5266d ago

I always cringe when people claim something isn't being adopted fast enough when it "takes XX years for it to reach YY% penetration".

Do people have any idea how long it took CDs to reach 80% penetration? Do they remember WHEN CDs were introduced? And how long it took for that technology to reach "mainstream" status?

I hate late adopters who are vocal.
They're the most ignorant bunch on the internet.

Optical_Matrix5269d ago

Lmao, not even 24hours and the pro-Xbox media is spreading FUD like butter on toast.

XxDeathDoctorxX5269d ago

lol r they idiots sony workin on a way u dont need the glasses dumb idiots

Omega45267d ago

How do they plan to have 3D without glasses, i dont think thats even possible

Omega45267d ago

Wow it does exsit. But eye-tracking 3D HDTVs sound extremely expensive, and everyone doesnt even have HDTVs yet.

3D got at least 5 years to go before it evens gets to the stage HDTV is now and thats if it even gets accepted outside of cinema.

AEtherbane5267d ago

Apparently everyone and there mother has one on display at the CES. think about it, in 20 years, maybe even less, the traditional household will have goggless 3D TV's.
I think this will happen because if you look at the PC, nobody wanted one, but Bill Gates and Steve Jobs basically said "its our goal to put a pc in every household."
it will happen, and im happy i get to see it in my lifetime :D

mrv3215267d ago

'Wow it does exsit. But eye-tracking 3D HDTVs sound extremely expensive, and everyone doesnt even have HDTVs yet.

3D got at least 5 years to go before it evens gets to the stage HDTV is now and thats if it even gets accepted outside of cinema.'

Seeing as last I check for a TV to support 3D it must run at 120Hz-200Hz, since most TV's can do that now I don't regarding the uptake. I mean I will be looking for a new HDTV soon and given the choice I'll be going with the 3D one.

Doc Sony5267d ago

You don't think it's possible. And that is why you fail.

Jump Out, Play B3YOND and MAKE.BELIEVE

cliffbo5267d ago


philips have already made a 3d lcd tv without the need for 3d glasses but it is very expensive and is only being shown to at shows so far and is not for sale at the moment but it may come out if they can get the tech price cheap enough

Narutone665266d ago

demo for 3d display without glasses personally on a 14" screen. I read about one with a bigger display. The price is a little bit expensive because of the fairly new technology. But just like the LCD TV it will come down in prices as time goes on.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5266d ago
unrealgamer585268d ago

lol this guy must be thinking about the old movies when you had to put youre 3d glasses for two seconds and never put them on for the rest of the movie

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OlderGamer172d ago

All nice and well but i want to see that in real gameplay on a console...and Hellblade 2 dont cut it....


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Is it running the same Windows OS? Because that is the biggest issue with the current Ally.


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purple10118d ago (Edited 18d ago )

is this the one with the switch2 chip inside.?

this is Intels first try at the format

probs not though, as it's $799. so not good for switch actually

Huey_My_D_Long17d ago

Well thats nice considering Ive heard it consistently performs worse when it really shouldn't.

Now if only Lenovo would do the same for the legion go