
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom CES Screens

IncGamers has a new set of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom screenshots, showing off newly-announced character Yatterman-2 in action.

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5266d ago

Marvel vs Capcom 3 Producer Ryota Niitsuma Is Leaving Capcom

Capcom veteran Ryota Niitsuma, who produced Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, has announced his departure from the company.

JoshuaMPascoe1587d ago

I haven't liked a vs game since mvc2.

Tetsujin1587d ago

I wonder who did CvS 1 and 2?

Rangerman12082766d ago

Agree with everything except SAO Lost Song. It should be replaced with either Rehollow Fragment or Hollow Realization.

Also there are a few other anime games that were pretty decent:
Berserk (dreamcast)
One Piece Grand Adventures/Battle Rush
Samurai Champloo
Ghost in Shell PS1
Yugioh games
Bleach Soul Resurrection
Cowboy Bebop
Hajime no Ipo
Nitroplus Blasters
Dengenki Bunko
MS Saga

And as for anime like games:
Blue Dragon
Tales games (my favorites being Vesperia, Symphonia and Graces)
Valkyria Chronicles

2766d ago
Venoxn4g2766d ago

I could recommend some japanese games, not exactly from anime..but still i think its worth to play for people who like anime:

Killer is dead, no more heroes (USA wii versiom), No more heroes 2, killer 7, okami, viewtiful joe 1 & 2, god hand


Tatsunoko vs Capcom Wii Played on Vita

A quick video showing Tatsunoko vs Capcom being played on a Vita portable device. To do this im running the Dolphin Wii emulator on my PC and using the PS Mobile Suite Remote Desktop App that was just released a few days ago.

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MasterCornholio4346d ago

Wow that is pretty neat. This is the same app that was used to play Left for Dead on the Vita right?

Amazing what people will do with playstation mobile.

NukaCola4346d ago

Give people the potential and amazing things with happen. Look at the things great minds have done with Kinect on PC. Just brilliant.

live2play4346d ago (Edited 4346d ago )

must be pretty desperate to play anything on vita that they have to resort to getting wii games

you know cuz theres nothing to play on vita

relax fanboys im joking


god i hope vita and 3ds sell great
so apple fanboys can ES TEA EFF YOU about angry birds taking over the world

bothebo4345d ago

I see you changed your name Calcium Chloride

miyamoto4346d ago

this is the idea of PS Mobile to make the PS Vita hacker & homebrew community friendly.

Ouya is just following Sony's lead.

abzdine4346d ago

Sweet ! Wind Waker and Resident Evil on Vita <3
Thanks for the tip

Kyosuke_Sanada4346d ago

Sony needs to start hiring people like these instead of formulating patches and other hindrances against them.....

_-EDMIX-_4346d ago

yes, hire pirates and hackers. No your right. LOL. Though they have really good tech skills, i doubt the reason you don't see Sony doing this is because the lack of knowledge.

Its very clear why Sony (even if it could) wouldn't do something like this as a feature.

"its great for pirating games" a publishers nightmare! lol.

"you can stream games from the PC instead of getting the Vita version" again...nightmare for publishers and even Sony. Its a great feature, but in terms of business, not one i would brag about.

Sgt_Slaughter4346d ago (Edited 4346d ago )

Okay, so now my list of things to get this year is looking like this:

PS3 Chunky Monkey (Fat) OR Slimy Jimmy (Slim) OR SuperSlim

Ouya... Just kidding XD

... My wallet is so f*cked!!

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