
Is Mature Gaming On The Wii Dead? Simply Put, It's Getting There

Is the Wii reaching its last days with the core gaming audience? Quentyn from AnalogHype.com explores this possibility.

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NotSoSilentBob5240d ago

Was it ever alive in the first place? You can't make something into what it isn't.

ogwilson5240d ago

depends on how you look at it, I guess. Hardcore gamers certainly did buy the console. And a lot of people did get the Wii with the prospect of getting great mature titles. That never came to fruition, though, so it's a 2 way thing. At one end, it never was "alive", but it did show signs of life.

Hisiru5240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

I need to say that MW:Reflex is a port of a 2 years game and it's selling pretty well without advertising.

For people using The Conduit to say that the Wii can't sell hardcore games:

FarEastOrient5240d ago

The Wii is marketed as a toy and so far it is treated as such by the customers.

The Xbox 360 and PS3 are marketed as multimedia/gaming portals and of course are treated as such.

Gaming PCs are labeled as Rigs since they eat polygons and bragging rights.

You can not blame the developers for trying to bring hardcore gaming to the Wii. When you have a hardcore game only selling 16 000 units after three weeks you know you are in trouble.

Mista T5240d ago

Mature games are a failure on wii

you would think that games like COD: Reflex, Madworld, The Conduit, etc would have sold a lot more by now because of 65 million console base but no.

Genesis55240d ago

It might help if they had HD.

execution175240d ago

but yeah i find it ironic about the wii and the ps3/360 when it comes to sales, if a ps3/360 game flops, then if a mature wii game sells that amount its a success, i oh so wish it was back like in the days when it was never about "teh salez" but yeah, anyone whose a real gamer wouldn't care anyways

ps i play my wii for the classics xD

Aquarius5240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

I can't re-call a mature title ever being on the Wii.

Metroid Other M
SMG2 ( which is an expansion btw )
Zelda Wii

I will agree as being fun to play but they're not mature.

I was playing Mario Kart DS just the other day and I seriously couldn't play it for more than a hour. When I actually realised what I was playing, it was a child's game. It was babified!!!!! And I don't mean the difficulty, it was kid-like something which I have grown out of.
cheep cheep beach, anyone?
Who here use to watch pokemon or just any cartoon? Would you seriously go back and watch it, now that your an adult?
DBZ was my favourite cartoon but I watch things like documentaries, discovery channel, soaps etc. HEROES is my favourite programme atm.

sikbeta5240d ago

Actually there is another point, the exclusives, Devs don't going to make Huge Mature games when they know wii-sport sold like +20m copies, they just try to copy what Nintendo do with its own games (Mario, Zelda, etc) but simply FAIL and making a Quality M game just to FAIL is not a good idea either

EvilTwin5240d ago

Aquarius -- What would it take for you to think of Metroid as mature? What, it needs swearing, more blood and some sexual references? I'd call the Prime trilogy much more mature than the vast majority of mindless and mediocre shooters of this gen and last.

I've never understood people who think "mature" equals "hardcore gamer." Core games used to actually be challenging, hard games. I'd call Megaman 9 a core game, easily.

If third parties want core success, they should put their best efforts forward on the Wii and market them. That's the elephant in the room here -- for most third party publishers/developers, they do NOT make games on Wii with a quality level commensurate of their PS3/360 releases.

blu_yu_away5240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

When Modnation racers comes out I expect the same type of comments from you about that. But alas, you will praise it for all of it's glory as a ps3 exclusive and how it somehow takes kart racing to an uber fantastic, unique and hardcore level previously thought unattainable. You claim to have "matured" far beyond cartoons or Mario games yet you still spend your free time trolling N4G.

ChickeyCantor5240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

" you would think that games like COD: Reflex, Madworld, The Conduit, etc would have sold a lot more by now because of 65 million console base but no."

You would think that games like MGS4, uncharted, etc would sell 20 million...


Its such a retarded statement, if we go by that statement Ps2 was a disaster because no game sold 90million+?

" Who here use to watch pokemon or just any cartoon? Would you seriously go back and watch it, now that your an adult? "
We might, your point being? Just because you started to grow some hair on your scrotum doesn't mean you can't appreciate something kid friendly.

" growing out of something" got merely anything to do with being an adult. 2 different things actually.

AWBrawler5239d ago

and how much did God of War sell on the 120 million PS2s out there?

last I checked Wind Waker Dang near outsold the whole series, and it was on the 3rd place Gamecube

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5239d ago
Trevorthenerd5240d ago

another anti-wii article... Well once I get my hands on super Mario galaxy 2, metroid other m and the new zelda game this year I will be happy...

Kushan5240d ago

To be fair, this year is the exception with 3x the number of good games coming out than the Wii normally gets.

tunaks15240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

honestly this is getting as bad as the PS3 is doomed articles
when Zelda, Other M, Galaxy 2, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom, Red Steel 2,MH3, and NMH2 comes out everyone will forget these poorly written articles

sikbeta5240d ago (Edited 5240d ago )

NOP, this is a totally different thing, Nintendo can live without M games, I want to point out that if it's a Quality Game, obviously I want it to sell very well and there are Game on the wii that simply don't sell as expected, not saying sell like cr@p just saying the games deserve MORE sales

SaiyanFury5239d ago

I think the article speaks about "M" rated games not selling as well. Lord knows the Wii has a plethora of other titles like New Super Mario Bros. Wii that is selling like hotcakes. There are more core titles on the system, just M-rated ones may not sell as well considering a lot of adult gamers that moved on past the N64 to the PS and Xbox brands. Just a personal observation there. The Wii has a lot of great games, it just seems like the more adult oriented ones may not sell as much.

SinnedNogara5240d ago

Capcom and Sega, and many other third-party developers are missing the point. It's not that there games were great and they didn't have an audience, it's that those games weren't really good and the audience wasn't satisfied.

Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop--Boring, average, terrible, nothing new.

MadWorld--Doesn't have much of a audience. Who wants a black and white gore-fest?? Not the average gamer. Even still, 100,000 people liked it.

House of the Dead: Overkill--Another rail shooter???? I'm pretty sure gamers were tired of their 50th rail shooter. And it's not the most-loved genre, unlike FPS games or RPG gaems.

The Conduit--Did you see those reviews? GamePro, X-Play, GameTrailers (7s don't go well on GT), Edge, and several other sources managed to get all their subscribers to hate the game. It wasn't really accessible and I never loved it. And I was a HUGE supporter.

Now look at how well Call of Duty games on Wii sell. This is what Wii gamers want, the numbers show. Same for Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3.

It's sorta Nintendo's fault as well. I mean, Nintendo isn't making too many hardcore games to convince third party developers. Yes, Metroid, Mario, SSBB, Zelda, etc are great, it seem's Nintendo forgot the other half of their killer franchises. By that I mean, the generation is almost over and where is Star Fox, Kirby, F-Zero, etc. And where are the new and revived franchises like Kid Icarus (yes I want that game too)?? Nintendo also has the friend code system too, which no matter who you ask, whether it's me or the most hardcore Nintendo fanboy, we all hate Friend Codes.

Now here's the question. If Sega pull's out, then who will publish the Grinder, Gladioter A.D. and The Conduit 2. I'm guessing Nintendo, and if that's the case, those games will sell MUCH more.

blackboyunltd5240d ago

i believe it! mature gaming is for the high defs

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Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

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Crows9015d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic15d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

Profchaos19d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto18d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger8818d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies18d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.


Nintendo Switch Online April 2024 SNES Lineup Offers Cutesy Chaos

Nintendo has announced the SNES and Super Famicom games gracing the Nintendo Switch Online library this month, and there are some gems to enjoy.

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OtterX30d ago

Strange headline, as I thought the star of the show was Super RType. I almost bought RType Dimensions EX this last month and was just thinking, man I wish we had the SNES one somewhere on Switch. That's where I got my start w the series and I was beyond excited to see it drop this week!