
TenTonHammer: Global Agenda Interview

With less than a month until launch, more and more details about Global Agenda's gameplay are starting to emerge. TenTonHammer caught up with Exec. Producer Todd Harris to learn about the match formats and maps that will decide the victors in both the free-to-play "Mercenary" PvP and in "Conquest," the grand strategy, agency vs. agency side of the game.

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MMOs - Global Agenda Review

Global Agenda review with screenshots, videos, and music.


Hi-Rez Studios Hiring a New Level Designer

Are you looking for a job in the industry? Hi-Rez Studios might make you an offer you can't refuse.

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SMITE NA Championship: The Business of Hi-Rez Studios

Lore Hound writes: "The business of a gaming website, hobby, professional, whatever, is fairly straightforward. First you get the hits, then you get the ads, then you get the money. For most gaming studios we’re left with a rather vague rendition of have an idea -> ??? -> $$$! During this weekend’s SMITE NA Championship we hoodwinked Todd Harris, the COO of Hi-Rez Studios, to address some burning questions that has led to the rise of SMITE as one of the first MOBAs featuring a championship with a purse over $1 million and counting."

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