
New NVIDIA 8700M GT Rendering Looks Better Than Xbox 360

NVIDIA has just released their new top of the line GeForce 8700M GT, just in time to remind you that no matter how cool your new MacBook Pro or Sony VAIO are, you are not the King of the Hill anymore.

Not only that: NVIDIA says that now your Xbox 360's graphics have been officialy overtaken by a notebook GPU, as you can see in the gallery. The new 8700M GT has been first appeared into the Toshiba Dynabook Satellite WXW, which just got announced in Japan. Full specs after the jump.

MoonDust6173d ago

Good to know that the card looks better than the Xbox 360.

PS360PCROCKS6173d ago (Edited 6173d ago )

"Good to know that the card looks better than the Xbox 360"

um ok why is this good to know? Does this somehow change your life?

MoonDust - 11 Jun 2007 21:51

25 - If your IQ is the same as the room temperature you shouldn't be commenting.
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OneBubbleBastard - 12 Jun 2007 00:11

25.1 - hmmm
" If your IQ is the same as the room temperature you shouldn't be commenting. "

That's exactly why you should stfu..
Agree(4) | Disagree(0) | Report |

emptiness6173d ago

not sure what happened with the above guys reply but obviously you touched a nerve with him...but it is good to know that this card is pretty high end sh*t

MoonDust6173d ago (Edited 6173d ago )

Let me explain this to the illiterate one. Here is the title "New NVIDIA 8700M GT Rendering Looks Better Than Xbox 360" It doesn't say "The Xbox 360's" therefore the title says it looks better than a Xbox 360. Like i said before. You can read but you can't comprehend. Stay in school and don't act a fool.


PS360PCROCKS6173d ago

You take a title that forgot to put an "s" behind "Xbox 360" made a retarded ass joke and expected me to realize that was sarcasm? Right...

MoonDust6173d ago

Not to embarrass yourself by trying to make fun of me by using a comeback a retard could've come up with and did.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 6173d ago
Xi6173d ago

how well it out preforms a ps3.

dantesparda6172d ago

Aah, just look at all the jealous little fanboys get mad over the facts! LOL! you people make me laugh! The X1950XTX could outperform a 360, recognize, kiddies!

razer6173d ago (Edited 6173d ago )

Well duh, technology always get's better over time. Yes too bad you need to drop $3000 on the laptop it will be built into and no games will be made specifically for it. But at least you can tell your friends how big your e-penis is while you play the tech demo for it over and over.

@#2 - Considering the 360 has the best looking graphics of any console right now I guess that means it trumps them all..

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That sounds about right lol

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because an account tied to an email that is likely a burner is going to end the world


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