
Nintendo Life: Castlevania The Adventure ReBirth Review

Nintendo Life writes: "We've already seen Konami resurrect two of their most popular gaming franchises with WiiWare's Gradius and Contra ReBirth, so it comes as no real surprise to see them giving the same treatment to yet another much-loved classic series: Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth. Despite its title, this actually has very little in common with the original Game Boy release. Other than a couple of gameplay touches here and there, such as the flaming whip upgrade, you wouldn't know that this game even had anything to do with it. Instead ReBirth chooses a hodge-podge of classic 8- and 16-bit Castlevania ideas to form an all-new experience. So how exactly does this title stack up against past Castlevania classics?"

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5269d ago

WiiWare Wednesday - Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth - Hours spent in Transylvania?

"Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth released for Nintendo's WiiWare service on December 28, 2009 in the U.S., at 1,000 Wii Points (which is $10). The game was developed by M2 and published by Konami, and received an ESRB rating of "TEEN" with "Animated Blood, Fantasy Violence" listed as content for parents and gamers to be aware of.

A brief description for the game on its Nintendo Channel page reads, "The classic Castlevania game is reborn for the Wii with all-new upgrades."

How many U.S. Wii owners have reported playing Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, and how many hours have they reported playing it? Brew yourself some coffee, and let's take a look!", writes CoffeeWithGames.

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DivineAssault 4098d ago

i completely forgot about this game releasing.. I want to buy it but i wont play it on my wii.. Hopefully it releases for 3DS.. ill get it for sure on there

silkylove4097d ago

I bought it on my Wii and transferred it over to my Wii U. It's a good Castlevania game, pretty short though, and a little too old school (no diagonal whipping). If you're choosing between this and Super Castlevania then get Super Castlevania. Cheaper and much better.

punisher994097d ago

Its is a crime that this game is only available for the Wii. So many people grew up playing 2D Castlevania games they should be available for all platforms.

stragomccloud4097d ago

It's probably because nearly all 2D Castlevania games were exclusive to Nintendo consoles. Doesn't make it right though. This should be available everywhere!

punisher994096d ago

Yeah I know. But Castlevania is a 3rd party franchise that have made atleast one appearance on every platform. So now its kinda a tease now when they decide to go ahead and make a game exclusive to one platform.

silkylove4096d ago

I think it's fine. The "Rebirth" series are a love letter to Nintendo. Gradius Rebirth, Castlevania Rebirth, and Contra Rebirth were all released for the Wii because none of those franchises would exist without the NES. This was a one time thing. And they're all very short games. It's not like you're missing out on a full game.

sdozzo4097d ago

Nice informative writing. I don't own a Wii but I appreciate the simplicity and quick recap.


Liner Notes VIII: Konami’s infamous orchestral hit

(Editor’s note: From Castlevania to Turtles in Time, everyone’s got at least one videogame tune stuck in their heads. Enter Liner Notes: a Pixelitis feature in which our writers discuss their favorite videogame music.)

"If you were a kid of the 80s and early 90s, then you were no doubt exposed to the musical phenomenon known as the “orchestral hit.”

For the uninitiated, the orchestral hit (or stab depending on your lingo) is a sound created by layering several orchestral instruments that play a sole staccato note or chord. In other words, it’s a quick note followed by a quick rest or pause. Its use by hip-hop artist Afrika Bambaataa in 1982 set off a whirlwind in the music business where every pop album had to use it.

And so did Konami.

The orchestral hit (particularly the “Fairlight Orch5” sample of it), to quote Joshua Kopstein, is “the musical equivalent of the Wilhelm Scream,” and boy did Konami have quite the field day with it."

- Patrick Kulikowski

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WiiWareWave review: Castlevania Rebirth

The Castlevania series has been one of Konami's flagship series for over 20 years, so does this game meet the high standards that the series has set for excellent gameplay? Let's find out!

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