
Monkey Island to return after seven-year break?

GamerSquad advise approaching this juicy slice of speculation with some caution, but a couple of clues have led some Internet bloggers to believe that work on Monkey Island 5 could be underway, deep in some subterranean LucasArts laboratory.

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MK_Red6200d ago

ZOMG, This is awesome news. I hope they make it like Monkey Island 2&3.

_insane_cobra6200d ago

Would be very cool if it wasn't for the fact that everyone who was worth a damn left LucasArts ages ago. But if it was an external studio production...

FreeMonk6200d ago

All I want is the first 4 Monkey Island games released for the DS or the X360 marketplace. Clean the sprites up for the first 2 Island games and release 3 & 4 as they were. It'd be awesome!

I know you can run Monkey Island 1 & 2 on the DS (3 as well on the PSP), with the Scumm Emulator, but an official release would be cool!

Bullseye6200d ago

It's those pesky monkeys all over again. Don't forget the Cool reggae-fied intro music.

cdawson6200d ago

All we need after this is for a full throttle sequel to actually make it to the stores!!!
Great news, MI is one of the best games series ever.

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5 Video Game Sequels we actually want to play

onPause writes:

Video game sequels are often considered ‘lame’ or ‘an easy out’ to fans of the medium which we can sympathize with. While Assassin’s Creed games are fantastic and Call of Duty is still fun, we all get some level of franchise fatigue. This is why we put together a list of 5 games we actually want to play sequels of.

mcroddi3821d ago

Never played more than the demo. What did you like about it?

DannyTanner3820d ago

I liked Diablo 2 so much, and even with the underrated D3, I'm still asking for it "again" on PS3. Never played it on a console, so THAT'S a sequel I must really want to play!


The Evolution of Adventure Games

In the beginning, there was text. And only text. That's right, people used to actually read for fun. How very Amish. It all started in 1976 with a little piece of 'interactive fiction', as they where known, aptly named Colossal Cave Adventure, also known as Adventure - which is in fact where the genre gets its name. I'm sure you've all played one of these at one point or another...

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GDN: Tales of Monkey Island Episode 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal Review (WiiWare)

The folks at Telltale Games had a daunting task in bringing this adventure game to the WiiWare service. The PC version is around 200 megs, and presumes you have at least reasonably modern hardware. The Wii is nowhere near as powerful as most current PCs, and WiiWare downloads max out somewhere around 40 megs... so something had to give. Fortunately, it wasn't the core gameplay or humor that got scaled back, but rather the graphics and sound. The end result is a game that is still quite fun and good at making you laugh, and it even picks up improved controls in the process.

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