
One Million PS3 consoles sold Worldwide for the Week ending 19th December as FFXIII sells 1.5 million in Japan.

Vgchartz weekly analysis -

PS3 sells more than one million consoles for the week, the highest the console has achieved in its lifetime. Total PS3 sales have reached 30 million units.

DS - 1,866,022
Wii - 1,543,556
PS3 - 1,002,736
XBOX 360 - 656,831
PSP - 451,186
PS2 - 214,676

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Bungie5258d ago

$ony Rulez

Hellz Yeah 1 mill

OtherWhiteMeat5258d ago

Hey Bungie...how much do you want for your Xbox ???? Guess trolling has become your full time job so I imagine you never use it.

Bungie5258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

I aint trolling

dis news is good for da competition

M$ will have to counter that with more stuff for 360 owner and $ony will do da same

Godmars2905258d ago

Sony was already offering more. The Blu-ray player alone says as much.

Megan Fox5258d ago

Last month they were off by miles. I think I'll wait for the real numbers.

deadreckoning6665258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

1. The people hating on Bungie should do a little more research on what consoles he has before making assumptions

2. Can someone please explain to me how and why PS3 sales in Europe or Japan affect North American PS3 owners? Just answer me that. I want to understand why I should care about PS3 sales that occur outside of the U.S.

3. Isn't Vgchartz biased according to PS3 fanboys? LOL, when the 360 sells more you guys call Vgchartz biased but when the PS3 sells more all of a sudden all of you just accept it, WTF.

"the same can be said for others here; why we care about sales in the US? The point is that sales for the ps3, even if they were coming from Mars, have an affect on Sony and therefore us gamers."

U didn't answer my question though. Stewgart u say that Japanese and European sales DO affect us in the States. So how do they affect us?

LMAO 6 disagrees, yet only ONE person was kind enough to try and give me an answer. If I'm WRONG then give me an explanation. This is SOOO typical, PS3 fanboys can't even answer my question so they resort to JOKES lol

ico925258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

This is actually phenomenal for sony ,gran turismo 5 is gonna do an even better job

lovestospoodge5258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

so according to vgc, ps3 just surpassed xbox's sales in "others" does that mean americas the only place where xbox is in the lead?

darthv725258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

Is that right? Is the Ps3 really only 5mil+ behind the 360? Should be able to make that up in 2010.

Once it passes it...will these articles finally stop or will we have to be subjected to them until it passes the Wii?

AAACE55258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

Do you see them?

Whenever VGchartz says something they don't like, it's worthless! Now it does... they love it!

Fanboys are amazing I tell you.

Back on topic: Good news if true. The Ps3 is a good system and alot of people should be happy with it. I hope some of them get around to buying Uncharted 2 because it is a great game to own.

I'm glad all consoles are enjoying good sales, it only helps the industry more and provides us 'REAL GAMERS' with quality products.

EDIT: Come to think of it, this is probably true! I just remembered for the last few weeks, I would go to stores and noticed that all of their 120 Gb Ps3's were sold out and all they had left were the 250 Gb Ps3's. I didn't really pay attention to it until I was at Gamestop and overheard a call where someone was looking for one but they had none left.

So it could be even higher than that... especially with all the commercials that have been on coupled with the lowered price and more games... not to mention it's christmas time!

5258d ago
poindat5258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

Vgchartz is useful to get a good basis for what the actual numbers will look like, but nobody should take them seriously. I don't think anybody can dispute that the PS3 had a killer week though.

BTW: Nice username, submitter. ;)

eagle215258d ago

Sony and Ninty look amazing last week. I know it's vgchartz but those are great numbers.

table5258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

the same can be said for others here; why should we care about sales in the US? The point is that sales for the ps3, even if they were coming from Mars, have an effect on Sony and therefore us gamers.

example - if sales are strong in one market it gives you more leeway to focus on succeeding in others, like what microsoft has tried in Japan but unfortunately for them it hasn't worked out to great. Strong European/Japanese sales for the ps3 has helped Sony in trying to succeed in the US.

Ninja Viking5258d ago

WXER = pot
Bungie = kettle

you get the idea

Bungie5258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )


you shut up

Open zone don't count

it's only for da lolz

ORIELKILLER5258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

@ deadreckoning666

oh i see ...you are one of those who thinks U.S.A is the world ... anything that happens in japan or europe affect us ... but then again ... you are just a fanboy

and another thing .. if the ps3 dont sell in europe or japan and its only selling in usa .. sony is doom ... so yes it affect us here cuz the more you sell the more games you get .. if sony cant keep on selling there are no more ps3 games .. in usa .. now go ahead and tell mom you learn something new today

deadreckoning6665258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

"and another thing .. if the ps3 dont sell in europe or japan and its only selling in usa .. sony is doom ... so yes it affect us here cuz the more you sell the more games you get .. if sony can keep on selling there are no more ps3 games .. in usa .. now go ahead and tell mom you learn something new today"

Sir..u are a tard, plain and simple. Everythg u just said was WRONG. If PS3 doesn't sell in Europe and Japan then Sony simply loses market share in EUROPE and JAPAN. It doesn't affect Sony Computer Entertainment America AT ALL. Dude, 360 sales in Japan are CRAP. Is Microsoft doomed yet?? I thk not. The PS3 sold more than the 360 this year WORLDWIDE. Is Microsoft doomed?? Nope.

Its painfully obvious that you don't know what the hell ur talking about. Do some research.

"if sales in SCEE and SCEJ are strong it means they can allocated more funds to SCEA and vice versa if need be."

Yeah that makes sense.

table5258d ago

if sales in SCEE and SCEJ are strong it means they can allocated more funds to SCEA and vice versa if need be. They wouldn't just let a market go to waste. I don't know what you are getting so uptight about...

sikbeta5258d ago


+1m new PS3 owners, Welcome to the PS3 Gaming Crew

boodybandit5258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

First off how are we suppose to research any further then his profile to see what console he does or does not own? I don't know his gamertags or real life name. So how are we suppose to really know?

And who cares what you, I or anyone owns? Does it mean because we own a product we have no bias for or against it?

Why don't both you and Bungie provide your gamertags for the consoles you own and I will confirm them by sending you guys messages or friends request. Mine is my N4G username and you can see them under my profile. It would be cool if N4G made everyone have to display their gamertags when creating an account. That way it would cut down on multiple accounts and weed out the non gaming trolls just looking for attention.

Microsoft Xbox 3605258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

Anybody can BS about owning a console. Telling me to research about him base on his comment history is just plain retarded.

dead_eye5258d ago

"Sir..u are a tard, plain and simple. Everythg u just said was WRONG. If PS3 doesn't sell in Europe and Japan then Sony simply loses market share in EUROPE and JAPAN. It doesn't affect Sony Computer Entertainment America AT ALL. Dude, 360 sales in Japan are CRAP. Is Microsoft doomed yet?? I thk not. The PS3 sold more than the 360 this year WORLDWIDE. Is Microsoft doomed?? Nope."

first party exclusives would suffer if sony weren't making money in europe and japan (studios would close in these regions) which would have a knock on affect on what games would get released in america.

kewlkat0075257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

Same ol on here...Like I said those tend to praise whichever article/devs/review site/numbers/regions only when it suites them. complain, spin and crucify when it doesn't.

thatz howitiz...lol

DrWan5257d ago

Use your head my friend, These companies is a global business. Any one sector suffers would hurt the company. When you talk about economy, there is no such thing as regional or local economy anymore, you have to think global. Let me ask you one question, does gasoline price hike in the USA affects Europe, Middle East, and Asia? you bet. where did the gas came from again?? And where did your PS3 came from again?

Good you are finally using your head to think and try to pull that out of your ass from time to time and not be blinded by your fan boy glasses. All that I have commented on so far has nothing to do with any one console, all I am saying is global sales matters.

Oh by the way, i throw you another bone, A game like Uncharted 2 that's made in the US, are you trying to tell me only USA Sales matter? You are pretty stupid then, the more copies of the game they sell, the more royalties NG and Sony gets, and the more they can invest in their next game, be it Uncharted 3 or whatever, and that will directly affect you, a USA customer.

Consoldtobots5257d ago

"2. Can someone please explain to me how and why PS3 sales in Europe or Japan affect North American PS3 owners? Just answer me that. I want to understand why I should care about PS3 sales that occur outside of the U.S"

here let me abbreviate this for you

"Im butthurt"

there fixed.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 5257d ago
bmw695258d ago

Amazing sales for Sony!!

young juice5258d ago

jesus christ the ps2 has sold 200 thousand!!!

AngryTypingGuy5258d ago

The success of the PS2 really is astounding. You can't argue the success of something that stands the test of time, and the PS2 has done just that.

Kevin Butler of Sony5258d ago

sad that bots only have sales to talk about now since they have no games.. but now sony is dominating in sales and bots are left with.... NOTHING

I guess you bots can always go push a hoop with a stick...


Rikuson15258d ago

The only things bots talk about now is features and im sure by the end of 2010 that will not be so anymore either lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5258d ago
PixlSheX5258d ago

2 - 2.5 million just for december?..

eagle215258d ago

yup, at least 2.5m worldwide. :)

Gr815258d ago

All the people who generally call VGC's inaccurate? I guess when the numbers say something positive about someones system of choice they are good when they don't they are bad?

TheTeam065258d ago (Edited 5258d ago )

I guess you haven't seen some of the posts above.

PS: Just because they aren't flat out calling it inaccurate now doesn't mean they think it's accurate. When the real numbers come, those same people usually say:

"Hmm.. not that far off from VG's" or

"Hmm.. VG was wayy off on this one"

wpggamer5258d ago

It's the same as with ign, kotaku, gamespot. Didn't you hear? VGchartz is accurate now, since they are not biased. And all game reviews from Gamespot are the only true ones, as everyone else is biased.
I choose my doctors the same way, if one says i need to eat healthy etc, then he/she is biased. If they say i can drink lot's of beer, and smoke and eat burgers and pizza all the time, then they are not biased.

Gr815258d ago

N4G long enough to have seen with my own eyes the contradictions and bad mouthing of VGC's so I know what I was talking about. VGC shows 360 over PS3 "Well its VGC its not true" PS3 over 360 "Great Job PS3" and vice versa.

And for the record I'm a fan of VGC regardless. But I'm a Wii fan so numbers released at this point in the game don't matter much to me. Wii won by a country mile and looking at these numbers, the lead is growing.

WPG is right. Same $hit different site. I can't stand IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku. Which is why I don't visit them..I come here..and even N4G can get ridiculous at times.

N4g_null5257d ago

Dion this site is pretty much done. The PS3 gamers excuses their behavior because they where picked on so why are the Wii owners not pizzing on every one else then? Because it is lame and no one respects that.

This imaginary hate for the xbox and the PS3 has to stop some where. It's getting pretty lame you know. Maybe it's a carry over from the PS2 and also the SONY fans are not angles... before the system even came out they where calling them selves the winner of this gen ummm sorta like how they are claiming to beat the xbox before it has even happened.

Fans like this are the reason or the fuel that made sony arrogant in the first place. They don't need PR when they have you guys now do they. Sadly SONy's 2010 release list is great yet I have a hard time seeing it because of these guys taste in games.

Hey but like the rest of the world who cares about this imaginary struggle.... You guys should have imported FF13 if you really wanted to make a point, yet most of you are probably kids or stock owners.

Well I guess I'll finish watching gamer the movie.

Gr815257d ago

Scissor, this site is also for the birds. So much trolling and BS blogs you'd think a gaming website would be for I dunno discussing games? Instead this site is a troll fest and I have a hard time believing many of these posters are even gamers, I'd call them im-posters because the are using the same catch phrases and buzzwords company CEO's have said.

I mean don't people think for themselves anymore? Its like musical chairs here. Every console gets its bashing turn. But more times than not its Wii left without a seat lol. But the funny thing is Wii fans are too busy playing NSMB or MK or MP Trilogy to even give a damn. The gens been decided years ago.

I find myself more and more less inclined to even post here. Because it is like talking to a brick wall. The crazy thing is that some of the stuff I've been reading from folks here is so ass backwards that all I can really do is just..take it in and say wow. I don't even feel the need to shed light on another perspective. Because its pretty much a waste of time. I'm telling you if it weren't for the people I have tracked (like yourself) I'd be here even less frequently than I have been.

Do you see the kind of crap being spewed by both sides of the junior PC squad? Bayonetta's differing score, MW2 graphical comparisons,FFXIII has more cinematics than MGS4, Uncharted 2 graphics king..it's like they are talking about everything BUT playing these games lol.

Wii is the new NES and I'm loving it.

TheTeam065257d ago

I don't get it, are you guys trying to prove something to someone? Because if not, I don't see the point of pointing out the obvious. Unless you two have some way of fixing the way things work here, I really suggest not wasting your time. It's the power of the internet now. Everything is available to anyone with a brain, and the opinions of the smart, the dumb and the neutral are gonna shine.

Sad to break this news, but what you seem to hate about this site happens all... over... the internet.

wpggamer5257d ago

Just because it happens, doesn't mean it should be tolerated. At the very least, we should discourage it. Especially in the Gamer Zone.

TheTeam065257d ago

We all know that won't work =(

PopEmUp5257d ago

I understand that you're a casual gamers lol

n4gno5257d ago

why dumb fans are allways repeating the same bs, you can easily see, and say "vgchartz is not really accurate, often underestimating sony's machines, and say in the same time "good job sony's", when on this same site, sony is doing good : it's absolutly not incompatible (since sony is doing probably a little better than vgchartz numbers) :)

N4g_null5257d ago (Edited 5257d ago )

PopEmUp Im a casual gamer too then I'd rather play with the skilled casual gamers than the all talk no game bickering so call hardcore gamers. Frankly any one that used casual gamer just may not be good enough at gaming to even play against online, which is why you all prefer a controller rather than a mouse and keyboard. Hell your most hardcore games Street fighter was complained about being to hard along with mega man... Now the gamers that don't use casual gamer are possibly the only real gamers here. Have fun with your HD console war because the console war is over and it's fan base is not the same one that made the PS2 what it was.

Sites like this are suppose to be about talking about gaming yet they help tear down gaming the more and more I look. Gamers use to say what they would love about a game now they just say yay it's going to be GOTY or it's going to sells a million or look it got 10s. WOW that all sounds really fun right... this is getting really lame. This shouldn't even be called the gamer zone any more.

Also TheTeam06 the entire internet is not like this. There are sites with out this yet I'm not tell you or any one from here. I really come here to see what the retarded have to say now days, you know the arm chair CEOs who are butt hurt about what a PR rep said.

It's funny how this site and it's members talks about quality all the time yet can not find quality material. It's like all this spam and I know it's making you guys a lot of money yet imagine the money you could make if you made the lines separate. Detractors should progress the argument rather than repeat it.

Plus too the list of some of the gamers games is pretty stale by gamer standards. So many complain about fads and what not but Ive yet to see any of these guys like a game with hardly any marketing behind it.

I'm not sure what you guys are going to prove yet you are not selling your platform very well by just claiming things. Accepting the trashing of this site just because it's the internet is lame yet it's really up to the people who own the site.

Hey it's getting pretty useless to come here any more the gen is over and I've seen this all before. Just replace N64 or NGC with PS3 and you will see what I mean, they used the same arguments. If you feel your console is right for you then why debate with people who clearly do not like your tastes?

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