
Rise of Nations Age of Tanks 2.3 Released

This mod from NickoX features more units of all civilizations, new buildings, changed government rules and more.

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Rise of Nations Is The Best Real-Time Strategy Game Ever Made - FleshEatingZipper

N from FleshEatingZipper goes over the finest points of the real-time strategy genre's crowning achievement. In video form, of course.

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ATiElite4781d ago

Well...that's personnel preference.

I do have rise of Nations way up there on the list so i have no problem with it being Best Ever. Very very complex RTS using air land and water to achieve victory. The "one Big Base" theory doesn't work in this game, you gotta make many cities which does make battles last the longest out of any RTS i've ever played. For me advancing to the Modern Age and launching a Nuclear strike is So Gratifying.

If your into RTS try this out, it's a high quality experience. Made by Microsoft but it is NOT GFWL, awesome!!

I Want That Old Time RTS

"I love real time strategy (RTS) games. I love the thrill of building up an impregnable fortress; watching your villagers expand your economy, attacking an enemy with a well rounded army. Those are the things I crave in an RTS. When I was young, I constantly played games like Age of Empires II, Starcraft and Rise of Nations (I still play them today), as well as Empire Earth, Command and Conquer, Homeworld, and Age of Mythology. Those games define the "classic" era of RTS games. Nowadays, the classic RTS games are impossibly hard to find. It seems that the industry has hit a slump. Sure, there are some bright spots (like Sins of a Solar Empire), but overall there are very few RTS games on the market. How did the RTS market come to this? How did a flourishing genre suddenly grind to a halt? The answers are very unsettling." -from Reid!

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kr90915423d ago (Edited 5423d ago )

A good RTS is hard to come by now. I miss the good ol days when i used to play Command & Conquer, Age of Empires 3, Rise of Nations, all those classic games that i would spend hours on every day...its a shame there are no developers that are willing to step up to the plate and create a true killer, next-gen RTS.


1UP: Tom vs. Bruce #17: Rise of Nations: Thrones & Patriots

Tom and Bruce from 1UP write:

"As long as there are real-time-strategy games, there will be real-time-strategy-game expansions. And as long as there are those two things, Tom will be assured of beating me twice at the same game. We played Rise of Nations last year, and Tom won. As soon as Tom heard there was going to be an expansion, he marked the release date on his calendar with a big, red marker. Probably. That's just my artist's rendition of Tom's everyday home life."