
GamesRadar: Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier Review

GamesRadar writes: "Welcome back Jak and Daxter. After four years of throwing darts at pictures of Ratchet & Clank, PlayStation's original dynamic duo is back. As comebacks go, it's a return to form: an inventive platformer that charms and challenges in equal measure. But when your greatest hits were on PS2 that's a mixed blessing."

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ninsigma2972d ago

There was no conclusive ending to the franchise. There was so much more that could be done. Jak still had to face being Mar. I mean, there would be at least one more trip back in time because he had to build the city.

But I do agree that rebooting would be better. Simply because this is a different naughty dog to the one who created jak and daxter. Different people with different ideas. If they're gonna take on jak and daxter again, better to start from scratch and make it their own from the get go rather than trying to be new while being laden down by the originals.

andrewsquall2972d ago

Exactly. Also if Naughty Dog aren't involved, then just don't bother please. We don't want another Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier, Spyro the Dragon after the PS1 days or any of the Halos after Bungie stopped making them to happen.

ninsigma2972d ago

Yep, I agree. As much as I'd love another one of these games, it's probably best to just leave it as it is.

pecorre2972d ago (Edited 2972d ago )

To be honest, the last Sly game was not developped by the original team and it was very good. If Naughty Dogs don't do it (they won't because they'll make The Last of Us 2), Sony could give it to a good developper.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi2971d ago

I would agree that the creative minds are different and thus they would make a different Jak experience, but because that's the case I'd say they should just leave Jak alone for now. Jak is my favorite franchise and if they change it I don't think I'd be happy.

Also, after pondering I realized why Jak didn't get a movie. He's not really a family friendly character like Ratchet and Sly. But, it being animated would also limit it's adult audience. There really is no market for a Jak movie.

Kallisti2972d ago

*Jak and Daxter Shouldn't Get a Sequel until we get a new Crash Bandicoot first. There, fixed your title for you.

2971d ago

Ratchet & Clank v Jak & Daxter v Sly Cooper: Which Is the Best Series?

Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and Jak and Daxter ruled the roost back in the PS2 days. But how do they fare going up against each other?

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DARKKENT2974d ago

Jak for me

But all three are great series

GigawattConduit2974d ago

I would kill someone for that Jak and Daxter reboot. Going off the concept art, it woulda looked gorgeous as hell.

naruga2974d ago (Edited 2973d ago )

while Jak &Daxter 1 is by far the best game overall (reminiscent of original Crash games) ,the others Jak entries not so much ...instead R&C it kept its quality and its gameplay/atmosphere/feeling intact along the multiple entries and i consieder it the best series ...Sly cooper imo needs abit more work to reach the others (especially in its art direction)

GigawattConduit2974d ago

Honestly, I played the sequels before the original Jak, and I like them much more than the original. It just...doesn't appeal to me like the other two do.

bouzebbal2973d ago

I Love all 3 but I do prefer Sly games.

Outside_ofthe_Box2973d ago (Edited 2973d ago )

Jak and Dax for me.

The third one if my favorite. Like gigawatt, I played 2 and 3 before I played the first Jak, so that could be the reason why I prefer both over the first.

As for the reboot... I rather ND leave Jak and Dax alone if they're gonna go that route. I still really really want another Jak game though. I can only imagine what ND could do with a open world Jak and Dax game on the PS4.

InactiveUser2973d ago (Edited 2973d ago )

I never got into Sly.. it always seemed too kiddie to me. Whether it is or not, that's the vibe I always felt, so I never bought a Sly game. I played a demo a while back, that's it.

Jak always pissed me off how you had to physically touch the drops/collectables instead of being within range and them gravitating or magnetizing to the player like in R&C. I did play some Jak though and thought there were some good parts, but I don't remember finishing any. I just remember turning at a pickup, thinking I was close enough and ready to move onto my next target/objective, but missing it and having to turn around again to get it. I got so mad a bunch of times, like why the hell don't they just gravitate to you like in R&C.

Therefore, I've always preferred R&C. I've liked the graphics, gameplay, characters, story, comedy, etc. Like others have said, besides a couple offshoots that were stinkers, they've been consistently good.

badz1492944d ago

R&C here all the way and Sly 2nd! the dark path J&D went with the 3rd really killed it for me and I still have a hard time pushing myself to finish it eventhough I got the HD collection during launch. I tried, but...I don't know. Dexter PSP game on the other hand was down right AMAZING! really love it!

really wish Sony would have let Sanzaru finished their vision of the Sly series and give him and the gang more chances like they did with R&C! it has only been 4 games and although another studio took over the for the 4th, the soul of the series is still in tact with fresher gameplay mechanics with the costumes. and most of you guys here are right! the ending of Thief in Time really left me wanting more! come on Sony...I hope they don't just leave it there!

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-Foxtrot2973d ago

Always Jak

The guy didn't even speak a word in the first game and I always found it better then Ratchet and Clank.

Antnee5342973d ago

I almost would love if naughty dog asked insomniac to do a remake/reimangining for jak and Daxter like they did with the new ratchet and clank

suli123452973d ago

Thats blasphemy my friend

Antnee5342972d ago


I agree but if its the only way to get a new jak and Daxter I'm down with it

Relientk772974d ago

I like all 3 but personally Ratchet & Clank is my favorite

jaymacx2973d ago

Same... R&C overall is the best platformer on Sony Playstation

Antnee5342972d ago

What about early crash ?

ninsigma2974d ago

Jak and Daxter for me. Loved that series. That franchise is in my top 5 of all time. Ratchet and clank would be next. I didn't play sly cooper back on ps2 or ps3. I got the trilogy on vita and it's good but no where near as good as the other two I thought.

PhoenixUp2974d ago

I liked Jak & Daxter the best.

However it is great we got HD collections of all these great franchises last gen.

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PSblog | Behind the Classics: Jak & Daxter

Posted by Fred Dutton // SCEE Blog Manager -

When I took over the SCEE PlayStation Blog a month or two back, I promised you a few new regular features. Today, I’m happy to unveil the first of them: Behind The Classics. Every fortnight (well, that’s the plan at least), we’ll be talking to the creative force behind a vintage PS One or PlayStation 2 title. To kick things off, Naughty Dog co-founder Andy Gavin was kind enough to lend us his time to discuss the making of seminal 2001 PS2 platformer Jak & Daxter.

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DigitalRaptor4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

Good read.

There are simply not enough 3D platformers like this around any more. It's why I'm anticipating Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time and the new Ratchet & Clank so much. I hope next gen ditches the overwhelming FPS obsession and brings about a new wave of action platformers.

Emilio_Estevez4306d ago

Love this idea for the psblog....the internets wasn't all that big when a lot of these things came out and now that it is the info should be spread to the people.

SonyStyled4306d ago

Jak and Daxter will always have that special place in my heart. They where my childhood. Im so glad they released the collection.

ShaunCameron4306d ago

Will a new Jak & Daxter ever be made?