
Konami preps creature-battling DSi RPG Foto Showdown

Pocket Gamer:

It's taken a while but it finally seems that some publishers are looking to use the DSi's camera.

EA announced its action-platformer Foto Face: The Face Stealer Strikes recently, and now Konami has been talking up its turn-based strategy RPG-cum-Pokemon game Foto Showdown.

The turn-based strategy part of the game seems to be fairly generic, in terms of getting you to battle various sets of monsters against various opponents (one at a time), as well as setting up decks of different characters, weapons and health upgrades.

What makes the game more interesting is how you can you use the DSi camera. Basically, the system works using a colour recognition to spawn monsters based on the dominant colours in your photos.

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5251d ago
player9115251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

Don't tell me that this is the first actual DSi game.

EDIT: NM looks like it's just a DSiWare game from the Video. This and the linked article make it read like its an actual game.


Link-Cable Retro Review Foto Showdown

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "It’s been a while since I last worked on a retro review as quite frankly, I’ve been too busy with all the new games coming out to put any focus on clearing my backlog. And while it took a bit of doing to tear me away from all the new, HD games I was playing, persistence is key and really needed to make progress on the ever-growing pile of old games that is my backlog, and so for the next game on my list, I decided to take on maybe one of the more unique games in my collection – the Nintendo DSi exclusive RPG, Foto Showdown a game where you capture monsters and make them battle in turn-based battles… wait a minute, am I just playing a bad version of Pokémon?!"

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Game Guys review: Foto Showdown

Konami's DSi game Foto Showdown is a fairly unique case. For gamers who like the Pokémon games, Foto might prove to be a decent alternative. For those who don't, Foto might prove to be the Pokémon-ish game that's actually cool to play. As good as that might sound, though, it does has its noticeable flaws.

TheSoundDefense4790d ago

Sounds like Pokémon if Pokémon were a strategy RPG. Pretty interesting concept, but I wonder if the recent release of Black/White will smother this one. That'd be unfortunate.


Game Revolution: Foto Showdown Review

What do you get when you cross monster collecting, cameras, and rudimentary turn-based tactics RPG combat? The answer should be a fusion of Pokémon Snap and Pokémon Stadium, and oh, such a thing would be glorious indeed. But no, sorry. The actual answer is a great, big ol' WTF?

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