
Dragon Age: Origins Coming to the Mac

Dragon Age: Origins has been widely praised since its release on November 3, earning high review scores and numerous awards including the RPG of the Year and PC Game of the Year titles at the 2009 Spike Video Game Awards. One thing it has not been, however, is on the Mac, but that's an oversight that will soon be corrected thanks to the efforts of TransGaming Inc., best known for the Cedega and Cider software that allow PC games to be played on Mac and Linux-based systems.

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mcgrawgamer5259d ago

should be good news for mac owners who want to play this game and don't have a console.

Darkstorn5259d ago

Good news for Mac users, I know you guys tend to get the shaft when it comes to games. Everyone should play this game.

kaveti66165259d ago

Can't they just create a Windows partition to play?

Nihilism5259d ago

Because they would need to buy 2 OS's to get the functions they need....once again, why does anyone buy mac OS, let alone the hardware....insane :S

DeadlyFire5258d ago

I am glad. Maybe this means one day we will see some real potential with game libraries on Mac and PC. :)

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raztad5259d ago

It's somewhat funny, MAC news in the PC section :) Definitely good news for MAC owners. A quality Western-RPG coming to a MAC near of you.

y0haN5259d ago

It's Mac, not MAC. We're not talking about hexadecimal hardware addresses :D.

Letros5259d ago

Boot camp...why go through the effort of porting.

beardpapa5259d ago

porting to the mac using the cider wrapper actually isn't that difficult. if anything, they'll make a decent little profit off little effort.

r0s3b0wl235259d ago

Cool, now gay people can try this great game too!

Sunny_D5259d ago

Wow, Lol. Gays versus nerds? Hmmm, I take the nerds.

Nihilism5259d ago (Edited 5259d ago )

That's great for mac owners. I still believe that if the propriety music programs specific to mac went to windows that the mac userbase would halve overnight


you ask these mac fanboys what their number 1 reason for using mac over PC is, I guarantee the majority will say 'mac is better for music editing', like I said if garageband etc came to pc, a lot of the reason for choosing mac would disappear

raztad5259d ago

I dont think so. I know a lot of mac users, and I HAD a mac myself. Most of them are mac fanboys and just dont dig PCs.

PirateThom5259d ago

Music programs are the sole reason I would consider a Mac. I would probably be as well getting a PC with a decent soundcard and a copy of Reason, MAX or something though to go with FL Studio.

Jamescagney5259d ago

I've been into music production since the Amiga days and can honestly say there's little you can do on a Mac that you can't do with a pc. Others have their own preferences though, I know a lot of people that will only use Macs. Much like I would only use a pc I suppose.

darkequitus5259d ago

I use my iMac for Final Cut Studio and nothing else actually. I do all my transocding on my PC using the GPU.

Gameplay9995259d ago

I love Macs because of the Mac OS and iLife is a great pre-installed software package that doesn't come with Windows anything or on any PC. Apple adds a personal touch to their computers and its just a joyful experience. Everything isn't all rosy as I can say I have had problems here and there but managed to figure them out on my own.
Using a PC running Windows now for me would be a headache, even though I wouldn't mind getting a great gaming PC to play titles like Sins of a Solar Empire, Civ IV etc.

SaiyanFury5259d ago

Macs are nice and stable as far as the OS goes. But as far as functionality goes, there's little difference between the two platforms. The mac software no doubt does a good job, but there's a lot of variety of software in the Windows environment that could easily rival a Mac, especially with a PC equipped with a multicore processor.

As for the virus thing, you guys are right; it depends on where you go. I have very modest AV software on my PC here and I've yet to encounter a virus because I don't go to screwy and elicit sites. Mostly gaming sites and biking forums. I don't anticipate any virus problems.

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jznrpg171d ago

Any game you want to play.


10 Best Lore-Rich Video Games

Talented writers can build worlds that are as wondrous as real-life. Here are the best lore-rich video games for you to get immersed in.

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shinoff2183495d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion494d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad494d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90494d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183494d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90494d ago (Edited 494d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde494d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90493d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde493d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator494d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13494d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183493d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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